Crime And Globalization Flashcards
What is globalisation
The widening and speeding up of worldwide inter-connectedness
How has globalisation effected crime
-growing inequality
-more opportunity
-ideology of consumerism (can add in individualism)
-global risk society
-supply and demand
Growing inequality
Taylor -
-winners from globalisation are the rich u/c who own corporations and the losers are the workers of these organisations in both developed and developing countries.
- The workers are likely to experience growing relative dep which can lead to crime
More opportunity for crime
-speed and anonymity of the internet like the dark web allows people to commit crime all round the world while being undetected eg child pornography and millions of pounds can be moved round the world in seconds.
-hard for police from one country to hunt down and convict people from other country’s eg credit card scams
Ideology of consumerism
Ideology of consumerism promoted by westernized mediaI is consumed by People from all countries that ate exposed to the glamorized materialistic lifestyle.
-left realists - says little people have chance of achieving this so turn to crime to gain economic wealth eg international drug trade, global sex trafficking.
Supply and demand
People want to move to developed western countries cause they believe they be better off but immigration has been made more difficult. This has created a marker in illegal human trafficking and many of these illegal immigrants are in debt to their smuggler.
-women and kids forced into prostitution
Demand for drugs in western countries gives farmers in poor countries opportunity to grow and sell plants used for drugs to international drug gangs.
New types of crime
-human trafficking
-cyber crimes - identity theft, child pornography
-money laundering
Evaluation of globalisation
Evaluation of globalisation
❌- difficult to study/investigate global crime as hard to find source of crime/get access and may require specialist training- so questions validity of research
❌- researching can be dangerous as global crime Involvs powerful dangerous individuals
✅-investigating and finding ways to prevent newest form of crime
What is green crime
What does zemiology mean
Any human action that harms the environment weather it’s illegal or not
-study of harm
Global risk society and the environment
Green criminology
Focus on the notion of harm rather than criminal law
- action that harms the physical environment, humans or animals even if no law has been broken. Eg zemiological approach.
Two views of harm and who suggests them
Anthropocentric (human-centred view) humans have the right to dominate nature for their own needs. (put economic growth before the environment.
Ecocentric view- sees humans and environment as interdependent- environmental harm also harms humans
What is Primary green crime
Crime that results directly from the destruction if earths resources
Examples of primary green crime
Air pollution - burning fossil fuels for transportation and industries
Deforestation- cutting down trees for resources eg wood, paper (1/5 of tropical reinforest cut down)
^ leads to animals going extinct as destroys their habitats
Water pollution- 1/2 billion lack clean water eg littering ends up in ocean and toxic waste dumping- kills people and animals.
What is secondary green crime
Crime that happens due to ignoring rules aimed at preventing environmental damage
Examples of secondary green crime
Environmental discrimination - poor groups more affected by pollution
eg ^ sea level, contaminated water (toxic waste dumping), dump sites.
Toxic waste dumping in 3rd world countries by industries cheaper to illegally dump it into seas ‘ocean floor is a radioactive rubbish dump’
Who commits green crime
1.indivduals - littering, not recycling, wasting energy
2.buisness and organisations- toxis waste dumping, air pollution
3.governments -militaty largest source of air pollution eg nuclear bombs
Action against green crime
Gov needs to make and enforce laws to control green crime but form the companies that are likely to commit these crimes so don’t.
-if lasses they’ll effect profit.
Evaluation of green crime
✅recognises and brings to light the growing issue of green crime and the effects on the Environment.
❌- hard to define what actions are classed as green crime as they are not laws but an objective opinion.
What is state crime
All crimes committed by or on behalf of the state (government)
Different definitions of state crime
-Domestic law
-social harm- zemiology
-international law
-human rights
Domestic law
Using the states own domestic laws to define crime is inadequate as they create the laws so they can avoid criminalising their own actions and make laws that allow them to carry out harmful acts.
Social harm (zemiology)
See state crime as beyond breaking the law but any action that causes someone damage/harm.
✅-prevent the state from ruling themselves out of court
State crime is socially constructed- varies over time and between cultures
-diff opinions if state crime has been committed
International law
- any action by or on behalf of the state that violates international law
✅- objective doesn’t depend on personal definitions of harm - globally agreed definition.
❌- unrealistic to have all cultures agree on same laws
Human rights
State crime is anything the state or its agents do that violates a humans rights eg racism, sexism
Scale of state crime
State is the source of the law
Enormous power gives it potential to inflict harm on huge scale
Because they create the law they have the power to conceal their crimes and evade punishments for them.