Creation Flashcards
List what the Old testament teaches people about Creation
- It tells of God’s relationship with the Jews during the years before Jesus
- Law: tells people the Laws God wanted them to follow, particularly the 10 Commandments
- History: includes stories to help later generations avoid making the same mistakes
- Wisdom: mixture of prayers psalms, poems and books of advice to help people understant their faith and live in a way that pleases God.
- Prophecy: challendge people to remain faithfull to God and teach them that God is active in the World
List what the New Testament teaches people about Cration
- The Gospels: cover the actions and teachings of Jesus
- The acts of the Apostles: tell of some of the events in the early church (up to about 60CE)
- The Epistles: letters by apostles, discuss how to follow Jesus’ teachings in everyday life
- The Book of Revelations: written by apostle John, it includes own mystical visions, which some Christians believe describe end of the world.
What is the (3) criteria for something to be accepted into the New Testament?
- One of the 12 apostles had to be the authority behind the book (e.g. Mark was Peters scrible)
- The book had to be written early (before the end of first century)
- The book had to be accepted by all christian churches
How do Catholics interpret the Genesis creation stories (explain creation story).
Day 1 - God created day and night
Day 2 - God created the sky
Day 3 - God created the earth seas and plant life
Day 4 - God created sun, moon and stars
Day 5 - God created birds and fish
Day 6 - God created all the animals and humans
Day 7 - God rested
How does the story of creation covey deeper truths?
Becuase it is a myth and myths convey deeper truths.
Explain what is meant by God is creator and why is it significant, giving a Bible story that supports/explains this.
-God as creator means He is the only creator, who has created everything
- Significant because it means Christians should worship only this one God
- The Genesis creation story (1-27) shows that God created humans in his own image, which means that humans share qualities with God. These qualities allow close relation with God.
Explain what is meant when saying God is Omnipotent, give a Bible auote to support this and say what the belif in Gods omnipotence inspires christians to do
- God is omnipotent means God has the power to do whatever he wants.
- God saw everything that he made, and indeed it was very good (Genesis 1:31)
- The belief in God’s omnipotence inspires christians to trust in God, as they know he has the power to do or change anything
Explain what is meant by God being Transcendant and give a Bible quote to support this
- God is Trancendant means that God is completely above and beyond the created world - he is trancendant or beyond human understanding
- Christians believe God cannot be fully described in human words or understood by human minds .
- “Then God said, let their be light; and there was light”. God only needs his words in order to create - all powerfull - trancendant.
In the creation of the human nature in Genesis 2, explain how humans share the spirit of God and include a Bible quote
God created Adam, the first man by breathing into him: “God breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life”. The Hebrew word for breath (ru’ach) is also translated as ‘spirit’.
This shows that humans share the spirit of God; Gods spirit gives humans some of his qualities.
In the creation and the Nature of humans in Genesis 2, explain how Humans are given the girft of free will.
- God ‘commands’ Adam not to eat from the tree (of the knowledge of good and evil) but He didnt actively prevent Adam from doing so. This means he gave Adam a choice: the free will to decide wether or not to eat from the tree
- Christians believe there are consequences for their actions. They believe that using free will to sin results in turning away from God (this is why evil exists in the world).
What does Adams beuty, strength and muscularity and the fact that he is the perfect man reflect?
That Gods creation is good and beutiful. Humans are the highpoint of God’s creation.
In the painting of the creation of Adam, what does God having white hair and a beard mean?
It reflects the idea that God is ancient - eternal - yet humanity is new.
In the painting of the creation of Adam, what does God being carried through the air by angels mean?
It reflects the idea that God is transcendant. But Adam is firmly on the ground.
It also shows that God is omnipotent (all powerfull) whereas humans are mere creatures.
In the painting of the Creation of Adam, what does the fact that God and Adam lying in similar positions reflect?
It reflects the idea that humans are made in the image of God. This means that humans have God’s ability to gain wisdom, to love, to be spiritual.
In the painting of the Creation of Adam, what does God being in a brain shaped cloud symbolise?
It reflects the idea that our inteligence comes from God.
In the painting of the Creation of Adam, what does the fact that God is reaching out to Adam and is igniting that spark of life (to bring him to life) symbolise?
It reflect the christian belief that humans depend on God for their life. They need a close relationship with God.
What are some Misleading aspects in the painting of the Creation of Adam (by Michaelangelo)
- It doesnt say in Genesis that God touched Adam to give him life
- God and Adam are the same size - does this sugest that man is equal to God
- God being portrayed as an Old man reduced him to human levels (as he is pure spirit)
- Michaelangelo shows humankind as one ethnicity
Similarities between Creation of Adam and Meiere’s mosiac
- Both show God is the creator
- Borth show God is powerfull and eternal
Give two reasons why some Chrisians prefer Meire’s mosiac
Only Gods hand is shown. Some christians believe that this symbol of God’s creative power is a more acceptable way of showing God, as God is infinate.
- Meires mosaic is more abstarc. It conveys a geater sense that God is always creating everything, but shows less about God’s relationship with humanity.
What is the significance of the creation stories?
- We can learn about God’s nature (charachteristics)
- We learn about the nature of humans
- We gain beliefs about the image of God and Sanctity of life
Where does human dignity come from?
God made us in His image meaning all humans are queal and all humans have dignity (worthy respect).
What is the Sanctity of Life for Catholics?
Catholics believe all creation is holy becauseit has been created and blessed by God. This is shown in the sanctity of human life teaching.
What is Sewardship?
The belief that Christians have a special responsibility to look after the enviroment on behalf of God.
Give a Bible quote about stweardship
'’The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it’’
List the problems stated in Laudato Si
- Plants and species are becoming extinct at an allarming rate
- We are contaminating waters, land and air
- W have stripped the eath of its forests and itnatural resources
- We are treating our planet like it has unlimited resources
List the solutions to the problems listed in Laudato Si
- Use of fossil fuels need to be replaced
- Sop treating the worlds resources as an object for profit
- Eco-conversion
- Live a simple life
- Get involved in society and politics
How can catholics put stweardship into practice locally?
- Try to reduce the amount of unnecrssary rubbish produced in your homes
- recycle more waste
- use public transport, walk and cycle more often
How can catholics put stweardship into practice nationally?
- put pressure on politicians to support laws that protect the enviroment and endangered species
- support and buy products from environmentally friendly businesses
How can catholics put stweardship into practice globally?
- put pressure on governments to support and implement the policis accepted at meetings such as Rio + 20, which was a conference by United Nations in 2012 aimed to workout how to tackle enviromental issues.
- boycott or help to expose multinational companies that threaten the enviroment through their drive to make profit
What is sustainability?
Sustainability is using natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced
What are the Catholic teachings on global warming and sustainability?
- Natural resources should be preserved not used as objects for profit
- Damaging one element of nature affects others (interdependance)
- Catholics should take action to improve the situation, for example the Vatican city have insalled thousands of solar panels
How does CAFOD support sustainability?
- By supporting the Sustainability devlopment Goal (SDG’s) - agreed by the United Nations to be achieved globally by 2030
- It encourages people to live more simply (waste less, use fewer natural resources)
- It works with groups like MONLAR in Srilanka which helps farmers use sustainable, inexpensive farming methods
What are some of the SDG’s goals
- Sustainable energy
- Good healthcare
- Gender equality
- Good education
What is the second Vatican Council?
It is a series of meetings of the Pope and bishops (Magisterium) from 1962 - 1965, to update Catholic teachings.
Give 3 V2 teachings and an example for each
- Science and religion support each other
- The genesis stories do not contradict science or the big bang theory - RC Church supports advances in science that help people understand God’s creation
- George Lemuitre, an RC priest first proposed the Big Bang theory. - Religion and science might come up with slightly different answers.
- science explains how things happen - religion explains why
What is Natural law
Catholic teaching that our knowledge of right and wrong comes from human nature not society’s rules. This stems from the belief that God made all humans in his image - therefore humans share in God’s goodness.
List the two basic natural laws
'’Do good and avoid evil’’
‘‘Protect and preserve life’’