Cranial Strains and Movement Pattern Flashcards
Midline bones usually move around a _1_ axis in a _2_ direciton.
- transverse
- AP
midline bones = occiput, sphenoid, facial bones
Paired bones usually move about a _1_ axis in a _2_ motion
- AP
- lateral
paired bones = frontal, parietal, squamous temporal/occiput, grt sphenoid wing, inf nasal concha, lacrimal, maxilla, nasal, palatine, zygoma, frontal
The sphenoid and occiput rotates around a __ axis.
When the SBS is in flexion, the ethmoid will move in the same direction of the __, and the vomer moves same direction as the __.
When the SBS is in flexion, the ethmoid will move in the same direction of the occiput, and the vomer moves same direction as the sphenoid.
**sphenoid rotates forward (clockwise), ethmoid rotates back (c-clockwise)
crista galli is move up and back
Where are your fingers and palms for vault contact?
Index = grt sphenoid wing
Middle = ant to ear
Ring = mastoid process
Pinky = occiput
Palms/thumb = rest lightly on head
How is lateral strain named?
name for which wing is higher = highest corner of the parallelogram
two axes are sup/inf (vertical)
motion in same direction about these axes
How is vertical strain named?
direction of the base of sphenoid
two axes are transverse (horizontal; left-right)
motion in same direction about these axes
Superior vertical strain vs. Inferior vertical strain
Sup - bones rotate ant around transverse axes
**1st fingers move away, pinky toward
Inf - bones rotate post around transverse axes
**1st fingers move toward, pinky away
How do your fingers move with superior strain (vertical strain)? inferior?
sup - 1st fingers move away from practitioner, pinky fingers move toward practitioner
inf - 1st fingers move toward from the practitioner, pinky fingers move away from practitioner
How do we name a torsion?
higher greater wing of the sphenoid
ONLY ONE sagittal axis (ant-post)
motion happens opp directions about this axis
1st Finger and pinky of one hand move superiorly while the other hand moves inferiorly = name as the higher 1st finger
How do we name SB rotation?
convexity developed in the cranium
one sagittal axis (an-post) and two axes are vertical (sup-inf)
motion happens in the same direction about the sagittal axis in opp direction on the vertical axes
How do we palpate a SB rotation?
Named side feels “fuller” - 1st Finger and pinky move away from each other
Opposite side “shrinks” - 1st finger and pinky move toward each other
How does SBS flexion affect sacral base motion?
SBS flexion –> sacral base move posteriorly
due to it pulling up on the dural sleeve of the cord
SBS extension –> sacral nutation
What does SBS flexion look like?
- wings move anterior
- SBS moves superior
- bowl of occiput moves post/inf
What does SBS extension look like?