Crimes against Property Flashcards
According to the FBI’s UCR program, property crimes include:
Motor theft Vehicle
The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possessions, or constructive possessions from another.
Retail Theft (TWO TYPES)
- Shoplifting
2. Theft committed by store employees
What represents one of the best ways to address both shoplifting and employee theft
Flash Mobs and Larceny
Flash mobs are purposeful crowds of people brought together on a moments notice through the use of social media websites
Identity Theft
The misuse of another individuals personal information to fraud.
Existing account fraud
when thieves obtain account information involving credit, brokerage, banking, or utility accounts that are already open
New Account Fraud
use of personal information such as Social Security numbers, birth dates, and home address to open new accounts in the victims name, make charges indiscriminately, and then disappear.
The unlawful entry into a structure for the purpose of felony commission, generally a theft.
Residential Burglary
Advances in technology have made televisions, radios, and other electronic devices lighter, smaller and more potable
Motor vehicle theft
The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle.
Joy Riders
The temporary use of a vehicle primarily to satisfy needs ranging from excitement to personal autonomy
Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn a public dwelling, house, public building, motor vehicle, aircraft, o personal property of another
Persistent vs. Personal Theives
While many thieves are persistent, this does not make them professional.
Professional Criminal
A criminal offender who makes a living from criminal pursuits, its recognized by other offenders as professional, and engages in offending that is planned and calculated.
Persistent Thief
A person who continues in property crimes despite no better than ordinary level of success
Career implies what
a rational progression through defined stages, with some type f planning o formalized logic to the progression
Burglary Locales
Burglars at any level may target both residents and commercial buildings