Cranial Nerves - Clinically Oriented Flashcards
What would a common symptom of damage to the olfactory nerve be?
Anosmia (loss of smell)
What can cause damage to the olfactory nerve?
Ethmoid bone fracture or foster-Kennedy syndrome.
What is foster-Kennedy syndrome?
Foster-Kennedy syndrome is associated with the finding of tumors in the frontal lobe.
What is Rhinorrhea?
Rhinorrhea is the flow of cerebrospinal fluid out through the nose, which is commonly associated with a tear of the olfactory nerves.
What is anopia?
Anopia is the term describing loss of vision
What is hemianopia?
Hemianopia is the term describing loss of vision in half of the visual field.
What is quadranopsia?
Quadranopsia is the term describing loss of vision in one fourth of the visual field.
What is homonymous hemianopia?
Homonymous hemianopia is the term describing the loss of vision in half of the visual field in both eyes on the same side.
What is the result of optic nerve lesion?
Optic nerve lesion will result in ipsilateral monocular anopia.
What is central scotoma and what can cause it?
Central scotoma is covers the reading field of vision which can be caused by retinal damage.
What is caused by optic chiasm lesion?
Optic chiasm lesion results in bitemporal hemianopia due to only nasal fibers being affected. It can be caused by pituitary tumor.
What is caused by optic tract lesion and what can be the cause of it?
Optic tract lesions can result in contralateral homonymous hemianopia.
Optic tract lesions can be caused by subcortical lesions (lesions within structures like the diencephalon, pituitary gland, limbic structures and the basal ganglia) due to stroke, tumors, infections etc.
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that results in damage of the optic nerve. It is the leading cause of blindness.
What can be caused by optic radiation lesion?
Optic radiation has two pathways: The upper and lower pathway.
Lesion to the upper radiation causes contralateral lower quadrantanopsia.
Lesion to the lower radiation may cause contralateral upper quadrantanopsia.
What is subdural and epidural hematoma and what can it cause?
Subdural and epidural hematoma is bleeding below the meninges or around the dura mater which can cause pressure on the brain which again causes outward bulging of the internal carotid and posterior communicating arteries which can result in oculomotor paralysis.