Cranium/facial Flashcards
Which of the following bones is not part of the floor of the cranium
Which aspect of the frontal bone is thin-walled and forms the forehead
Which four cranial bones articulate with the frontal bone
R parietal, L parietal, sphenoid, ethmoid
Which structures are found at the widest aspect of the skull
Parietal tubercles/ eminences
What is the name of a prominent landmark (or bump) found on the external surface of the occipital bone
“Inion” external occipital protuberance
What is the thickest and densest structure in the cranium
(Pyramids) petrous portion
T/F The hypophysis cerebri is another term for the pituitary gland
T/F The sphenoid bone articulates with all the other cranial bones
The shallow depression just posterior to the base of the dorsum sellae and anterior to the foremen magnum is the
What is the name of the paired collections of the bone found inferior to the cribriform plate that contain numerous air cells and help form the lateral walls of the nasal cavity
Lateral labyrinth (masses)
Which small section of bone is located superior to the cribriform plate
Crista galli
What is the formal term for the left sphenoid fontanel in the adult
Left pterion
What is the name of the cranial suture formed by the inferior junction of the parietals to the temporal bones
Squamousal suture
What are the two terms for the small, irregular bones found in the adult skull sutures
Sutral /wormian bones
Which of the bones does not articulate with the frontal bone
Which of the following landmarks corresponds to the highest level of the petrous ridge
The slight depression above each eyebrow is termed the
Supraorbital groove
What is the name of the joint found between the lateral condylar processes of the skull and the atlas of C1
Atlanto-occipital joint
How much difference in degrees is there between the OML and the IOML
Which of the following positioning errors frequently results in a repeat exposure of a cranial position
Which of the following middle ear structures is considered the most lateral
Which of the following sutures separates the parietal from the occipital bone
Which cranial bone contains the cribriform plate
Which cranial bone contains the foremen ovale
Which auditory ossicle attaches to the oval window
A benign, cystic mass of the middle ear is a
Which of the following imaging modalities provides an excellent distinction between normal and abnormal brain tissue
Which of the following imaging modalities may be used to examine a possible cranial bleed caused by trauma
A radiograph of a PA axial projection (Caldwell) of the cranium reveals that the petrous ridges are located at the level of the lower one third of the orbits. The technologist performed this projection with the CR angled 15° caudal to the OML. How must positioning be altered if a repeat exposure is performed
Positioning was correct
A radiograph of a lateral projection of the cranium reveals that the orbital roofs (plates) are not superimposed —one is slightly superior to the other. Which positioning errors led to this
Which of the following technical considerations is most critical for demonstrating air/fluid levels within the cranium
Horizontal X-ray beam
A patient comes to radiology with a possible bone cyst within the squamous portion of the frontal bone. Which of the following projections would best demonstrate this region with a minimal amount of distortion of the frontal bone
PA with no CR angle to OML
Which positioning line should be perpendicular to the plane of the IR for the AP axial (Towne) projection with a 37° caudad angle
A pt enters the ED with a possible basilar skull fx. Which of the following skull projections would best demonstrate any blood present in the sphenoid sinus
Horizontal beam lateral projection
A pt comes to radiology for a routine study of the cranium. He is unable to flex his head and neck sufficiently to place the OML perpendicular to the IR for the AP axial projection. What should the tech do to compensate for this problem without creating excessive magnification of the occipital bone
Use the IOML and increase the CR angle by 7°
T/F lesions of decreased density are termed osteoblastic lesions
Where is the CR centered for a lateral projection of the cranium
2” superior to EAM
Which cranial bone possesses the superior nasal conchae