Criteria and Classifications Flashcards
What is the Shionoya criteria?
The Shionoya is a five major criteria for the diagnosis of Thromboangiitis Obliterans
(Buerger Disease):
1) Smoking history.
2) Age of onset before age 50.
3) infrapopliteal arterial occlusive lesions.
4) either upper limb involvement or phlebitis migrans.
5) absence of atherosclerotic risk factors other than smoking.
What is the Olin’s criteria for Thromboangiitis Obliterans?
(1) age less than 45 years
(2) current (or recent) history of tobacco use
(3) the presence of distal-extremity ischemia (indicated by claudication, pain at rest, ischemic ulcers, or gangrene) documented by noninvasive vascular testing
(4) exclusion of autoimmune diseases, hypercoagulable states, and diabetes mellitus by laboratory tests
(5) exclusion of a proximal source of emboli by echocardiography and arteriography
(6) consistent arteriographic findings in the clinically involved and noninvolved limbs.
What is the CASPAR trail
Clopidogrel and Acetyl Salicylic Asid in Baypass Surgery for Peripheral ARterial Disease (CASPAR):
Efficacy of Dual antiplatlet therapy vs aspirin alon in distal bypass.
Results: Reduction relative risk of prostetic graft occlusion by 35% in the dual antiplatlet group without side effects or major hemorrhagic events.
What are the names of the trails that compare thrombolysis vs periferal artery surgery in acute limb ischemia?
What are the results show?
STILE - Surgery ot Thrombolysis for the Ischemic Lower Extremity
TOPAS - Thombolysis ot Peripheral Arterial Surgery.
The Results show that Thrombolysis was superior to Thrombectomy if initiation of symptoms where less than 2 week.
Surgical thrombectomy was superior when symptomes lasrted for 2 weeks or longer.