Critical QUotes Flashcards
Orwell - Propaganda
‘I believe deeply in the English people’
‘Disbelief in the existence of objective truth’
‘Two and two could become five if the Fuhrer wished it’
Daniel Bell (1949) - FEAR
‘A human society stripped of the last shreds of community’
‘Fear and anxiety the daily staple of life’
Atwood - Resisting tyranny similarities
‘The force that opposes the tyranny in my book is one in which Orwell himself… always put great store: ordinary human decency’
James Schellenberg (1999) - Construction of Society
‘This big brother society is too well-constructed to break apart in the face of one man’s resistance’
Bossche - Individual & bravery
‘In Winston’s struggle for emancipation he stands alone’
John Atkins (1954) - Winston
‘He was a weak creature who was born to be victimised’
Norman Podhoretz - Ideology
‘Orwell’s ruling passion was the fear and hatred of totalitarianism’
Deidre Beddoe - WOMEN
‘She is totally incapable of understanding the motives which drive Winston to revolt’
‘Orwell’s self-proclaimed egalitarianism should have extended beyond the plight of the working-class man to the working class woman’
Schama - Memory
‘The last refuge against Big Brother is memory. Romantic devotion to the past’ -
Russian 1950s interpretation
Oceania is present day America. Big brother and the thought police were FBI
Jem Berkes - Language
Language becomes a method of mind control with the ultimate goal being the destruction of will and imagination
Crick - Not Prophecy
‘It is not a prophecy, it is plainly a satire’
Yeo - Surveillance
Propaganda and surveillance are not just accidentally related, but essentially linked
Kristoffer Rissanen - Individual v Society
‘The Party isolates every individual, destroying all social bonds’
Phelan - Warning
Orwell’s great achievement was to convince us that O’Brien was, indeed, possible
Kristoffer Rissanen - Winston’s willingness to rebel
Believes that Winston’s willingness to rebel had been planted in him BY the party the whole time.
Orwell and Theocracy
‘totalitarian state is in effect a theocracy.’
Lynch - Stalin
‘There are many parallels between Big Brother and Stalin’
Gottlieb - Memory
The act of memory is an act of resistance against the totalitarian state
Berkes - Power of Media (2 points)
‘The media is a powerful tool for manipulation both because the public is widely opposed to it and because the public trusts it’