Creation Flashcards
A creationist has what view?
The Young Earth View or Old Earth (Progressive or Gap Creationism)
Young Earth creationists believe
That earth and life was created 6 - 10,000 years ago and think the Genesis account is literal.
The Progressive Earth creationists believe
That each day was a long period of time and during time God occasionally does miracles to add to natural process.
Species don’t appear gradually but at once and fully formed, so they reject macroevolution.
Accept the geological and cosmological age for the earth.
Big Bang was God creating stars/galaxies.
The Evolutionary creationists believe
God directed the process of creation (the Big Bang, evolution)
Fundamentalists, Biblical literalists and Creationists believe
That God is the sole creator and the universe depends on him
What do liberal thinkers believe about Genesis?
That it’s symbolic to illustrate God’s creativity to show people are significant and can have a relationship with God.
What do fundamental scientists believe about Genesis?
That it’s mythical, religion is becoming irrelevant and there big bang makes more sense.
Religion and science were in agreement until
the 16th century
What is the medieval view about the universe?
That the earth was motionless and at the centre of the universe (geocentric) and there were no natural laws - everything happened due to God.
What did Plato say about the things we see and experience around us?
They are only copies of unseen eternal realities
Aristotle thinks our knowledge of the world comes from?
Experience interpretted by reason
What did Galileo Galilei realise about the universe?
That we live in an immeasurable space.
The movement of planets weren’t due to a supreme being - which supports the idea of a heliocentric universe.
What did Newton believe due to man being made in God’s image?
That man was able to understand it. He also found out that natural laws on earth applied throughout the universe
A geocentric universe was religious idea because
the Earth was at the heart of creation.
How do natural laws cause a problem for believing there’s a God?
They explain how things affect other things, leaving no room for God as a Prime Mover
What did Laplace believe?
Everything in the solar system is determined.
Eventually natural laws will be able to explain everything.
What is determinism
All events/actions/choices are caused by previous events and circumstances, freedom of choice doesn’t exist.
What is Lamarck’s theory?
the Evolutionary Ladder – animals inherit a characteristic acquired during a lifetime
What is natural selection?
Characteristics of a species are best suited to survival in an environment, so they are more likely to survive and reproduce more with this characteristic.
Darwin’s theories affect Creationism because:
- Life forms didn’t seem designed, since they have been changing.
- Evolution shows species change for their environment, it hadn’t been made to fit all life forms like Genesis suggests.
- Violent nature - red in tooth and claw - didn’t match the idea of a kind and loving God.
- Humans aren’t unique and made in God’s image if they evolved.
Christian response to Darwin
- The fact the universe exists is evidence of God.
- Moses wanted to get across God was creator.
- Conservative Christians believe the inerrancy of bible and has spiritual truths and might have to be reinterpreted in the light of evolution/big bang.
- Liberal Christians believe it was written so people at the time would understand, the writers had no scientific knowledge.
- God’s creation took place through evolution
What is intelligent design?
The idea that some things in the universe didn’t come about by chance in a random, blind process, they had a guiding designer
Does evolution conflict with intelligent design?
If it is seen as ‘change over time’ it doesn’t, but if it involves random mutations then it does.
Jumps in the evolutionary process points to
Intelligent design
What is irreducible complexity?
Several structures must have developed at the same time to be useful so must be due to a designer.
Who helped discover that the universe was heliocentric
Copernicus and Brahe
Who came up with the Big Bang theory
George Gamow in the 1940s
Who discovered in 1929 that galaxies are moving apart from each other fast
Edwin Hubble
Creatio ex nihilo
The heavens and earth were created out of nothing
Which French philosopher think that evolution was part of God’s plan
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Who argues for irreducible complexity
Biochemist Michael Behe
Why does Behe think an irreducibly complex system can’t be the result of slight successive modifications
Because any missing part makes it nonfunctional
Aquinas’ view on creation
- Said Aristotle’s ‘unmoved mover’ was God.
- God of Old Testament much more involved than Aristotle’s unmoved mover.
Who could have caused the spontaneous symmetry break after the Big Bang
John Polkinghorne believes it was God
What is the Apparent Age Theory
That geology etc. came from Noah’s Flood and that the world was created with an apparent age already which makes it appear to look older than it is: used by Young Earth Creationists.
Who thought God was First Cause
Thomas Paine
The Gap Creationists believe
That the six days in Genesis were literal 24 hour days.
Gap between creations in the first and second verses.
This explains the age of the universe etc.
What did B.B.Warfield believe about evolution
That it was God’s method of creation
Who is a theistic evolutionist and wrote this to Darwin about God “He can make all things make themselves”
Charles Kingsley
Big Crunch Theory
That the gravitational forces in the universe will eventually halt the expansion and cause everything to collapse inward back into one hot dense singularity (black hole)
Heat Death Theory
As the universe expands, entropy will increase until it reaches a maximum value. It will be in total thermal equilibrium with no useable energy and the universe will be in a cold state of nothingness.
Oscillating universe theory
Endless cycle of big bang and big crunches, universe has no end.