Criminal psychology Flashcards
How does CBT work
Gives offenders an insight into faulty cognitions and identify maladaptive thinking.
Aims to change faulty cognition to change criminal behaviour to prosocial behaviour
What are the three stages of Anger management
Cognitive preparation
Skill acquisition
Application practice
What is cognitive preparation in AMP
Getting offenders to think about their aggression
Think about their patterns of anger (when, why) and the impact of their anger
Often asked to keep an anger diary on what happened and why it happened
What is skill acquisition in AMP
Learn skills to help manage your anger
Can be behavioural: Meditation, breathing, Redirecting anger (through things like sport) and removal from situation
Can be Cognitive like imagery or mantra - say things over and over
What is application practice in AMP
Offender puts the learned skills into practice
Done in a controlled environment so offender feels safe and can be talked through
Role play in group settings
‘Homework’ - Practice skills are recorded in anger diary
3 strengths of AMP
- Howells - improved understanding of anger 1.18 compared to control group 0.95 also after AMP anger control mean 20.7 to 22.2
- Ireland - 92% of 50 young offenders showed improvement and reduction in anger felt
- Long term benefits - teaches to control anger long term in everyday life whereas have to be on drugs all life
3 weaknesses of AMP
Issues with supporting research - Howells found that it had little to no effect after 6 months so not long term
Cannot treat all offenders - 2022 prison stats showed 69% weren’t violent offenders so doesn’t treat them
Reductionist - only considers role of cognition and not other factors like hormones e.g. testosterone
Generally how would hormone therapy work to reduce criminal behaviour
Drugs work by counterbalancing hormones responsible for criminal behaviour in the offenders body
A forensic psychologist will prescribe a suitable dosage which they will likely take daily either orally (self-regulated) or via injection (monitored)
Risperidone - hormone treatment
Influences dopamine levels by blocking dopamine receptors which reduces dopamine activity in the body leading to a decrease in criminal behaviour - LeBlanc et al
Potential side effects of Drowsiness, anxiety, weight gain
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) - hormone treatment
Influences serotonin as it block serotonin reuptake which increases serotonin activity at receptors which reduces levels of criminal behaviour - Lievesley et al
Potential side effects of dizziness, diarrhoea, loss of sex drive
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) - hormone treatment
Is similar to the progesterone in the body and is given when body isn’t making enough of it
Influences testosterone as it increases progesterone levels which breaks down testosterone produced in pituitary gland which reduces criminal behaviour - Maletzky
Potential side effects of insomnia. acne, depression
3 Strengths of hormone treatment of offenders
LeBlanc et al - Adolescent boys diagnosed with conduct or oppositional disorder who took risperidone experienced 56.4% reduced aggressive behaviour compared to control
Lievesley et al - Semi structured interviews with 13 sex offenders on SSRI found reduced sexual urges and sexually deviant thinking
Maletzky - When sexual offenders took MPA over 3 years, reoffending rates were 1% so is effective at reducing recidivism
3 weaknesses of hormone treatment
Opposing evidence - Couppis and Kennedy found dopamine may be a consequence of aggressive behaviour rather than a cause. T/F treating high dopamine is not addressing the cause
Reductionist - Only considers role of biology and hormone levels like test and doesn’t consider role of cognition and changing faulty cognition via AMP
How does the Pre-frontal cortex link to criminal behaviour
If its damaged they have less control over impulses and act instinctively so could lead to CB
Responsible for decision making - damage may cause poor decisions and act inappropriately (CB)
Damage effects ability to consider consequences and alternative ways to behave, can lead to CB
How does the amygdala link to criminal behaviour
Responsible for responding to stimuli in environment, may trigger F/F. Fight may be triggered causing CB
When activated overrides rational part of brain so act irrational and perceive everything as threat, lead to CB
Damage leads to less emotion control may cause CB as aggressive outbursts cant be controlled or stopped
Psychopaths have been found to have small amygdala meaning they cant feel bad.
How does the hypothalamus link to criminal behaviour
Maintains homeostasis and regulates hormones
Damage may be unable to regulate testosterone, increased CB
Regulates release of NTs - high level of dopamine are linked to high levels of aggression which leads to CB
3 strengths of brain damage explaining CB
Case study of Phineas Gage - Metal pole through PFC, changed from well mannered to being aggressive
Raine - Found difference in brain activity between murderers NGRI and non murderers. More in right side amygdala and hypothalamus and less in PFC and left amygdala
Supporting research is scientific - Raine used PET scans which is requires specialist equipment and workers
3 weaknesses of brain damage explaining CB
Fallon - Scanned individuals using MRI and identified one with small amygdala as psychopathic. Later found it was his own brain. TF smaller amygdala doesn’t cause CB so decrease validity
Kreutzer - found without the presence of substance abuse history, traumatic brain injury was not a risk factor for CB. TF reductionist as doesn’t consider things other than brain damage
Reductionist - only considers nature of brain activity and damage and not nurture like social factors like imitating crim role model.
What is Eysenks personality theory
Criminal behaviour is a consequence of our genetic personality
Criminals tend to score high on a PEN personality
Particular nervous system causes a predisposition to criminality
However environment plays a role as interaction between environment and genetics causes predisposition leading to CB
Less clear on how P is related to functionality of nervous system. Suggested link to male hormones like testosterone but little research to suggest it
Less likely to show empathy and care for others or their emotions causing no remorse or guilt for CB
RAS regulates arousal. So person seeks external stimulation to readdress balance and reach optimal arousal. Low levels arousal means more stimulation from environment needed
Need for stimulation so risk take more to reach higher arousal lead to CB.
Linked to levels of reactivity in ANS. Neurotic has it more reactive specifically the sympathetic brain responsible for fight or flight. Quick to turn on and release adrenaline and slow to turn off.
‘Fight response’ easily triggered, output emotional outburst leads to CB on impulse
2 strengths of PEN
Practical applications - PEN could be used to identify individuals that may be at risk of committing crime so cautions can be put in place especially if identified in childhood. TF aid reducing crim in society
Holistic - Genetic predisposition interacts with environment in high PEN and that’s what triggers nervous system. TF nature and nurture so considers the complexity
2 weaknesses of PEN
Farrington - reviewed 16 studies of relationship of P,E and N and found majority of cases offenders had high P+N not E. TF reducing validity
Self completed questionnaire - EPI given to criminals who may answer in a socially desirable way so not to blame could reduce sentence decreasing validity.
What is XYY syndrome
Genetic condition that occurs when a male has an extra Y chromosome within the 23rd pair.
Many men with it don’t know they have it
Most boys with it will grow faster and taller than their siblings as well as some having around 10-15 lower IQ points below siblings.
They will be more impulsive and more physically active. Also leads to overly aggressive and lack empathy.
2 strengths of XYY syndrome
Practical application - In knowing XYY are more physically active we could direct them sport so energy is socially acceptable. TF reduce CB in society and society safe place
Gosavi - 94 convicted murderers in India and found association between CB and XYY. TF suggesting theory is valid as mutation is found within criminals.
2 weaknesses of XYY syndrome
Reductionist - Only considers role of nature and chromosomes not nurture like O+I criminal role models. TF too simplistic
Witkin - No direct link between crim and XYY once background variables were controlled among 4591 Danish men. TF reduced validity of theory so XYY is not solely responsible.
What is the labelling theory
Theory suggests that behaviour is seen as criminal as society says it is by creating a label to a behaviour. Expectations that others have of someone and labelling occurs when general broad terms are used to describe members of a group.