Crime and Policing Flashcards
Why do we allow police to use discretion?
1: no laws cover every situation
2: limited resources make it hard to enforce all laws all the time
3: strict enforcement can be harsh in certain circumstances
Why was there a Royal commission in to the NSW Police Service?
To the investigate allegations of corruption and misconduct by the NSW Police Service.
The Royal Commission into the NSW Police Force found that there had been little emphasis on:
Ethics or integrity at the training academy.
What changed to the NSW Police Force training after the Royal Commission?
- There was grater emphasis on ethics and integrity
- candidates are now trained by people from both the police academy and people from other related professional backgrounds.
What is proactive policing?
Proactive policing deals with:
crime prevention through strategies to deter deviance and setting a culture of compliance with the law.
How has proactive policing been seen to be successful?
Through reducing crime rates using strategies such as bail checks and fast action on anti-social/poor behaviour.
Proactive policing has also been criticised for leading to biased and abusive policing practices, how?
For targeting certain social categories such as youth, who it can have a negative effect on. It can lead to youth having unhealthy relationships with police and authority.
What is the purpose of an arrest?
To bring a person before a court so the can be dealt with according to the law.
To start the criminal justice process.
If there is a way of bringing a person before the court without arrest the police should do so.
True or False?
Officers in NSW have the power to arrest with and without a warrant.
True or False?
Making an arrest without a warrant is more common, but can cause:
More legal problems for the police.
What does the acronym LEPRA stand for?
Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
If a police officer tells a person they are ‘not free to go’ the law may consider that:
The person is under arrest, even if the officer did not think they had make an arrest.
Police have the discretion and power to deal with offences in the following ways:
- to do nothing
- to give an informal warning
- to give a penalty or infringement notice
- to give a notice to appear in court
- to arrest an offender
- use the alternatives to arrest under the Young Offenders Act (for a child/young person)
What is a ‘CAN’?
A Court Attendance Notice.