crimes of morality Flashcards
3 relationships between moral and criminal wrongs
A. some wrongs are not criminal wrongs
B. some criminal wrongs are not moral wrongs
C. There is overlap between moral wrongs and criminal wrongs
ex. of crimes of morality
-Subject to ongoing debate/discussion w/ respect to legal status
-Sex work
-Drug use
-Certain sexual acts
-Assisted suicide/euthanasia
-And others
legal status and crimes of morality
Legal status = dependent on current state of societal morals and values
–> Fluctuate and change over time
E.g. canada’s legalization of:
Homosexuality (1969)
Same-sex marriage (2005)
Marijuana (2018)
How much influence does (or should) the government have in determining what actions should be legalized?
Sex work and prostitution in Canada
-In 2014 Canada make it illegal to purchase or advertise sexual services
-And illegal to live on the ‘material benefits from sex work’
-Decision justified by arguing prostitution was a form of sexual exploitation
-One that disproportionately and negatively impacted at risk women and girls
-Stirred considerable debate
-Particularly given the complex, changing, and hard-to-debate nature of sex work
Drug use in Canada:
- While cannabis was legalized in Canada in 2018, the legal status of other recreational drugs is debated.
- Heroin, cocaine, ecstasy/MDMA, magic mushrooms, etc.
- The addictive and/or harmful properties of these substances has been used as justification for their continued illegality.
- However, some argue that we should move toward legalizing (or at least de-criminalizing) these substances as well.