Crucible Flashcards




Proctor is a haracter who is filled with guily and regret due to his adulterous actions with the antagonist of the plaay anigial. His good intensions are shown when he says to abby who is deeply in lovr with him that ‘ i will cut off my hand before ill ever reach for you again’ showing his desair to remain loyal to his wife. he tells her ‘ we never touched’ showig he wishes to forget about her and get over his sinful mistake. He is seen to be rsther emotional during this as he is harsh but clear with abby emphasisng the regret thst john feels. Elizabeth believes that john wiages ro return to abby whuch creates dramtic irony as yhre audience knwo this not to be true. Proctor becokeds abgry and says “womam ill not have your suspicion any more” wrongly directiong his anger at his wife when in reality he is angry and embarrased at his own actions. This shows the negative and damaging imoact guilt and tegret can have on a relationship. Millers effective use of emotive langaue allows for a powerful scene to take placw which allows for yhr audience to become invested in the proctors’ confusing and cod relatipndhip.

Proctors inmmesive vaalue and pride he puts upon his reputation prvent him from going agaidmt abigil in the hysterical court. In at 2 the protors fight over whether john should do the right thing and go againt the now poweeful abigial in the unstable court of law. Proctor says “I have reasoj t think befpre i charge fraud on abigial” emphasing he value he puts on his reputation and how much he doesnt want his faair to come out. This shows the importance of taking sociak resposibikity for your own actions as john does not want to face the reprocutions of his own actions. Proctors fear or ruining his repuation is quickly opvercome when he has to save his wifes life. In the climax of the play, hysteria is reached when abigial and her friends act bewitched, grasping thr audiences attention. Max hysteria is reached when Porctor says “I have rung the doom of my good name” showing that he will do anything to protect his loving wife and shows his immese loyslty to her. Thuia emotinal,scene emphasises the flaws in the jstice system as elizabeth goes agaisnt her owns morals and lies in court in orfer to protet johns name. This susequently results in both prodctors being senteced to hang. Millers effective use of conflit creates a powerful and ispiring scene as john goes out of his comfort zone to help his wife who does thr same for him ending the couples conflict however at a fatal comprimise.

Proctor is faced with a dilemma at the final svcne of the play to either live and ruin his dignituy or to die and regain his honour and pride. John des not think he is worthu of dying with pride due to his sinful flaws anf could not live up to the honourabke characterts eho have died befoere him such as rebecca nurse as he says “ I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint” showing thar procor belives he is not the honoutabke man he once was. Hwveer proctor eventuakky givrs in tomhis guily and does the right thing regining his honour and pride at a fatal cost. This emotinal scene is hightned by millers expert use of stage directions and setting as the dark dubgeon and tine limit of sunrise create a tense and emotinal feeling fpr thr aufience making them qurestion their own intrgrity and what they would do in johns position.

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