Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What is the pathway of the olfactory nerve?
Olfactory bulb in anterior cranial fossa, passes through cribriform plate of ethmoid and then reaches the sensory receptors within the nasal cavity
What is the pathway of the optic nerve?
Enters optic canal, formation of optic chiasm and then the nasal fibres decussate
What is the pathway for the oculomotor nerve?
Emerges from the midbrain and exits via the superior orbital fissue
What does the visceral motor aspect of the oculomotor nerve do?
Parasympathetic input to the pupil causing constriction and is also responsible for the ciliary muscle during accommodation of the lens
What is ptosis?
Drooping of the eyelid
What is the pathway of the trochlear nerve?
Emerges from the midbrain and exists through the superior orbital fissure.
What are the 3 branches of the trigeminal nerve?
V1: Opthalmic branch
V2: Maxillary branch
V3: Mandibular branch
Through which skull foramen do the 3 branches of the trigeminal pass?
V1: Superior orbital fissure
V2: Foramen rotundum
V3: Foramen ovale
Which of the 3 trigeminal branches are general sensory and which are both sensory and motor?
V1: General sensory
V2: General sensory
V3: Both
What is the pathway of the Abducent nerve?
Emerges from between the pons and medulla and exits through the superior orbital fissure
Which extraocular muscle does the abducent nerve control?
Lateral rectus
What is the pathway of the Facial nerve?
Emerges from between the pons and medulla and exits via the external acoustic meatus, facial canal and stylomastoid foramen
What is the special sensory aspect to the facial nerve?
Provides taste to the anterior 2/3rd of the tongue
Which cranial nerve supplies parasympathtic input to the salivary glands, lacrimal glands and glands of the nose and palate?
Facial; nerve (VII)
Which CN controls the muscles of facial expression?
Facial nerve
What is the pathway of the vestibularcochlear nerve?
Emerges from the pons and medulla, exits the internal acoustic meatus and divides into vestibular and cochlear nerves
What is the pathway of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
Emerges from the medulla and exits via the jugular foramen
Which CN provides the posterior 1/3 of the tongue with taste?
Which nerves provides the parotid gland with parasympathetic innervation?
What is the pathway of the vagus nerve?
Emerges from the medulla and exits via the jugular foramen
What is the pathway of the accessory nerve?
Small cranial and large spinal roots, exits via jugular foramen
What is the pathway of the hypoglossal nerve?
Emerges from the medulla and exits via the hypoglossal canal