Crimes Flashcards
Describe crimes against authority
Betraying your king/lord
Describe crimes against property
Crimes like theft, robbery and arson that involved taking or damaging something that belongs to someone else
What was a moral crime?
Actions that were frowned upon by society
What was the murdrum?
It held everyone in the hundred reponsible for the death of a Norman
Why was the murdrum fine introduced?
To establish Norman control by making murdering a Norman severely punishable
What was the Statute of Laborers?
It became a crime after the black death to ask for more money as a worker now that there were much less people.
Why was the Statute of labourers introduced?
The upper class were worried about the lower class becoming more rich and powerful
Why was treason considered the highest crime throughout the medieval period?
The King remained very powerful
What was the forest laws?
30% of land would now be protected Royal Forests, controlled by the new forest laws. Breaking any forest rules, poaching animals or damaging vegeation was punishable.
Why were the forest laws created?
It was a symbol of William I’s dominance
What was heresy?
beliefs that opposed the official teachings of the church
In what period heresy become a crime?
Late Medieval Period
Why did heresy become a crime?
To protect the Church
Describe the main differences between Catholic and Protestant Beliefs
Catholics thought that the Pope was the head of the Church, the bible services should be in Latin and that churches should be colorful and lavish.
Protestants believed Jesus Christ was the Head of the Church, the bible services should be in English and churches should be plain.
How did heresy and treason become interlinked?
All monarchs from Henry VII onward, besides Mary I, were head of the Church of England. Opposing the monarch now meant you were opposing God.
What monarch wanted to create a middle way between the two religions?
Queen Elizabeth I
What religion was Oliver Cromwell?
Puritan (extreme Protestant)
What religious changes did Oliver Cromwell make?
He made activities and entertainment illegal
Why did vagabondage become a crime in 1500-1700?
More and more people were moving out villages and into towns looking for work; they became beggars, tramps and vagrants.
People believed that vagabonds were lazy and the Puritan religion taught that everyone should be working hard.
Why were there changing definitions of heresy in the period 1500-1700?
The definition of heresy changed continuously due to the constant changing of established beliefs as the monarch changed.