Crime Flashcards
Crime in neighbourhoods
Areas of transition, poverty, and high numbers of ethnic minority tend to have higher rates of crime.
Feminist Criminologist concerns
They are concerned with issues like sexual assault and domestic violence.
Female Arrest
Females are more likely to be arrested for property offences.
Types of offences
Criminal offence: must have an evil act and evil mind. Summary offence: less serious crimes. Indictable offence: big bad no no (murder and stuff).
Crime prevention using the environment
Adding fences, lighting, windows placement so residents can observe what’s going on. Landscaping (hill… make it harder for someone to get to your house). Diligent maintenance (make it obvious that someone lives there consistently).
Gang Activity
Gangs emerge where conventional controls over youth are absent.
Hate Crime targets
In order of most to least. Jewish, Black, Muslim, Asian, LGBTQ. Collect info from police reports and victimization surveys.
Spousal Homicide rates
Women in common-law relationships are more likely to be victims of spousal homicide than married women.
Date Rape Drug
Street Gangs in the US in the 1920s
In Chicago. Organized crime groups emerged with warfare between them. They became more connected politically to local leaders.
Corporate Crime
the offence benefits the corporation. Information about these types of crimes is limited due to there not being reliable self-report surveys.
Ponzi scheme
Returns are paid to investors from their own/ other investors’ money rather than actual profits earned.
White Collar crime
The offence benefits the individual. (Fraud…)
2 years -1 day placement
Offender will go to a provincial institution instead of federal.
Aggressive panhandeling
Unlawful begging. This criminalizes homelessness and they usually don’t have an address to send tickets or fines to so they can’t pay them.
Longitudinal studies
Studying the same group of people over a period of time.