Criminal behaviour- Biological explanations Flashcards
What does inherited criminality propose?
That certain genetic combinations predispose individuals to criminal behaviour
What is inherited criminality?
Criminal behaviour can be inherited through genes linked to impulsivity and aggression so individuals have an increased risk of showing criminal behaviour
Who conducted research into the family?
Osborne and West
What did Osborne and West find?
13% of sons with non-criminal fathers had criminal records, while 40% of sons of fathers criminal fathers had records
What does Osborne and West’s research suggest?
criminal behaviour may be inherited, higher rates of criminality seen in sons with criminal fathers
How can you evaluate Osborne and West’s study?
X environmental factors, exposed to crime
X upbringing, modelling, socialisation
X cannot say for sure that it is an inherited trait
Who conducted a study into twin research?
What did Raine find in his research into twins?
Reviewed the literature comparing the delinquent behaviour of twins
- average concordance rate was higher for MZ twins (52%) than DZ twins (21%)
What do concordance rates mean?
Rate of probability that 2 people with shared genes will develop the same conditions
What does Raine’s research siuggest?
There is a genetic influence on criminal behaviour
- higher concordance rate in MZ than DZ
How can we criticise Raine’s research?
X may have been brought up differently
X not 100% concordance rate so there must be some other factor influencing the development of criminal behaviour
-raised in the same environment, hard to separate nature and nurture influence
Is crime caused by genes?
- there isn’t a single gene for crime but there are genes such as impulsivity or aggression
- you could carry the gene but not necessarily act on them
What do Goldsmith and Gottsman say about crime being caused by genes?
‘may be partially genetically influenced predispositions for basic behavioural tendencies such as impulsivity’
What are the 2 candidate genes?
1- MAOA gene
2- CDH13 (cadherin 13)
What are candidate genes?
Genes identified that could play a role in the development of a disease/disorder
What is the nickname for MAOA?
The warrior gene
What is the role of the MAOA gene?
It breaks down the neurotransmitters, not enough to break down
- increased risk of antisocial behaviour
What neurotransmitters are linked to MAOA?
serotonin and dopamine
What behaviours is MAOA linked to?
Impulsivity and aggression
How does Bruner et al support this?
28 males in a Dutch family, history of impulsive and violent criminal behaviour
- men shared mutation in the MAOA gene = low levels of it
- could be inherited
- families can pass on this gene
How can we evaluate Bruner et al study?
It cannot be generalised as it is only one family with one shared gene
What is CDH13?
A gene involved in neural connectivity
- how the brain sends messages