Crimes Against Persons Flashcards
The willful killing of one human being by another
-Can be justifiable
An unlawful homicide
Criminal Homicide
The causing of the death of another person without legal justification or excuse
How many murders were committed throughout the U.S. in 2010
What was the 2010 rate of criminal homicide
4.8 people murdered for every 100,000 individuals in the U.S population
Felony Murder
A special category of murder, whereby an offender who commits a crime during which someone dies can be found guilty of first degree murder even though the person committing the crime had no intention to kill anyone.
Sibling Offense (Blocks)
The incident that begin the homicide
-The offense or incident may be a crime, such as robbery, or an incident that meets a less stringent criminal’ quarrel definition, such as a lovers’ quarrel involving assault or battery.
Victim Precipitation
Contributes made by the victim to the criminal event epsecially those that led to its initiaion.
Research has identified that
Alcohol use as a a factor in homicide cases where the victim is a direct, positive precipitator in the crime.
The type of weapon used in a particular encounter has an effect on whether the encounter ends in death
How access to guns may increase their presence in all types of interactions
Serial Murder
A criminal homicide that involves the killing of several victims in three or more separate incidents
3 Part motivation typology
1) Thrill motivated killers (MOST COMMON)
- -2 Types: Sexual sadist and Dominance Killers
2) Mission-oriented killers
- -2 Types: Reformist and Visionary killers
3) Expedience-direct killers
- -2 Types: Profit driven and Protection- oriented killers
Male Vs. Female Serial Killers
- Victim selection
- Geographic stability
- Career length
2 Broad types:
-Those who act alone and those who work in partnership with others
The Black Widow
Kills spouses and usually for economic profit
The Angel of Death
Kills those in her care or who rely on her for some form of medical attention or support
Mass Murder
The illegal killing of more than three individuals at a single time
Does mass murders occur with great frequency
Unlike serial murderers, mass murderers are easier to apprehend
Mass murderers rarely leave the scene of their crime, either because they commit suicide or they stay long enough to be detected
Long tern and stable preconditions that become incorporated into the personality of the killer
Short term acute triggers
Conditions that increase the likelihood of a violent outburst but are not necessary produce that response
The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or organ penetration by a sex organ or another person, without the consent of the victim.
Forcible Rape
The carnal knowledge of a person forcibly and against their will
Common law definition of rape (Until the 1970s)
The carnal knowledge of a woman, not ones wife, by force or against her will.
Rape Shield Laws
Ensure that defendants do not introduce irrelevant facts about the victims sexual past into evidence
The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with anybody part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
Feminist Perspective of Rape
Rape is viewed as an act of power or domination in which the tool used to subordinate is sexual.
The Psychopathology Perspective
- Rape is the result of idiosyncratic mental disease
- Rape often includes an uncontrollable sexual impulse
Evolutionary/ Biological Perspective
-Sexual Selection: Some traits appear to survive not because they are related to survival, but because they increase the attraction of mates or the defense against competition.
Power Rape
- Do not purposely set out to harm their victim
- Generally Planned
- 55% of reported rapists
Sadistic Rape
- Involve a combination of power and rape motives
- Often involves torture
- 55% of reported rapists
Acquaintance Rape
Rape characterized by a prior social relationship between the victim and perpetrator
-Vast majority of rapes and known as date rape
Spousal Rape
The rape of one spouse by another
- Usually refers to the rape of a woman by her husband
- Not illegal in any state until 1976
Child Sexual Abuse
Encompasses a variety of criminal and civil offenses in which an adult engages in-sexual activity with a minor, exploits a minor for purposes of sexual gratification, or exploits a minor sexually for purposes of profit.
Repressed Pedophiles
Attracted sexually primarily to their own age groups but are passively aroused by minors
Fixated Pedophiles
Adults pedophiles who engage in planned sexual acts with children
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
All offenses in which an adult victimizes a child sexually for profit, including the prostituting of a child and creating or trafficking in child pornography
Child Pornography
A visual representation of any kind that depicts a minor engaging in sexual exploit conduct that is obscene and that lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
The taking of or attempt to take anything of value under confrontational circumstances from the control, custody, or care of another person by force or threat of force or violence and/ or putting the victim in fear of immediate harm.
Location Of Robberies
- Highway Robberies
- Home Invasion Robberies
- Institutional Robberies
The firearm is the weapon most often used in robbery
Research tends to support the idea that there is very little planning in most robberies
Aggravated Assault
The unlawful attack by one person upon another wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious or severe bodily injury.
Simple Assault
Assaults and attempted assaults where no weapon was used or no serious or aggravated injury resulted to the victim.
-Staking, intimidation, coercion, and hazing are including.
The majority of assaults involve victims and offenders who are known to each other
Intimate Partner Violence
A special are of study in criminology that includes sexual violence, physical abuse, and stalking committed by a current or former partner or spouse of the victim
Intimate Partner Assault
A gender-neutral used to characterized assault behavior that takes place between individuals involved in a intimate relationship.
Separation Assault
Violence inflicted by partners on significant others who attempt to leave an intimate relationship
Workplace Violence
The crimes of murder, rape, robbery, and assault committed against people who are at work or on duty.
Hate Crime
A criminal offense in which the motive is hatred, bias, or prejudice, based on the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation of another individual or group of individuals.
A course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated visual or physical proximity; non consensual communication; verbal, written, or implied threats; or a combination thereof that would cause a reasonable person fear.
The use of technology, such as email the internet, to harass individuals