Crises and how they affect the NHS Flashcards
What do you know about the mental health crisis?
1/4 adults and 1 in 10 children experience a mental health illness right now according to NHS England.
The government modernised the Mental Health Bill late 2024 to address outdated attitudes towards mental illness since the passing of the original act in 1983. Under the prior bill, according to the government website Black people are over 3 times more likely to be detained under the act, as well as there being cases of individuals with with learning disabilities being inappropriately sectioned. Alot of the time this lead to patients or their loved ones having little say over their care and treatment if the patient had already been detained.
this modernisation of the bill aims to eliminate alot of discrimination of people afflicted with declining mental health by making it a legal requirement for each patient to have care and treatment plans personalised to each individual depending on their needs and increase transparency on what is needed of the patient to progress them closer to discharge from the hospital. The new bill will also give the patient the right to elect a person to represent their interests and provide them greater support when they are detained.
additionally, the government announced they will invest £26 million into opening new mental health crisis centres, which in turn should improve the amount of people that can receive healthcare for mental health decline and mitigate waiting times to be seen for mental health issues.
I believe this is an important issue within the medical field because it is important to know the implications of how outdate laws can affect the current state of healthcare and culture surrounding certain topics, because it can direct affect how an someone in a very executive position such as a doctor, provides and gives care to patients. As patient safety is paramount, making it a legal requirement to personalise treatment plans and increase transparency to the patients mitgates the room for error when it comes to providing care to individuals that are afflicted with mental health decline. Furthermore, it improves a patients choice and ability to make informed decisions about their own healthcare, whilst simultaneously combatting different types of discrimination that occured under the old bill.
what can you tell me about the obesity crisis?