It is the COLLECTION OF FACTS in order to accomplish the threefold aims
Criminal Investigation
This refers to the investigation of cases that are unique and often require the application of Legal Medicine and requires SPECIAL TRAINING to fully understand their broad significance.
Special Crime Investigation
This refers to the BRANCH OF MEDICINE which deals with the application of medical knowledge to the purposes of law and in the administration of justice
Legal Medicine
Is primarily the application of MEDICINE TO LEGAL cases
Legal Medicine
Concerns with the APPLICATION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE to elucidate legal problems
Forensic Medicine
A physician who specializes or is involved primarily with MEDICOLEGAL DUTIES
Medical Jurist
An physician sees
an injury or disease on the
Ordinary Physician
It sees injury or disease on the POINT OF VIEW OF CAUSE
Medical Jurist
Minor or trivial injuries are usually ignored by this physician in as much as they do not REQUIRED USUAL TREATMENT
Ordinary Physician
A _______ must RECORDS ALL BODILY INJURIES even if they are small or minor because these injuries may be proofs to qualify the crime or to justify the act.
Medical Jurist
Is a RULE OF CONDUCT just, obligatory, laid by legitimate power for common observance and benefit.
It is composed of laws which are produced by the country’s legislations and which are defined, CODIFIED and Incorporated by the law-making body.
Written or Statutory Law
It is composed of UNWRITTEN laws based on immemorial customs and usages.
Unwritten or Common Law
It denotes anything belonging to the court of law or USED IN COURT or legal proceedings
Refers to anything conformable to the letters or rules of law as it is ADMINISTERED BY THE COURT.
a science of GIVING WISE INTERPRETATION of the law and making just application of them to all cases as they arise.
It is a science and art dealing with PREVENTION, CURE, and alleviation of disease.
It is the knowledge of law in relation to the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE
Medical Jurisprudence
It concerns with the study of the rights, duties and obligations of MEDICAL PRACTITIONER
Medical Jurisprudence
it will adhere to and APPLY TO ALL FUTURE CASES where the facts are substantially the same.
Principle of Stare Decises
It is the sanctioned by the Rules of Court, of ascertaining in a judicial PROCEEDING THE TRUTH respecting a matter of fact
the means employed to prove a fact is MEDICAL IN NATURE then it becomes a
Medical Evidence