Critical Thinking Flashcards
something about the world we believe to be true
something we are inclined/motivated to do
process of piecing together thoughts, perhaps forming new ones
Cognitive bias
habit of thinking that tends to lend to the formation of mistaken thoughts about the world
Framing Effect Bias
tendency to be unduly influenced by way in which a problem or statement has been formulated or “framed”
Framing Effect Study Name
1981, Kahneman and Tversky
Framing Effect Study Scenario
The U.S. is preparing for an outbreak of an unusual disease which is expected to kill 600 people. Participants were presented with 2 policies to combat virus, then presented with same two policies reworded some time after.
Framing Effect Study Policies
Policy A: 200 ppl saved
Policy B: 1/3 chance 600 saved, 2/3 no one saved
Policy C: 400 die
Policy D: 1/3 chance, no one dies, 2/3 chance 600 die
Framing Effect Study Results
72% chose Policy A
78% chose Policy D
Availability Bias
a mental shortcut that involves giving inappropriate weight to examples examples that come immediately to mind when evaluating a topic or choice
Confirmation Bias
the tendency to seek out only information that confirms our preconceptions and existing world views
e.g. social media
Define Argument
attempt to establish truth of a statement by providing reasons
non-argumentative statements which give conclusions without reasons in an attempt to persuade us emotively