bio appr Flashcards
“Italian school”
-Arose during 19th century
-Attempt to apply scientific method (positivism) to understand crime and criminals
-Application of ‘science’ to understand society more generally
-Understanding how the human body works (darwin’s theory, gregor mendel)
-Rejected the primary assumption of the Classical School (cost-benefit, free will)
Individuals have total free will over their actions
-Views criminality as deterministic or inherently tied to biological or genetic features (outside of control, determined for you)
Out of an individual’s control
-Criminality is a ‘disease’ like any other and can be subjected to the same methods of studying, understanding, and curing (based on factors outside of control )
-Based largely on cesare lombroso (1835-1909) who directly analyzed and measured the physical characteristics of prison inmates and soldiers (the criminal man, the female offender)
-The shape of an individual’s skull can reveal aspects of their personality, level of intelligence, and likelihood of committing crime
-A person’s facial features/shape can reveal aspects of their personality, level of intelligence and likelihood of committing crime
-The belief that certain body types are linked to criminality (sheldon’s somatotypes)
Explored how the mental ‘defects’ or ‘unwellness’ of certain individuals caused criminal offending (via, psychopathy, criminal insanity, etc)
-The notion that criminals are evolutionary ‘throwbacks’ who are less evolved than ‘normal’ humans.
-The belief that decisions, actions, and choices are pre-determined based on factors outside our control
what was determinism used in support/justification for?
-The eugenics movement (less desirable people should be bred out of society)
-Forced sterilizations, castrations, and institutionalization
-General racism/ discrimination
-Severe cases → genocide, slavery, ethnic cleansing
what are some modern bio appr?
-seeing the world through the lens of positivism and biological determinism
-Tech developments have provided methods for researching the impacts of biological factors more effectively and with more validity
-Genetics, forensics, pharmaceuticals, neurology, body chemistry..etc
- our biology (broadly defined) shapes and determines our behaviour (directly and indirectly)
-Crime seen as something that is unnatural and therefore, something that can be cured, healed or otherwise ‘corrected’
-Certain traits, including those that may predict criminal behavior are believed to be inheritable
-Direct changes to our biology can influence our behav in drastic ways that can be both temporary or permanent
–> intoxication , certain medications, addiction, malnutrition, brain injuries..etc
does our biology cause crime?
-doesnt necessarily CAUSE crim behav but can definitely predispose one to crime
-Interplay w/ environmental factors
-Someone who has all the biological predictors of crime is not necessarily ‘destined’ to be a criminal
If environmental factors insulate them
-Typically assumes a micro level (individual) approach for understanding crime
twin studies?
-‘Purest’ method of studying biology since MZ twins share 100% of genetic makeup
-High Rates of concordance between MZ twins and criminal behav (and most behaviour in general)
-Suggests a strong genetic basis
adoption studies?
-Looking at the criminality rates of adopted children and comparing them to their parents (while taking environmental factors into account)
-Research indicates that adopted children with biological parents who were criminals are more likely to commit crimes themselves, despite being raised in diff environments
personality disorders and crime?
-fairly well-supported correlation between various personality disorders and crime
- have a strong genetic basis (and heritability)
-This may also apply to some psychiatric conditions (schizophrenia, etc) and neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD, etc)
body chemicals and crime?
-Certain chemicals, neurotransmitters, hormones, etc, have been shown to have a strong influence on an individual’s behav
-The levels and amount of these influencers in our bodies are determined by a mixture of biological, genetic, nutritional, and other factors
-‘Improper’ levels of these influencers can potentially lead to aggressive, violent, antisocial, or other concerning behaviors.
the lead-crime hyp
-Proposes a link between elevated blood-lead levels in children and increased rates of crime, delinquency, and recidivism later in life
-Individuals exposed to lead at young ages are more vulnerable to:
-Learning disabilities, decreased IQ, ADHD and problems w/ impulse control
-All of which may be precursors to criminal behav
-As the dangerous properties of lead became known, efforts to phase out leaded gasoline and lead based paint began (1970’s)
-Some argue that the phaseout of lead is partially responsible for the dropping crime rates starting in the 1990’s
drug usage?
-Many drugs we take, whether over-the-counter, prescribed, or illicit, alter our biology in various ways in both the short and potentially long term.
-Well established link between addiction and crime
-Why does someone become alcoholic or a substance abuser (nature or nurture)
-Consider also something like drinking/smoking during pregnancy as a biological determinant
sudden change to bio?
-TBI’s or other head-related injuries can have significant lasting impacts on an individual’s behav
-The frontal lobe of the brain (responsible for controlling and regulating behav) is particularly susceptible to injury
-A strong correlation between such injuries and violent offending
phineas gage?
-1800’s: metal rod went through his head, cheek, brain, and out the top of his head
-Survived but was a changed man - more violent, prone to outbursts, irritable, etc
-Suggest just how much of our personality and behavioral is based on biology (rather than free choice)