Crimes Of The Powerful Flashcards
What does Tombs say about corporate crime?
It has enormous costs eg physical (deaths, illness), environmental and economic
Give examples of financial crimes and the potential victims of it
eg tax evasion and money laundering
Victims include taxpayers and gov
Give an example of a crime against consumers
False labelling
Give an example of crimes against employees. What did Palmer find?
Violations of wage laws, racial discrimination
Palmer- occupational diseases cause 50 000 deaths per yr in UK
Give an example of crimes against the environment
Illegal pollution of air, land and water like toxic waste dumping
Invisibilty of corporate crime: the media
Very limited coverage on it which reinforces the stereotypr that it is solely a WC phenomeonon
Describes corporate crime using sanitised language like defrauding customers is ‘misspelling’
Invisibilty of corporate crime: lack of political will to tackle it. Give an example
Rhetoric of being ‘tough on crime’ is focused on street crime eg the Home Office uses crime surveys to find out the extent of street crime, not corporate crimr
Invisibiltiy of corporate crime: under reporting
People often do not view it as a real crime or may feel powerless against a large corporation
Many do not know they have been victims
Explanations of corporate crime: strai n theory (Box)
Use Clinard and Yeager’s findings
(Box) If a company cannot achieve its goals of maximising profits by legal means, they may turn to illegal means
They found that law violations by large companies increased as financial performance deteriorated suggesting a willingness to innovate
Explanations of corporate crime: Marxism
Inevitable because capitalism is criminogenic- the aim to maximise profits inevitably leads to harm
(Box) ‘Mystification’ means that people believe it is less harmful than what it actually is
Criticism of Marxism’s explanation (Nelken)
Overpredicts the amount of business crime
Nelken- it is unrealistic that all companies would commit corporate crime because they must maintain goodwill with other companies