Cross-country Flight Planning And National Airspace System Flashcards
What is special use airspace?
Military op area Controlled firing areas Prohibited areas Restricted areas Alert areas Warning areas National security areas TFR (Temporary flight restrictions) Terminal radar service area SFRA (special flight rules area)
What are the controlled and uncontrolled airspace’s?
Controlled airspace. Uncontrolled Airspace
A. G
A airspace height and requirements
18,000 msl to flight level FL600… fl600 is 60,000 ft msl.
Boundary is within 12nm off of US coast of the 48 CONUS and Alaska.
Unless otherwise authorized, must be in IFR (instrument flight rules)
Has ATC clearance
Must be IFR rated
Have ADS-B out
B airspace’s height and requirements
10,000 ft msl Surrounding busiest airports Requires ATC clearance to enter Two way radios Transponder with altitude reporting ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillance broadcast) out
C airspace’s height and requirements
Surface to 4000 ft msl with 5 nm radius
2nd layer is 1200 - 4000 ft msl with 10 nm radius
2 way radios and communication prior to entry
Transponder with altitude reporting
ADS-B (automatic dependent surveillance surveillance broadcast) out
D airspace height and requirements
Surface - 2500 ft msl
2 way radios and communication prior to entry
E airspace
Depends on what chart shows…..
Surface - 17,999 ft msl
1200agl - 17999 ft msl
700agl - 17999 ft. Msl
If no base is depicted… 14500msl - 17999 ft msl
Above FL600
ADS-B out required 10,000 ft msl unless if you are at and below 2500 AGL (flying near the ground that has an elevation 10000 ft msl)
ADS-B out over the Gulf of Mexico at 3000 ft msl within 12 nm off of the coast.
G airspace (uncontrolled)
Airspace that is not designated A-E.
VFR Weather minimums
E and G above 10,000 ft MSL
5 SM visibility
1,000 ft above clouds
1,000 ft below clouds
1 SM horizontally from the clouds
VFR weather minimums
Below 10,000 ft MSL
G (night), C, D, E
3 SM visibility
1,000 ft above the clouds
500 ft below the clouds
2000 ft. Horizontally from the clouds
VFR weather minimums
Class B
3 SM
Clear of clouds
VFR weather minimums
Below 10,000 ft MSL but above 1200 ft AGL
G (day)
1 SM visibility
1,000 ft above the clouds
500 ft below the clouds
2,000 ft horizontally from the clouds
VFR weather minimums
Below 1200 ft AGL
G (day)
1 SM
Clear of clouds
Fuel requirements
Must have enough fuel to reach intended landing spot plus…
Daytime: 30 minutes of reserved fuel
Nighttime: 45 minutes of reserved fuel
VFR cruising altitude
Unless turning or while holding in a holding pattern of 2 minutes or less while flying more than 3000 ft AGL and below 18,000 ft MSL, each person shall maintain…
Magnetic course of 0-179 any odd thousand foot plus 500 ft. MSL (3500, 5500, etc)
Magnetic course of 180-359 any even thousand foot plus 500 ft MSL (4500, 6500, etc)
ETA Conversion to UTC
Add EST… 5 hrs CST… 6 hrs MST… 7 hrs PST… 8 hrs After daylight savings (spring forward) subtract 1 hour to above conversion.
Glide distance for Cessna 172
POH 3-26
Vg is 68 knots
Ratio is 1.5 NM per dropping 1000 ft. (1.5:1)
But for conserving use ratio (1:1)
Descent rate
Knowing when to start descending, use 3:1
3 NM per 1000 ft.
PAVE is?
External Pressures
Illnesses Medication (aopa or FAA website) Stress (chronic or acute Alcohol (91.17) Fatigue (chronic or acute) Emotion/eating
Invulnerable Macho Anti-authority Impulsive Resignation
91.205 b/c ATOMATOFLAMES FLAPS ARROWED AAV1ATE (this was covered in other flash card class)
MCPRAWNTTS already covered
Think NW
91.103 NOTAMS (notice to airmen) Weather Known ATC delays Runway lengths Alternates Fuel Takeoff/Landing distance
External pressure
5 p’s Pilot Plane Passengers Plan Program (are you familiar with the garmin or other equipment in aircraft?)