Crime and Deviance General Knowledge Flashcards
What is the difference between crime and deviance?
Crime is breaking the law, deviance is behaviour that doesn’t conform to the dominant norms of society.
Which term describes the unknown amount of criminal activity not reported to or recorded by the police?
Dark figure.
What is a self report study?
When people reveal crimes they have committed but for which they haven’t been caught
What are the 4 factors that determine whether an act will be considered to be criminal and/or deviant?
Time, place, social situation, culture.
What is the major psychological factor that might contribute to criminal behaviour?
Maternal deprivation.
What is anomie?
The breakdown of norms governing acceptable behaviour.
What term did Merton use to describe this sense of anomie?
Strain theory.
Albert Cohen developed this theory to describe the situation where working class boys cannot achieve society’s goals due to educational failure and poor job opportunities. What term did he use to describe this?
Status frustration.
What do functionalists mean when they refer to ‘collective conscience’?
Shared beliefs that bind communities and regulates behaviour.
What would a Marxist identify as the driving force behind crime?
Social inequality.
Which of the following is an example of “white collar crime”?
Which of the following statements is true?
Working class people are more likely to commit crime and more likely to be victims of crime
What term is used to describe the idea that the criminal justice system treats women more leniently because of their gender?
Chivalry thesis.
What is the term used to describe the barriers that prevent women from achieving senior positions in their chosen careers?
Glass ceiling.
Which term is used to describe the organisational procedures and practices that either intentionally or unintentionally discriminate against an ethnic minority?
Institutional racism.
What is the peak age of offending in England and Wales?