Craniofacial Disorders Flashcards
What sex is more commonly having cleft lip/palate?
Percent prevalence for cleft lip, palate, & lip and palate?
21% lip
46% lip and pallate
33% palate
Order of lip development
L. Maxillary
L. Mandibular.
R. Mandibular
R. Maxillary
Which week the palate begin and end development?
Week 6 begins and completed by week 12
Syndromic vs non-syndromic etiology stats
Syndrome 30%
Non-syndromic 70%
What types of gene functions can lead to cleft lip and palate?
Growth factors, signaling factors, transcription factors
Environmental factors that lead to clefting
Alcohol, tobacco, anti-epileptic drugs, (Dilantin, valproic acid), thalidomide, dioxide, retinoic acid
Recurrence risk increases with:
Severity of trait, number of affected relatives, sex of person, how closely related
Recurrence risk for fhx
Monozygotic twin 60%
Dizygous twin 10%
Sibling and child 3-5%
Niece/nephew 1%, 1st cousin <.5%
What alone is more commonly associated with a syndrome?
Cleft palate alone