Critical-Care Flashcards
- Low volume
- Prone position
- NM blockade Exp: only interventions known to help
- Acute organ failure
- Acute respiratory failure
- Shock
- Poisoning
Critical care medicine focuses on the management of acute organ failure and other life-threatening illnesses. Treatment of acute respiratory failure and its common causes, including pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), is an important component of critical care management. The timely diagnosis and rapid treatment of septic, cardiogenic, and hypovolemic shock are crucial to the survival of patients with these life-threatening conditions. Recent emphasis on minimizing and preventing the complications of critical care therapies is also highlighted here. Because toxin exposures often require acute management in a critical care setting, a review of the major types of toxin exposures is included.
Two pathophysiologic causes of acute respiratory failure
Meta: pathophysiologic cause
Failure to:
- Oxygenate
- Ventilate
Inadequate Pao2 despite high levels of supplemental inspired O2
Measures of oxygenation
- SaO2
- PaO2
- A-a gradient
- PaO2/FiO2
- A-a oxygen ratio
- Oxygenation index
The arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), arterial oxygen tension (PaO2), alveolar to arterial (A-a) oxygen gradient, and the PaO2/fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ratio are common measures. Alternatively, the A-a oxygen ratio and the oxygenation index can be used
Normal PaO2
Conventionally: PaO2 <80 mmHg
Similar to oxygen saturation, an abnormal PaO2 has not been precisely defined because a threshold below which tissue hypoxia predictably occurs has not been identified. However, it seems reasonable to consider a PaO2 <80 mmHg abnormal, although the value should not be considered in isolatio
- RL shunt
- VQ mismatch
- Reduced diffusion capacity
- Alveolar hypoventilation
- Low FiO2
- Right-to-left shunt: (e.g., pulmonary AVMs, intracardiac right-to-left shunts), or space-filling pulmonary parenchymal lesions (e.g., atelectasis or pneumonia). Will not correct with supplemental oxygen.
- ▪Ventilation-perfusion () mismatch: Regional imbalances between blood flow and ventilation (e.g., pulmonary embolism or lung parenchymal disease); corrects, partially or completely, with the addition of supplemental oxygen
- Reduced diffusion capacity (e.g., interstitial lung disease, emphysema); may be minimal at rest; more pronounced with exercise
- Alveolar hypoventilation (e.g., from central nervous system [CNS] depression, neuromuscular disease, or chest wall abnormality); the only type of hypoxic failure with a normal alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient
- Low fraction of inspired oxygen (Fio2) (e.g., high altitude)
The only type that has a normal A-a gradient
Alveolar hypoventilation
(e.g., from central nervous system [CNS] depression, neuromuscular disease, or chest wall abnormality); the only type of hypoxic failure with a normal alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient
Mechanism, examples and effect of oxygenation
Regional imbalances between blood flow and ventilation
Eg: PE or parenchymal disease;
Corrects: partially or completely, with the addition of supplemental oxygen
Mechanism, example, effect of O2
- Pathologic vascular communications. Eg: pulmonary AVMs, intracardiac right-to-left shunts
- Space-filling parenchymal lesions. Eg: atelectasis or pneumonia.
Will not correct with supplemental oxygen.
I think the reason is that in this situation the blood never gets a chance to be oxygenated. Raising alveolar O2 in other parts of the lung does not help. In the case of a P
Meta: EtioCause
High Paco2 +decreased pH
- Increased CO2 production. Eg: sepsis, overfeeding, thyrotoxicosis
- Decreased CO2 elimination
- Decreased minute ventilation. Eg: CNS depression
- Decreased alveolar ventilation. Eg: COPD, increase in dead space from pneumonia or large PE
Cyanosis occurs when deoxyhemoglobin level is greater than 5 g/dL, Sao2 around _%
Cyanosis occurs when deoxyhemoglobin level is greater than 5 g/dL, Sao2 around 67%
Pulse-oximeter is unreliable when:
- Steep part of O2-dissociation curve: ie < 90%
- Carboxyhemoglobin or methemoglobin
- Shock
- Nail polish
- Pigmented skin
- PaO2 < 60 to 70 mm Hg and FiO2 > 80%
- PaCO2 ≥45 mm Hg and pH <7.35
Other indications:
- high respiratory rate with use of accessory muscles
- Inability to protect airway
- Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2)
- Arterial oxygen tension (PaO2)
- A-a oxygen gradient
- PaO2/FiO2 ratio
- a-A oxygen ratio
- Oxygenation index
Goal of O2 therapy
SaO2 > 88%
PaO2 >55 mm Hg
- Volume cycled
- AC
- Pressure cycled
- PS
Assist control: Patient receives a set tidal volume for every initiated breath. A preset number of breaths per minute prevents hypoventilation
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV): Patient receives a set tidal volume for only a designated number of breaths per minute. Additional patient-initiated breaths have no support
Pressure-regulated volume control (PRVC): Patient receives set tidal volume for every initiated breath as long as the pressure required to deliver remains below a preset value.
Pressure Support
Ventilator provides a constant preset pressure for each patient-initiated breath; primarily used in awake patients or as a weaning mode. Should not be used in patients without intact respiratory drive.
PEEP that is secondary to incomplete exhalation is referred to as auto-PEEP (also called intrinsic PEEP).
- CPAP: Constant pressure provided throughout respiratory cycle
- BiPAP: Different pressures provided upon inspiration and expiration
- Sepsis
- Pneumonia
- Inhalation injury
ARDS: cause of death
Sepsis and multiorgan system failure
ARDS: Definition
- Acute onset
- Diffuse bilateral infiltrates
- Pao2/Fio2 ratio less than 200 (Pao2/Fio2 ratio <300 defines acute lung injury [ALI])
- No evidence of left-heart failure (PCWP <18 mm Hg)
Sepsis: common causes
Meta: ID topic
Gram-positive organisms now most common cause of sepsis, followed closely by gram-negative organisms
Sepsis: old definition
- T >38°C or T<36°C)
- P >90
- RR>24 breaths/min, PaCO2 <32 mm Hg) or ventilation
- WBC >12,000/mm3 or <4000/mm3
Pretty weird
Sepsis: severe and septic shock
- Severe: Sepsis + organ failure
- Septic shock: hypotension unresponsive to fluids + end-organ damage
Mortality rates 15% to 20% for sepsis; 50% to 60% for septic shock
Sepsis: SOFA score
- Respiratory system – the ratio of arterial oxygen tension to fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2)
- CVS – the amount of vasoactive medication necessary to prevent hypotension
- Hepatic system – the bilirubin level
- Coagulation system – the platelet concentration
- Neurologic system – the Glasgow coma score
- Renal system – the serum creatinine or urine output
Sepsis: qSOFA
- RR ≥22/minute
- Altered mentation
- SBP ≤100 mmHg
Easy to calculate since it only has three components, each of which are readily identifiable at the bedside and are allocated one point:
●Respiratory rate ≥22/minute
●Altered mentation
●Systolic blood pressure ≤100 mmHg
The qSOFA score was originally validated in 2016 as most useful in patients suspected as having sepsis outside of the intensive care unit (ICU) [28]. It has since been prospectively validated in the emergency department (ED) and confirmed to be less valuable in the ICU setting
Sepsis: EGDT
- MAP > 65
- CVP > 8
- urine output > 0.5 mL/kg/hr
- Mixed venous O2 sat > 70%
- Decreasing lactate level
mean arterial pressure greater than 65 mm Hg, central venous pressure greater than 8 mm Hg, and urine output greater than 0.5 mL/kg/hr; may also include either mixed venous O2 saturation greater than 70% or decreasing lactate levels.
Similar goal-directed therapy late in management (i.e., after 24 hours) does not improve outcomes
Shock: signs
- hypotension;
- oliguria;
- abnormal mental status;
- tachypnea;
- cool, clammy skin;
- Lactate up
Shock: undifferentiated shock, Mx
- Epinephrine: anaphylaxis
- Pericardiocentesis: tamponade
- Chest tube: pneumothorax/hemothorax
- Surgery: hemorrhagic shock/valve rupture/dissection
- Cardioversion or pacemaker placement: arrhythmias
- Antibiotics: sepsis
- Cardiac-Cath: MI
- Thrombolysis: massive PE
- IV hydrocortiosone: adrenal crisis
In patients with undifferentiated hypotension or shock, the clinician should stratify the patient according to the severity of shock and the need for immediate or early intervention so that empiric lifesaving therapies can be administered promptly. Such therapies include intramuscular epinephrine (anaphylaxis), pericardiocentesis (pericardial tamponade), chest tube insertion (tension pneumothorax), surgical intervention (hemorrhagic shock, valve rupture, aortic dissection), cardioversion or pacemaker placement (life-threatening arrhythmias), intravenous antibiotics (sepsis), revascularization procedures (myocardial infarction), systemic thrombolysis (massive pulmonary embolism), and intravenous glucocorticoids (adrenal crisis). (See ‘Risk stratification’ above.)
Shock: transfusion threshold
Without coronary artery disease or active bleeding, a transfusion threshold of hemoglobin of 7 g/dL was as effective as, and possibly superior to, using a transfusion threshold of hemoglobin of 10 g/dL
Sepsis: dopamine versus norepinephrine
- Similar mortality rates.
- Dopamine may increase mortality in patients with cardiogenic shock.
- Dopamine: more likely to cause tachyarrhythmias
- Norepinephrine: more potent vasopressor
Shock: Vasopressors: Indxn
MAP < 60, SBP drop > 30
Vasopressors are indicated for a MAP <60 mmHg, or a decrease of systolic blood pressure that exceeds 30 mmHg from baseline, when either condition results in end-organ dysfunction due to hypoperfusion. (See ‘Principles’ above.)
Hypovolemia should be corrected prior to vasopressor therapy. Re-evaluate frequently
Toxin exposure: exceptions to activated charcoal therapy
- alkalis
- lithium,
- iron, and
- insecticides
Toxin-Exposure: TCA-overdose: effects
anticholinergic, α-adrenergic blocking, and adrenergic uptake–inhibiting properties
Toxin-Exposure: TCA overdose: predictor of toxicity
QRS > 100
Toxin-Exposure: TCA-overdose: signs
Arrhythmias, hypotension, and
anticholinergic effects:
hyperthermia, flushing, dilated pupils, ileus, retention, and sinus tachycardia
Toxin-exposure: Sedatives
- Benzos
- Opiates
Toxin-Exposure: toxidromes
- Sympathomimetic: Cocaine
- Anticholinergic: TCA, Jimson weed
- Hallucinogenic: PCP
- Opioid: Heroin
- Sedative-hypnotic: Benzos, alcohols
- Cholinergic: Organophosphate
- Serotonin: MAOI, SSRI, TCA
Toxin-Exposure: EvaluationParameters
Meta: DxApproach, EvaluationParameter
- Mental status
- Pupils
- Vital signs
- Reflexes
- Specific features
Toxin-Exposure: TCA poisoning: Mx
Sodium bicarbonate
Alkalinization to serum pH of 7.4 to 7.5 with IV sodium bicarbonate is indicated to reduce occurrence of arrhythmias
Toxin-exposure: β-blocker
IVF, pacing and vasopressor or inotrope with β1 activity
Toxin-Exposure: Methemoglobulinemia: Rx
methylene blue (MB) —
Acquired methemoglobinemia may be life-threatening when there is an acute increase above baseline in the level of methemoglobin amounting to more than 30 percent.
No RCTs: MB can be life-saving and is considered the treatment of choice. MB, given intravenously in a dose of 1 to 2 mg/kg over five minutes,
Toxin-Exposure: Alcohol-poisoning-Rx
Methanol, ethylene glycol, isopropranol
Shock: PA parameters
- cardiogenic shock: low CO and high PCWP.
- pericardial tamponade: low CO and equalization of RAP, pulmonary artery diastolic pressure, and PCWP.
- PE, air embolus: low CO with high PAP and RAP.
- Septic shock: high CO with low-to-normal filling pressures.
Sepsis: Ddx
- Acute myocardial infarction
- Acute pulmonary embolus
- Acute pancreatitis
- Fat emboli syndrome
- Acute adrenal insufficiency
- Acute gastrointestinal hemorrhage
- Overzealous diuresis
- Transfusion reactions
- Adverse drug reactions
- Procedure-related transient bacteremia
- Amniotic fluid embolism