Crises Intervention And Crises Theory Flashcards
According to go on the stages of a crisis are:
-a hazardous event = a stressful circumstance that disrupts the equilibrium
-vulnerable state =the individuals reaction to the event (usually perceived as a threat or loss)
-Precipitating factor= The event that turns the vulnerable state into a crisis state (It may or may not be at the same as the hazardous events)(It should be thought of as the last straw)
-Active crisis state= Characterized by disequilibrium
-Reintegration=restoration of equilibrium
A crisis is short-term and overwhelming by definition. Crisis interventions are ordinarily characterized by:
- a here and now orientation
- a time-limited course (typically 1 to 6 sessions)
- A view of the clients behavior as an understandable (rather than pathological) reaction to stress
- The assumption by the therapist of an active and directive role
According to Golan the goals of crisis intervention are:
-relieve the clients symptoms
-Restore the client to previous level of functioning
-Identify factors that led to crisis state
-Identify and apply remedial measures
-Help the client connect current stresses with past life
- Help the client develop adaptive coping strategies that can be used in the current and in future situations
The principles of crisis intervention are:
- Immediate intervention
- Action
- Hope and expectation
- Support
- Focused problem-solving
- Self image
- Self-reliance
This stages of crisis intervention are:
- Formulation (first session) =assessment of the crisis and an explicit agreement on goals.
- Implementation (sessions 1-4)= Obtaining background, assessing strengths and weaknesses, assessing support, identifying task that will help clients achieve goals.
- Termination (session 5-6)=Review progress, discuss plans for the future