Cranial nerves Flashcards
General properties of cranial nerves
- Soft and squishy
- Carry many different types of fibres
- Pass through holes in hard bone
- They are easily compressed due to tumours, inflammation and fractures
Which kind of fibres pass through cranial nerves
Motor fibres:
- Somatic
- Visceral
- Visceral
- General: from skin and mucous membranes
- Special: e.g. taste, vision, hearing..
Olfactory nerve
- Cranial nerve 2
- Sensory nerve of smell
- Receptors in the epithelium of nasal cavity
- Pass through foraminifera pf the crib form plate
- Into Olfactory bulb of the anterior cranial fossa
Optic nerve
Cranial nerve 3
- Comes in through optic canal to form optic chiasm
- Nasal optic fibres cross over to form the optic tract
Clinical application to CNII
- Increase in pressure of CSF can cause Papilloedema
- damage to right optic nerve causes ipsilateral eye vision loss
- damage at optic chiasma causes loss of peripheral vision (bitemporal hemianopsia)
- Damage to right optic tract causes loss of ipsilateral nasal vision loss and contralateral peripheral/temporal vision loss (homonymous hemianopsia)
Clinical application to CN I
Fractured crib form plate can cause olfactory fibres to become damaged causing anosmia
Oculomotor nerve
Cranial nerve 3
-From midbrain through superior orbital fissure
-Visceral motor:
parasympathetic to pupil constricts pupil
parasympathetic to ciliary muscle accommodates lens
-Somatic motor
to superior, inferior and medial rectus
To the inferior oblique muscle
clinical application to CN 3
- Drooping of eyelid
- Eyeball pointing outwards and down
- No accommodation of the lens
- No pupillary reflex
Trochlear nerve anatomy and clinical appication
Cranial nerve 4
- From dorsal surface of the the midbrain through the superior oblique muscle
- somatic motor innervation to to the superior oblique muscle
-Diplopia when looking down
Abducens nerve
anatomy and clinical application
cranial nerve 6
- From pons and medulla through the superior orbital fissure
- Somatic motor innervation to lateral oculomotor muscle
-Medial deviation of eye which leads to Diplopia
Trigeminal nerve (ophthalmic )
- From pons through to trigeminal ganglion to superior orbital fissure
- General sensory from the eyelid, scalp, mucosa of the nasal cavity and sinuses, forehead, cornea
Trigeminal nerve maxillary
- From pons through to trigeminal ganglion through to the foramen rotunda
- general sensory from the maxilla, maxillary teeth, TMJ, Maxillary sinuses and palate
Trigeminal nerve mandibular
From pons to trigeminal ganglion through to the foramen vale
-General sensory from the mandibular teeth, TMJ, Mucosa of the mouth, anterior 2/3rds of the tongue
-Somatic motor: muscles of mastication, digastric, tensor velar palatine and tensor tympani
Clinical application of trigeminal mandibular
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Loss of sensation to the face
- Loss of cornea/sneezing reflex
- Paralysis to muscles of mastication
Facial nerve
From between the pons and the medulla it exits via the internal acoustic meatus, the facial canal and the stylomastoid foramen
motor somatic: to muscles of facial expression and scalp, stapedius and part of digastric
Visceral motor:to the submandibular, sublingual, lacrimal and nose and palate glands
Special sensory: anterior 2/3rd of tongue
General sensory: through external acoustic meatus