Crisis of Liberal Italy 1900-15 (Complete) Flashcards
What is the key timeline of these years?
1861- formation of independent Italy
1871- Official ‘new Italy’
1904- General Strike
1911 (Sep)- Italy invades Libya
1914 (Jun)- ‘Red Week’
1915 (May)- signing of Treaty of London
Risorgimento; who was Cavour and what was his aim?
-Prime minister of Piedmont
-Wanted independent state in Northern & Central Italy, not to include poor south
Risorgimento; Who did Cavour make a deal with and what did this result in?
-Napoleon III
-To expel Austria from some Italian-speaking lands
-Italy gained Solferino, Magenta, Lombardy & other states
-Austria kept Venetia
Risorgimento; who was Garibaldi and what did he do?
-Radical nationalist
-Popular w/ masses
-Joined peasant revolt in Sicily & Naples
Risorgimento; what were Cavour and Garibaldi’s roles in unification?
Cavour took troops to Papal States to link up & Garibaldi handed over his territory
Risorgimento; Who was the King of New Italy?
Victor Emmanuel II
Risorgimento; What fight occurred in 1866 and what did this result in?
-Italy and Prussia fight Austria
-Venetia handed to Italy
-However, Pope still rules Rome and is protected by French troops
Risorgimento; what event signified complete unification in 1871?
-Prussia wins against France, who withdraw from Rome
-Rome becomes capital
Effects of unification; why did the masses not identify with the new state?
They were not given the vote; 1871- 2% males could vote, 1882- 25% males, 1912- most adult males
Effects of unification; what caused the 1890s economic depression?
-Banca Romana; printed around 60m lire in new notes & lent large sums to leading politicians
-Giolitti had taken approx 60k lire, when avg income of Italian person was around 2000 lire p.a
Effects of unification; what caused the 1897 widespread rioting and what was the result of this?
-Poor harvest & high prices of food—> street demonstrations around country
-Socialist newspaper sellers arrested in Milan, led to widespread rioting
-Army was bought in + killed around 200 people
-Opposition simply went underground & the Liberal government lost a lot of support
Effects of unification; why were governments weak?
-MPs formed governments by competing for support w/ other deputies, often done via corrupt practices; meaning frequent change as allegiances changed
-Average length of government was 1.8 years
-Unification was dominated by elite so weren’t committed to social reform
Effects of unification; what happened as a result of the poor south not being planned to be included in government?
It was neglected
Effects of unification; what did the Pope ensure and why?
Ensured Catholics would not be in the new state as he was hostile to it
Effects of unification; what were the results of the large debts built up from unification?
- High taxes imposed
- No money for social reform
Effects of unification; why did Italy have to rely on Prussia and France and what did this result in?
-Had been defeated by Austria in 1866
-Gave Italy a national inferiority complex & desire to prove itself
Effects of unification; what was ‘The Terra Irredenta’ and how did this change?
-Literal meaning; “unredeemed land/italy”
-Austria still controlled some Italian lands (irredenta)
-Originally focused on land w/ Italian speaking population in Austrian empire
-Later became term to designate other surrounding foreign territories which Italy believed it had a claim to
Effects of unification; what did the neglect of social reform and growth of the country lead to?
Developments of socialism, nationalism, Catholicism
Problems of Liberal Italy- socialism; where and why did socialism develop?
-North of Italy
-Due to development in industry, trade unions & organisations
Problems of Liberal Italy- socialism; what was the Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGL) and its aim?
-A syndicalist, industrial wing
-Wanted unions to organise strikes & overthrow system
Problems of Liberal Italy- socialism; what was the PSI (Italian Socialist Party) and its aims?
-Radical socialist group formed in 1895
-Wanted to achieve total socialist state
-Wanted to fight women’s rights & 8 hour working day
Problems of Liberal Italy- socialism; how influential were the PSI? ( + stats)
-Won 20% of pre-WW1 election vote
-Had 27,000 members in 1897
-Ran its own newspaper, Avanti! (‘Forward’)
Problems of Liberal Italy- socialism; why did the socialists not believe in war?
Thought it would do nothing but harm the working class, who would be the ones fighting
Problems of Liberal Italy- socialism; how and when was the first decided attempt at a single, united socialist party?
-1891; Lawyer named Turati organised Italian Workers’ Congress in Milan