Critical Issues in Event Management Flashcards
Why do we need Risk Management in events? - clients
Clients want to know how well managers are able to mitigate risks
Clients expect managers are aware of the risks involved and control risks on behalf of them.
Why do we need Risk Management in events?
- coroners
Have access to historical data regarding fatal incidents
Have begun to publicly note where recommendations have not been followed
Casual decision-making is not appropriate for event organisations. You must manage:
Time pressures
Financial pressures
Ethics and emotions
The AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard states the main elements of risk management process are as follows: (7)
Communicate and Consult
Establish the context
Identify the risks
Analyse risks
Evaluate risks
Treat risks
Monitor and review
Risk Research should include: (3)
External research (publications, incident reports of similar events)
Documentation review (past incident reports etc.)
Stakeholders (interviews, meetings/consultations,
brainstorming/scenario exercises)
The Three basic ways to treat risk:
ACCEPT the risk
AVOID the risk
REDUCE the likelihood or the consequence of the risk
what is provided in a Risk Action Plan (3)
Action Plans detail what steps are required to reduce risk
Provide a check list of things to do to implement risk management
Provide a wisdom guide for those not so experiences
What is ‘Reasonably Practicable’?
a legal requirement
doing what you are reasonably able to do to ensure the health and safety of workers, volunteers and visitors.
Fulfilling Duty of Care for WHS Act (4)
- There is legal duty of care
- Reducing risk is key duty embedded by law in the Duty of Care provision
- The Hierarchy of Controls must be followed
- Risks should be made As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)
Crisis Communication process (4)
Identify key ‘audiences’
Identify audience ‘owners’
Determine communication platforms
Devise a communication contents plan