CRM Flashcards
Beskriv SHELL-modellen og forklar sammenhængen mellem de enkelte elementer?
Lifeware (you) - Lifeware (others) - Software - Hardware - Environment
Hvad er forskellen mellem personality, attitude og behaviour?
Personality er den samlede del af et individs motiver, attitude, meninger og behaviour.
Attitude er en måde at føle og opfatte en situation på.
Behaviour er resultatet af personality og attitude udadtil.
Hvorfor er personality, attitude og behaviour vigtig i CRM?
Interaktionen mellem de tre faktorer udgør en rolle i SHELL-modellen for hvorfor fejl opstår.
Forklar P/G modellen?
Person directed / Goal directed:
P+G-, P+G+, P-G-, P-G+:
G+: Company man
G-: Uengageret og doven
P+: Kollegaer kommer først
P-: Selvisk og egoistisk
Den ideele pilot: P+G+
Forklar Berlo’s kommunikations model?
SMCR-modellen: Source > Message > Channel > Receiver.
Source og reciever: Afhænger af deres kommunikationsevner, attitude, knowledge, kulturen og deres sociale system.
Message: Tale, skrift, kropssprog, tegn osv. Her skal man overveje struktur og indhold. Måden hvorpå man enkoder beskeden.
Channel: Høre, se, røre, lugte og smage: Måden hvorpå man dekoder beskeden.
Beskriv Information Processing modellen?
- Stimuli (sounds, smells, sights, sensations and tastes)
- Receptors and sensory stores (hørelse, lugtesans osv.)
- Sensory threshold (Barrierer som forhindrer vores hørelse, lugtesans osv.)
- Habituation (lack of response to stimuli)
- Attention mechanism (Modtaget eller ej? Single channel processing)
- Perception (Opfattelsen af stimuli)
- Central decision maker (Short/long term memory)
- Action
(Evt. tilbage til punkt 2 igen)
Forklar Error chain?
Én fejl kan føre til flere fejl.
Forklar factors which affect reliability?
Length of time of exposure to risk Degree of risk Metal and physical health Innate psychological characteristics Innate physiological characteristics Personality deficiencies Stress factors Experience Motivation Skill level
Forklar slips og lapses?
“Actions which are carried out incorrectly”.
Forklar omissions?
Ex. glemmer et punkt på en checkliste. Forstyrrelser er hyppige grunde til omissions.
Forklar violations?
Intention errors. “Conscious breach of the rules or regulations”
Forklar Swiss Cheese modellen?
Hvert lag af “ost” er et nyt system/reglesæt. Alle oste har huller. Men mange lag er med til at undgå fejl. Men fejl kan ske alligevel hvis alle oste står i den forkerte position.
Forklar Situation Awareness?
Metal model of the invironment = the reality.
Forklar Internal og External factors påvirkning på Errors?
“Errors can be caused by either internal or external factors”.
Traits (Personality, lack of talent, inexperience, etc.)
States (Fatigue, drink/drug effects, stress etc.)
External: (Beyond the control of the individual)
Noise, Family problems, High or low task demand, Poor training, Company pressure, etc.
Forklar skill based behaviours?
“Represents ‘sensorimotor performance’ during acts or activities that take place without conscious control, as smooth, automated and highly integrated patterns of behaviour”. Ex. riding a bike.
Forklar rule based behaviours?
Efter at man er blevet opmærksom på et problem.
Rule based behaviour will be controlled by existing rules, such as a take-off drill. A routine or procedure has been learned.
Forklar decision making?
“Step-by-step scientific process which is followed in order to reach a balanced or factual decision”
Forklar risikovillighed ved hjælp af Prospect Theory?
Prospect Theory: “People evaluate gains or losses from some neutral or status quo point.”
“People are more riskseeking when chosing between losses; they will clutch to avoid a certain loss, even if it means taking even greater risks.”
Forklar mental stress modellen?
Individual perception of demand and ability which determines the level of stress.
Stress have a psychological response. It will infect his performance
Stress have a physiological reponse. It will also infect his performance.
stress > psychological response > performance < physiological response < stress
Forklar stress typerne?
Low stress - lack of stimulus.
Acute stress - Stressors which have just happened or may shortly happen (most common)
Chronic stress - Continuous. Ex. financial/martial problems.
Traumatic stress - Ex. death of a familymember etc.
Forklar sammenhængen mellem Arousal og Stress?
Arousal: “The measure of a human being’s readiness to respond”
Stress is one factor in arousal but not vice-versa.
Arousal has the same effects as stress.
Forklar stress-buen?
For lidt stress = kedsomhed/træthed (low performance)
Tilpas stress = performance peak.
For meget stress = Travlhed/udmattet (low performance)
Forklar stress former?
Cognitiv: Pludselig opståede situationer, komplekse problemer, for lidt tid til opgaver osv.
Organisational: Løn, ferie, uddannelse, skills, erfaring osv.
Non-professional: Hiver stress fra arbejdet med hjem og omvendt.
Physiological: Varme, luftfugtighed, larm, sygdom, søvn, tørst osv.
Imaginary: Forestiller sig at der vil ske en stresset situation, selvom det måske ikke er tilfældet.
Forklar hvordan man kan håndtere stress?
Action coping - Aktivt gøre noget. Evt. uddelegere opgaver.
Cognitive coping - Reducing the impact of stress. Ex. Det holder op med at regne om lidt.
System Directed Coping - use of drugs. Ex. coffee, alcohol or medicine.
Avoid stress - Undgå stressors.
Forklar ergonomics og anthropometry?
“The study of man in his working environment.”
“The study of human measurement”
Static - dynamic - contour
Forklar fordele/ulemper ved Automation?
Automation of the cockpit (the glass cockpit)
- Reduce human input.
- Reduction of crew workload.
- Situational awareness will be greater.
- Crew coordination will be better
- Etc.
- Boredom, lack of awareness.
- Automation complacency
- Loss of flying skills
- Blinkered concentration
- To much information
- Programming errors
- Mode errors.