critical pass - crim pro Flashcards
When does an arrest occur
An arrest occurs when police take an individual into custody for purposes of criminal prosecution or interrogation
What is required for any valid arrest?
what is PC?
trustworthy facts or knowledge sufficient for a reasonable person to believe that the suspect has committed or is planning to commit a crime
are warrants usually required for arrests?
No - not usually needed before arresting someone in a public place
When is a warrant required for an arrest?
non-emergency home arrests require a warrant and reasonable belief suspect is at home
I.e., police must have an arrest warrant to arrest an individual in their home; police may only enter the home if they have reason to believe the suspect is in the home
Is a warrant required when the police want to arrest a suspect at a third parties home?
Yes - search warrant required for police to execute arrest of a suspect in third parties home
what are common govt detentions?
- Stop & frisk (a.k.a. “Terry-type” stop)
- Automobile stop
- Stationhouse detention
- Detention to obtain a search warrant
- Detention of occupants of a premises while searching
What is needed for a station house detention?
Probable cause required to compel a person to enter a govt. location for fingerprinting, questioning, etc.
What is needed for detention to obtain a search warrant?
If police have probable cause to believe a suspect has contraband hidden in her home, they may prevent her from entering her home for a reasonable time while they obtain a search warrant
Purpose must be to prevent destruction of evidence
What is needed for a detention of occupants of a premises
If police have a valid warrant to search premises, they may detain occupants for duration of the proper search
what is required for an automobile stop (stop or pull over a car)
reasonable suspicion that a law has been violated
Is an ulterior motive for an automobile stop OK?
OK if police have PC of a traffic violation
what can a cop do when they reasonably believe weapons are present in a car?
- order passengers out of car
- search passengers and passenger compartment (BUT NOT TRUNK)
An entire car may be searched only if there is:
PC pursuant to automobile search exception
Police checkpoints must:
- Stop cars using a neutral, articulable standard (e.g., every fourth car); and
- Serve purposes related to automobiles and their mobility (DUI checks are valid, but drug checkpoints are insufficiently related to driving)
Why are drug checkpoints insufficiently related to driving?
They dont serve purposes related to cars and their mobility and are unconstitutional
Test for determining the validity of a search or seizure:
- is there govt conduct constituting a search or seizure?
- does D have standing?
- If there a valid warrant?
- If no warrant, was there a valid exception to the search warrant req?
What is included in “govt conduct” other than the police?
private persons acting at the direction of govt agents
When does D have standing for the reasonableness of a search or seizure test?
D must have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the thing or place to be searched
Exceptions to the search warrant requirement
Search incident to arrest
Plain view search
Administrative Searches
Automobile exception
Exigent circumstances
Stop & frisk
the 4th amendment only applies if
a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy (REOP) regarding the thing or place searched and/or the items seized
Standing requires
when is there automatic standing?
Automatic standing:
REOP always exists if D either:
1. Owns, has a right to possess, or lives in the premises to be searched, or
- Is an overnight guest of the premises to be searched
Things you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in
- Sound of your voice
- Style of your handwriting
- Paint on outside of car
- Account records held by bank
- Location of car on public street or driveway
BUT…. GPS device on suspect’s car constitutes a search within the 4th amendment (Jones) - Anything seen across open fields
- Anything seen from flying over public airspace (low aerial photographing)
- Odors from luggage or car
- Garbage set out on the curb for collection (NEEDS TO BE ON CURB)