Crew Training Supplement Flashcards
Standard takeoff minimums for the A320
Standard takeoff minimums for 2 engine aircraft are 1sm or 5,000 RVR
Are we allowed to operate with lower than standard takeoff minimums?
What provides authorization to do so?
Ops spec C056: IFR takeoff minimums, part 121 airplane operations
What are we allowed to reduce our takeoff minimums to?
Ops spec C078: IFR lower than standard takeoff minima
Lowest authorized takeoff RVR:
What are the runway requirements when operating at RVR 500/500/500?
Is reported visibility or RVR for the takeoff runway controlling?
RVR reports, when available for a particular runway, shall be used for all takeoff operations on that runway.
If reported RVR is 500/400/500, are we allowed to takeoff?
If reported RVR is 500/inop/500, are we allowed to takeoff?
If RVR is more than 1,600 RVR:
The TDZ RVR if available is _______
The MID RVR may be substituted for ________
An unavailable TDZ report
If RVR is less than 1,600 RVR:
A minimum of ___________ are required
All reporting _________
2 operative RVR’s
RVR’s are controlling
When is a takeoff alternate required?
If the current departure airport weather is lower than the landing minimums published for the airport
What is required to list an airport as a takeoff alternate?
Must be within 1 hour from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air with one engine inoperative
Must meet the criteria in ops spec C055 for filling as an alternate.
What is the weather requirement at our destination airport to dispatch?
Weather must be at or above the authorized minimums at the ETA
The main body of the TAF for our destination airport is reporting visibility at the ETA of 1/2 sm, however there is a TEMPO for 1/4 sm. Can we depart?
Yes, exemption 20118 can be applied
Requires a second alternate
The main body of the TAF for our destination airport is reporting visibility at the ETA of 1/4 sm. Can we depart?
No, the main body of the report is controlling
When is a destination alternate required (domestic)?
An alternate must be designated unless the appropriate weather reports or forecasts, or any combination of them, indicates that the visibility will be at least (3) miles with a ceiling of at least 2,000 feet for at least one (1) hour before and one (1) hour after the ETA at the destination airport.
When is a second alternate required to be on the release?
When exemption 20118 is used
When weather at the destination and first alternate is marginal.
How is marginal weather defined?
A ceiling of less than 500 feet above DA(H) or MDA(H) or
A visibility of less than 1/2 mile above the lowest operational approach minimum
How do you determine that the alternate listed on the release is legal?
Reference ops spec C055: alternative airport IFR weather minimums
We use the 1 navaid/2 navaid rule to derive alternate weather minimums
1 navaid: for airports with at least 1 operational navigational facility providing a straight in NPA, or category 1 precision approach, or, when applicable, a circling maneuver from an IAP
•add 400 ft to MDA(H) or DA(H), as applicable
•add 1 sm to the landing minimum
2 navaid: for airports with at least 2 operational navigational facilities, each providing a straight in approach procedure to a different suitable runway
•add 200 ft to higher of the DA(H) or MDA(H) of the 2 approaches used
•add 1/2 sm to the higher authorized landing minimum of the 2 approaches used.
Would we use a different method to determine if the takeoff alternate or second alternate weather is legal?
No. An alternate is an alternate. We always reference C055.
Can we apply exemption 20118 to a destination or second alternate?
First alternate: the main body of the TAF must forecast a ceiling and visibility at the ETA equal to or greater than the C055 derived alternate weather minimum ceiling and visibility. A conditional statement must not forecast a ceiling or visibility, at the first alternate ETA, that is less than half of the derived alternate weather minimum ceiling or visibility
Second alternate: forecast must indicate in the main body and conditionals that the forecast ceiling and visibility, at the second alternate ETA, will be at or above the C055 derived alternate weather minimum ceiling and visibility
With 2 alternates listed on the release, what is the required minimum fuel (domestic)?
Fuel at the time of takeoff:
•fly to and land at the airport the flight was dispatched or released, and then
•fly to and land at the most distant alternate airport, and then
•fly for 45 minutes at normal cruising consumption
You are planning for an ILS with published minimums of 1/2 sm-1800 RVR. Prevailing visibility is 3/4 sm and TDZ RVR for that runway is 1600 RVR. Can you start the final approach segment? Can you continue if inside the FAF?
No, whenever the RVR is reported for a particular runway, it becomes the controlling visibility measurement for operations on the runway
Yes, if inside the FAF the weather is reported below minimums you can continue the approach.
Which RVR report(s) is controlling for approach and landing?
Reference C052
TDZ reports, when available for a particular runway, are controlling for all approaches and landings for that specific runway. The MID RVR and ROLLOUT RVR reports (if available) provide advisory information to the pilots
Note: the MID RVR report may be substituted for the TDZ RVR report in the event TDZ RVR report is not available
If you are flying an NPA what do you enter in the MCDU PERF approach page for minimums?
DDA: Derived Decision Altitude
How is DDA determined for an RNAV (GPS) approach?
DDA is derived by adding 50 ft to the appropriate LNAV MDA(H)
Why don’t we use LPV or LNAV/VNAV minimums?
Reference C052
The certificate holder may not use DA(H) unless paragraph C073 is authorized. C073 is not authorized.
What is required when flying an ILS approach with a report of 1800 RVR if the runway does not have operative TDZ lights or RCL lights?
Reference C052
Must be equipped FD or AP
Required to use the FD or AP during the approach to DA
If you are flying an RNAV (GPS) approach and lose “GPS primary” inside the FAF, can you continue the approach?
No. The approach must be discontinued
If you are flying a VOR approach and lose “GPS primary” inside the FAF, can you continue the approach?
Yes. Raw data is required to be displayed and monitored during the approach. If flight remains within required tolerances for the approach, then the approach can be continued.
What are the minimum HAA stabilization altitudes based on meteorological conditions?
Meteorological conditions HAA:
Less than or equal to 1,500 ft ceiling and 5 sm visibility: 1,000 ft
Greater than 1,500 ft ceiling and 5 sm visibility: 500 ft
(1,600 ft and 6 sm)
What are the elements of a stabilized approach?
An approach is considered stabilized only if all of the following elements are achieved before or upon reaching the applicable stabilization height:
•the aircraft is in correct lateral and vertical flight path (based on navaid guidance or visual references)
•only small changes in heading and pitch are required to maintain this flight path
•the aircraft is in the desired landing configuration
•the thrust is stabilized, usually above idle, to maintain the target approach speed along the desired final approach path
•the landing checklist has been accomplished as well as any specific briefing
What is the proper action if the minimum stabilization height is not met?
If the aircraft is not stabilized on the approach path in landing configuration at the minimum stabilization height, a go around must be initiated unless the crew estimates that only small corrections are necessary to rectify minor deviations from stabilized conditions due to external disturbances.
When do captain high minimums apply?
High minimums apply to captains who have less than 100 hours PIC under part 121 in the aircraft type being operated.
What are you required to add to weather minimums at your destination as a high minimums captain?
100 ft and 1/2 sm
Do high minimums captain requirements apply to the alternate?
No. The published minimums apply or 300-1, whichever is higher.
What are the notification requirements for a low time pilot? High minimums captain?
At the beginning of each duty period, each pilot must contact dispatch if he has not accrued:
•75 hours of line operating flight time as PIC/SIC, with Allegiant, on type.
•Captains: 100 hours as PIC, with Allegiant, on type.
Describe the green on green pairing limitation.
The PIC or SIC must have 75 hours of line operating flight time, either as PIC or SIC in aircraft type.
Note: this pairing limitation does not apply to a new captain who has greater than 75 hours of line operating flight time in type as FO.
Explain what is required for consolidation of knowledge and skills.
PIC and SIC crew members must accrue at least 100 hours of line operating flight time to complete consolidation
Must be completed 120 days from the completion of type ride or PC
If the requirement has been met as an SIC then it is not required at upgrade.
Includes credit for OE
Can be extended for 30 days
What are the limitations on FO’s with less than 100 hours time in type?
The CA must make all takeoffs/landings if:
At a special airport
Visibility is at or below 3/4 sm (4,000 RVR)
Contaminated runway (braking action less than good)
Crosswind greater than 15 kts
Suspected/reported windshear
Captain’s discretion
CA may allow FO to manipulate the controls in all phases of flight, if before takeoff, the CA conducts a pre takeoff briefing to review each crew member’s duties
FO’s are responsible for ensuring the CA is notified when they have not completed consolidation
When is an aircraft security search required to be completed?
Prior to beginning of each calendar day
If aircraft is left unsecured/unattended
Prior to each departure to/from an international destination (Canada is the exception)
When there is reasonable cause due to breach of security or a specific threat
What is the standard Allegiant clearance from thunderstorms above FL230?
20 nm
What briefing will the CA give the LFA in an emergency situation?
Red or yellow emergency
T-E-S-T briefing (for red emergencies)
T: type of emergency expected
E: evacuation type and probability
S: signals to be used for bracing/evacuation
T: time available
In an abnormal/emergency situation after the aircraft is stopped on the runway, what are the 2 commands the CA shall use to communicate to the passengers and FA’s?
“This is the Captain, remain seated” or
“Standby, standby, standby”
What is cost index?
0 = maximum range
99 = minimum time
The relationship between time and fuel related costs to minimize trip costs.
When is an RVSM check required? Fuel check?
Per SOP enroute: RVSM and fuel awareness checks are required hourly.
In addition to the hourly RVSM check, an altimeter check is required prior to entering RVSM airspace. This is accomplished at transition altitude.
How do you determine that the TLR is valid?
POAT: OAT is no less than POAT -10C.
PQNH: QNH is no less than 0.10 below PQNH.
Where do we reference the engine failure takeoff procedure?
Standard: ACARS runway section of the TLR
Simple Special: special ENG fail takeoff procedures section of the TLR
Complex Special: company tab on the JEPP FD PRO application or the A320 ADPH.
If a turn/heading is denoted in the takeoff section of the TLR, when would you be required to start the turn if you lost an engine prior to EO acceleration?
Standard procedure turns are commenced at 1,000 AFE, in IMC/VMC conditions
Do we have to comply with simple special procedures? Complex special procedures?
Simple special in IMC: until 3,000 AFE unless assigned a radar vector at a lower altitude
Simple special in VMC: until 1,000 AFE
Complex special: mandatory in IMC and VMC
ACARS is deferred. If you are issued a runway change, can the TLR be used to make the runway change?
Yes (assumes a valid TLR)
Minimum landing distance is determined by assessed runway conditions. How is this information (assessed runway conditions) distributed?
What information is included in the FICON NOTAM?
Runway condition code (RCC), contaminant type, depth, and percentage of coverage.
How is coverage reported?
Provided in 1/3 runway intervals when the runway is more than 25% contamination level.
Based on FICON NOTAM DATA, how do we determine the impact the conditions will have on our landing performance?
Reference the RCAM runway condition assessment matrix
Refer to RCAM minimum landing distance in the TLR for planning prior to departure
Enter the field condition and expected braking action into the ATSU or use inflight performance in the QRH when enroute.
If RCC was 5/6/6, how would you calculate landing distance?
Use the lowest value (5/good)
What is minimum factored landing distance?
Landing distance including a 15% safety margin and an air run from a 50 ft threshold crossing height.
What landing requirements must be met in order to dispatch?
Must be able to land and stop within 60% of the effective length of the runway to be used
An additional 15% is added for a wet runway
Is it possible to meet dispatch requirements yet have a factored minimum landing distance (based on expected braking action) greater than the landing distance available? Can you depart?
Dispatch is permitted if:
There is reasonable expectation that the braking action will improve to the point that the minimum landing distance required will be less than the landing distance available at ETA
The PIC and dispatcher conduct a briefing and agree what braking action will be required before landing
A performance alternate is added to the dispatch release
What is the requirement to list an airport as a performance alternate?
Minimum landing distance must be less than the landing distance available.
Can we reference the RCAM MIN-LDG distance in the TLR to determine landing distance?
No. It’s for planning purposes only
How do we determine minimum landing distance once airborne?
Obtain up to date FICON NOTAM information on ATIS
With ATSU: enter field condition, expected braking action, and select thrust reverser option to obtain minimum required landing distance. Min required distance on LDG data report includes 15% safety margin and an air run from 50 ft above threshold
Without ATSU: use airbus flysmart application on iPad
We have 3 different colored placards. When do we use the yellow, orange and white placards?
M351: white placard is used for crew deferrals, or contract MX
M352: orange placard is used for repetitive action items
M353: yellow placard is the standard placard
What is a class 2 maintenance message?
Maintenance status messages displayed on the status page that indicate minor system faults
When are class 2 maintenance messages displayed?
On the ground when power is applied
After engine shutdown
Where are class 2 maintenance messages displayed?
Lower right side of status page
Will be indicated by flashing STS on E/WD after engine shutdown
What is our procedure for addressing class 2 maintenance messages?
Advise dispatch/MOC of the class 2 maintenance message. The crew is required to make a logbook entry and apply the appropriate MEL related to the class 2 message.
What is the difference between an MEL and a CDL?
MEL addresses INOP equipment/component.
CDL addresses missing equipment/component.
When would a category L (120 day interval) repair category be applied?
CDL/RVSM: administrative control item.
What does an (M) in the remarks/exceptions section denote?
Maintenance action is required
Can the crew perform an (M) action?
When Y is denoted in the CP column and under the supervision of maintenance
Can the crew perform an (O) action?
(O) actions are normally performed by the crew
What does an (R) in the remarks/exceptions denote?
Repetitive action is required
What is the repetitive action interval?
Prior to each departure
Once each flight day
Prior to the first flight of the day
What is a mechanical irregularity? What must be done for any mechanical irregularity?
A mechanical irregularity exists if an aircraft system, instrument, component or part is broken, damaged, inoperative, or not serving the purpose for which it was designed
All mechanical irregularities must be entered into the M300 as a discrepancy or a successful reset (info only)
The PIC is responsible to ensure all mechanical irregularities observed by the flight crew are entered into the M300
The PIC is responsible to ensure all mechanical irregularities are reported to maintenance control (through dispatch) prior to any subsequent takeoff.
After making an entry in the M300, is it sufficient to contact local maintenance to report the write up?
NO. The PIC is responsible to ensure all mechanical irregularities are reported to maintenance control (through dispatch) prior to any subsequent takeoff. Contacting local or line maintenance DOES NOT satisfy this requirement.
Where can the flight crew find approved reset procedures?
Aircraft specific approved reset procedures are contained in respective aircraft operating manuals and quick reference handbooks
If a flight crew performs a successful system reset per the QRH system reset table, what must be done?
Unless otherwise required by an approved reset procedure, mechanical irregularities that are successfully reset to a normal operating condition via an approved reset procedure must be entered into the successful reset (info only) block of the M300
Reset successful (info only) block entries must contain the system or component reset, the procedure action used to affect the reset, and a statement indicating that the system or component was restored to a normal operating condition. For example, “F/CTL SEC 2 FAULT, performed ECAM actions, reset successful”
Maintenance control (via dispatch) must be contacted for all successful reset (info only) block entries. Maintenance control will review the reset history of the system or component to determine whether multiple resets have occurred. Mechanical irregularities that require multiple resets must be entered as an M300 discrepancy.
Successful reset (info only) block entries do not require and will not have a corresponding corrective action block entry
The following reset successful (info only) block information must also be completed: type of reset, originator employee number
If a mechanical irregularity reoccurs after a successful reset of the same component on the same flight segment or on the previous flight segment (including preflight) what must be done?
The fault must be entered in the discrepancy block of the M300
A discrepancy block entry requires an appropriate corrective action block entry prior to takeoff.
If an ECAM message appears (and is successfully reset) during transfer from ground power to APU power, is a M300 entry required?
Unless otherwise required by an approved reset procedure, faults obviously associated with an electrical power transfer that can be successfully reset to a normal operating condition are not considered to be a mechanical irregularity
Power transfer faults successfully reset on sequential flights are not considered multiple resets.
If an ECAM message appears momentarily and then self corrects, is a M300 entry required?
Transient (momentary and self correcting) faults are not considered mechanical irregularities unless the transient abnormality occurs often enough to prevent the system from serving the purpose for which it was designed or results in the flight crew performing a rejected takeoff.
Transient faults on sequential flights are not considered multiple resets
What is the wingspan of an A320 with sharklets? Without sharklets?
With a minimum turn radius, will the tail and wing clear what the nose clears?
What is the minimum theoretical pavement width for a 180 degree turn?
75 ft
(100ft company recommended)
Which valves will receive a close command when the DITCHING push button is depressed?
Avionics inlet and extract valves
Ram air inlet
Pack flow control valves
Outflow valve (only if in auto mode)
FWD cargo outlet isolation valve
Will the ditching push button always close the outflow valve?
Not if the outflow valve is under manual control
Can the pilot control the outflow valve?
Yes. Select MAN on the MODE SEL and use the MAN V/S CTL switch.
How many CPC’s (cabin pressure controllers) are in the pressurization system?!
- Only one is used at a time and they swap roles after each landing.
How do you manually switch CPC’s?
Switch MODE SEL to MAN for 10 seconds, then back to AUTO.
What does an amber fault light in the MODE SEL push button indicate?
Both automatic pressure controllers are faulty
From what source does the pressurization system normally obtain landing elevation?
FMGC database
If the FMGC does not supply the landing elevation, how do you set the landing elevation?
Manually by selecting landing elevation via the LDG ELEV knob
What protects the airframe from excessive cabin differential pressure?
2 pressure relief valves (safety valves)
How many outflow valve motors are installed?
3 total. One for each CPC, and one for manual control.
How would a pilot manually control the pressurization?
By selecting MAN on the MODE SEL push button and utilizing the MAN V/S CTL toggle switch
What flow rate is automatically selected when APU bleed air is in use or during single pack operation?
If the engine bleed air pressure in flight is too low, what will occur?
Engine speed is automatically increased to provide adequate bleed air pressure.
What would cause the amber fault light to illuminate in the pack 1 and/or pack 2 pushbutton?
Overheat - pack outlet
Overheat- compressor outlet
Discontinuity- switch position disagreement with pack flow control valve.
Note: FAULT light will be illuminated when no bleed air is supplied
At what cabin differential pressure does the RAM AIR valve open?
1 psi ^p or less
What causes the pack flow control valve to automatically close?
Upstream pressure below minimum
Pack overheat
Engine start sequence
Engine FIRE pushbutton on the related side pressed
DITCHING pushbutton pressed
What does an amber FAULT light in the HOT AIR pushbutton indicate?
Duct overheat - the Hot Air and Trim Air valves close automatically
How many air conditioning system controllers are there and how many lanes do they have?
2 air conditioning system controllers
Each air conditioning system controller has 2 lanes (active/standby)
Describe how the air conditioning system controllers regulate temperature
Basic temperature regulation: both packs produce the required outlet temperature determined by the lowest demanded zone temperature
Optimized temperature regulation: hot air is added to the individual zones by the trim air valves to maintain the desired zone temperature
What occurs when an active lane of an air conditioning system controller fails?
The second lane takes over
What occurs when both lanes of an air conditioning system controller (ACSC) fail?
The related pack is lost. The hot air pressure regulating valve and associated trim air valve(s) close
How does the air conditioning system controller configure its associated pack ram air inlet flap for takeoff and landing to avoid the ingestion of foreign matter?
Takeoff: pack ram air inlet flap closes when takeoff power is set and the main landing gear struts are compressed. Reopens after main landing gear strut extension
Landing: pack ram air inlet flap closes as soon as the main landing gear struts are compressed and speed is greater than or equal to 70 knots. Opens 20 seconds after speed is less than 70 knots
If an air cycle machine (ACM) fails, what occurs?
The affected pack will operate as a heat exchanger
What effect will the engine start sequence have on the pack flow control valves?
The pack flow control valve will close automatically
What does the CARGO HEAT HOT AIR amber fault light indicate?
Duct overheat
What is the purpose of the cabin fans?
To recirculate cabin air to the mixing chamber and then back to the cabin
With BLOWER and EXTRACT pushbuttons in AUTO, how does the system operate?
Ground - system is normally in the OPEN configuration
Flight - system is normally in the closed configuration
Intermediate- closed configuration except small internal flap in extract valve is open.
With both BLOWER and EXTRACT pushbuttons in OVRD (smoke configuration) what are the positions of the INLET and EXTRACT valves?
What is the status of the blower and extract fans with the blower and extract valves in OVRD?
When is air conditioning introduced into the avionics compartment?
Abnormal operation
SMOKE configuration
Is the skin heat exchanger ever bypassed in flight?
Yes, during SMOKE configuration
What does an amber fault light on the blower pushbutton indicate?
SMOKE warning is activated
Computer power supply failure
Low blower pressure
Duct overheat
What does an amber fault light on the extract pushbutton indicate?
SMOKE warning is activated
Computer power supply failure
Low extract pressure
With 2 fault lights on the ventilation panel, are there any other indications?
Yes. The SMOKE light in the GEN 1 LINE pushbutton
What are the main components of the FMGS?
2 FMGC’s
2 MCDU’s
1 FCU (two independent channels)
2 FAC’s
What are the functions of the flight management guidance computers?
Flight guidance
Flight management
What are the 3 modes of FMGC operation?
Independent (MCDU scratchpad displays- INDEPENDENT OPERATION)
Dual (normal)
What are the 2 modes of flight guidance?
Managed guidance
Selected guidance
What is the managed mode of flight guidance used for?
Long term lateral, vertical and speed profiles as determined by the FMGS
What is the selected mode of flight guidance used for?
Temporary lateral, vertical and speed commands as selected with the FCU
Does selected or managed guidance have priority?
Selected guidance always has priority
How do you determine the validity of the navigation database?
On the aircraft status page via the MCDU
What input does each FMGC use for position determination?
A hybrid IRS/GPS position
How does autopilot selection influence master FMGS logic?
If one autopilot is engaged, the respective FMGS is master
If both autopilots are engaged, FMGS 1 will be the master
If an amber SELECT OFFSIDE RING/MODE message is displayed on the ND, what action should the crew take?
An FMGS has failed and both ND’s must be set to the same mode and range (single mode)
Can both autopilots be engaged during any phase of flight?
No, only during an ILS approach
What is the difference between the large and small fonts utilized in the MCDU?
Large - pilot entries and modifiable data
Small - default/ computed non-modifiable data
Where do you enter the ZFW?
INIT B page (not accessible after engine start)
What do amber box prompts on the MCDU indicate?
An entry is mandatory
What occurs when managed NAV mode is engaged and the aircraft flies into a flight plan discontinuity?
NAV mode will be lost and the HDG/TRK mode engaged
What is the function of the Flight Control Unit?
Permits short term interface between the pilot and the FMGS
Allows temporary modification of any flight parameter (HDG, SPD, ALT, V/S)
Used to select operational modes of the autopilots, flight directors, and A/THR system.
What do dashes in the FCU display windows along with the adjacent white dot indicate?
FMGS managed guidance is in use
How is selected guidance engaged?
Pull the appropriate selector knob
How do you confirm all autopilot, FD, and A/THR inputs?
Confirm all mode inputs by reference to the flight mode annunciator (FMA)
Will the FCU altitude window ever display dashes?
No. Pilot selected altitude will always be displayed.
What does each column mean on the PFD?
How is the crew made aware of mode changes on the FMA?
A white box is temporarily displayed around the new indication (10-15 seconds)
How are armed modes displayed on the FMA?
Blue - armed
Magenta- armed because of a constraint
Green - engaged
When is the side stick position indication icon (white cross) displayed?
Displayed when the first engine is started
Disappears at liftoff
What would the large red arrowheads indicate?
Pitch attitude of greater than 30 degrees
What is the meaning of USE MANUAL PITCH TRIM?
You are in direct law
What is the meaning of MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY?
You are in mechanical backup
What are the pitch and roll angle limits indicated by the green = signs?
Pitch +30/-15
Roll 67
How can you determine you are in alternate law?
Amber X’s replace the green = marks at the pitch and bank limits
Only VLS and VSW is displayed on the airspeed scale.
When would the side slip index change from yellow to blue?
In case of an engine failure during takeoff/go-around, it is now a blue beta target.
What does the yellow speed trend line on the airspeed display indicate?
The speed the aircraft will reach in 10 seconds if acceleration/deceleration remains constant
What is the difference between the magenta and blue target airspeeds?
Magenta - managed speed computed by the FMGC
Blue - selected speed on the FCU
What speed does Vmax represent and how is it displayed?
It is the lowest of Vmo/Mmo, Vle, or Vfe
Defined by the bottom of a red and black strip along the speed scale
What is Vls?
Represents the lowest selectable speed providing an appropriate margin to the stall speed
Corresponds to 1.13 Vs during takeoff
Corresponds to 1.23 Vs after retraction of one step of flaps
Corresponds to 1.28 Vs in clean configuration
Above 20,000ft, Vls is corrected for Mach effect to maintain a buffet margin of 0.2G
In approach mode is equivalent to Vref
Increases with speedbrake extension
What is green dot speed?
Engine out operating speed in clean configuration
Appears when the aircraft is in the clean configuration
Corresponds to the best lift to drag ratio.
What is ground speed mini?
Based on a calculated groundspeed at the runway
Protects against actual groundspeed dropping below this calculated groundspeed
What does it mean when you see the magenta triangle on the PFD speed tape above the FMGC computed or entered Vapp during an approach?
Ground speed mini has increased speed due to a higher headwind component at your present location than what was calculated at the runway.
Is the groundspeed mini function available in selected speed?
No, managed speed only
What are three ways to disconnect the A/THR?
Instinctive disconnect buttons
Thrust levers to idle
A/THR pushbutton
How do you disconnect the A/THR for the remainder of the flight?
Press and hold the instinctive disconnect pushbutton for 15 seconds
What would you lose if you held down the instinctive disconnect pushbutton for more than 15 seconds?
Alpha floor protection
What happens to thrust, and what annunciates on the FMA when you reach alpha floor?
Thrust- TOGA
What occurs during alpha floor protection after the A.FLOOR conditions are no longer applicable.
FMA changes to TOGA LK
(On some software standards the mode reverts to the mode that was active prior to the engagement of A.FLOOR)
How do you regain normal A/THR when in TOGA LK?
Move thrust levers to the TOGA detent
Press the instinctive disconnect button
Return thrust levers to the CL detent
Push the A/THR pushbutton to engage A/THR
When is alpha floor protection active?
From liftoff through 100 feet RA on approach
When would thrust lock occur?
Thrust levers in CL detent and A/THR pushbutton on the FCU is pushed, or
A/THR disconnects due to a failure
How would the flight crew command an evacuation?
Make a PA announcement: “This is the Captain, EVACUATE, EVACUATE, EVACUATE”
When is the RCDR normally on in AUTO?
On the ground, for 5 minutes after electrical power is supplied to the aircraft
When at least one engine is operating
Stops 5 minutes after the last engine is shut down
How do you record the flight attendant PA’s?
ACP 3 PA volume knob out and set volume at or above medium range
How do you call a mechanic stationed on the outside of the aircraft?
Momentarily depress the MECH pushbutton. A blue light on the EXT PWR PANEL will illuminate and an external horn will sound.
How do you make a normal call to the flight attendants?
Press the FWD or AFT call button (this sounds one high/low chime in the cabin)
Listen and transmit on CAB
The flight attendants can only pick up a cabin phone at the station called
What happens when the flight attendants initiate an emergency call?
The white EMER ON light and amber CALL lights flash
The amber ATT lights flash on the ACP’s
3 long buzzers sound in the cockpit (inhibited during critical phases of flight)
System resets when the attendant hangs up the relevant system
What is the AUDIO SWITCHING PANEL used for?
Allows for switching to ACP 3 if ACP 1 or 2 fails.
How are the communications radios controlled?
From any one of 3 RMPs
Which RMP is powered in the emergency electrical configuration?
Which communication radio is powered in the emergency electrical configuration?
VHF 1 and HF 1 (if installed)
What would cause the SEL indicator to illuminate on both RMP’s?
When a communication radio normally associated with one RMP is tuned by another RMP
If the NAV key is selected on either RMP, can the FMGC still auto tune navaids?
No. RMP now controls the VOR/ILS receivers
NAV key on RMP 3 has no effect
Normal radio communication is still available
What methods would the crew utilize to make a PA announcement?
Pressing the PA switch on the ACP and using the boom, hand, or mask microphone, or
The flight deck handset dedicated to the PA system only
What does the illumination of the CALL light on the VHF transmission keys indicate?
The SELCAL system detects a call
What buses are powered by the emergency generator?
What is the function of the RAT & EMER GEN pushbutton?
AUTO - RAT will automatically extend if AC BUS 1&2 are not powered and airspeed is greater than 100 knots
MAN - extend the RAT at any time
How long does it take the RAT to extend and provide power?
8 seconds (3 seconds for RAT extension, 5 seconds to pressurize the blue hydraulic system and power the EMER GEN)
What does the red FAULT light on the RAT & EMER GEN pushbutton indicate?
Loss of power to AC Bus 1 + AC Bus 2 and the emergency generator is not supplying power
What powers the emergency generator?
Blue hydraulic power from the RAT
Is there another way to deploy the RAT?
Yes. RAT MAN ON from the HYD panel
What is different about deploying the RAT via the HYD panel?
Blue HYD pressure only - no emergency generator
What happens when you push the GEN 1 LINE pushbutton?
GEN 1 line contactor opens and the white OFF light illuminates
AC BUS 1 is powered by GEN 2 through the BUS TIE CONTACTOR
GEN 1 continues to power 1 fuel pump in each wing tank
When is the GEN 1 LINE pushbutton used?
During smoke procedures
When performing the preliminary cockpit preparation, what is the minimum battery voltage?
25.5 volts
What do you do if it’s below 25.5 volts?
Select BATT pushbuttons to ON with EXT PWR on aircraft. This starts the charging cycle (approximately 20 minutes required)
When performing the cockpit preparation, what are we looking for on the ELEC panel BAT check?
ECAM ELEC page - select
BAT 1 & 2 - OFF then ON
Check BATT current is less than 60 amps after 10 seconds and continues to decrease
Will the batteries completely drain if you leave the BAT switches in AUTO after AC power is removed on the ground?
No. Battery cutoff logic prevents complete discharge when the aircraft is on the ground and unpowered- 22VDC
How is the BATTERY BUS normally powered?
DC BUS 1 through a DC bus tie contactor
What does the amber FAULT light in the GALLEY pushbutton indicate?
At least 1 generator load is above 100% rated output
How does the GALLEY pushbutton work in AUTO?
Sheds main galley and in seat power supply if:
Only one generator (APU or Engine) is available in flight, or
Only one engine generator is available on the ground (all galleys are available when APU GEN or EXT PWR is supplying power)
What does a fault on the ENG GEN pushbutton indicate?
The generator line contactor is open because of a fault detected by the Generator Control Unit (GCU) which could include:
Over/Under voltage
Differential fault (short) , and/or
The generator line contactor is open