Cranial nerves 4- parasympathetics Flashcards
where are the cell bodies of the parasympathetic system found
S2-4 spinal cord segments
where are the cell bodies of the sympathetic system found
lateral horn of T1-2 spinal cord segments
describe the sympathetic system
short pre-synaptic neuron
long post-synaptic neuron
-pre neurons emerge from the cord
-they pass to the sympathetic trunk in white rami communicantes
-they synapse in a ganglion
-post fibres from grey ramus communicantes
-joins a spinal nerve in which it is distributed to the body wall
-synapses with sympathetic ganglion which are located close to the vertebral column
what does each sympathetic trunk extend between
between the atlas and coccyx
trunks fuse with each other in the ganglion impar, opposite the coccyx
where do the sympathetic ganglia fuse
in the cervical region
-superior (c1-4)
-middle (c5-6)
-inferior (c7-8) cervical ganglia
what forms the stellate ganglion/cervicothoracic ganglion
inferior cervical and T1
where do sympathetics that suply head and neck originate from
sympathetics that supply head and neck originate from T1-2
how do sympathetics supply eye if they originate from T1-2
ascends in sympathetic chain to superior cervical ganglion and synapse there
post synaptic wrap around internal carotid artery and enter into cranial cavity
and join nasociliary nerve
then sympathetics join long ciliary nerve
enters eyeball
supply dilator pupilla muscle (scared–wide open pupil)
also join superior division of oculomotor nerve and supply LEVATOR PALPEBRA SUPERIORIS (eyelids open)
what is horners syndrome
flushing- veins dont have sym input
no sweating (only supplied by sympathetics)
interruption of sympathetics to head due to tumour of apex of lung
invades t1 and sympathetic chain
so cant reach superior cervical ganglion
no sympathetics so parasympathetics are dominant
where are parasympathetic ganglia found
close to the organ
long pre
short post
which cranial nerves have their own parasympathetic fibres
what is the nucleus of the 3rd CN and where is it found
in midbrain
describe the routes of the parasymp of the oculomotor nerve
runs with motor fibres
runs anteriorly on lateral wall of cavernous sinus to superior orbital fissure
into orbit
sympathetics join superior and parasympathetic join inferior division of ophthalmic nerve
parasym fibres synapse in ciliary ganglion and synapse
postganglion fibers join short ciliary nerves (long nerves are sympathetic)
penetrate sclera and enter eyeball to ciliary muscle (accommodation) and sphincter pupilla muscle (meiosis)!!
is ciliary ganglion para or sympathetic ganglion
what does the light reflex test
how to do it and the physiology behind it
test optic and oculomotor nerve
shine light into eye
optic nerve pick up sensation
some nerves of optic n cross into optic chiasm
optic tract has connections with pretectal area which contains pretectal nucleus
pretectal nucleus is stimulated by light
the pretectal nucleus has connections to both autonomic oculomotor nuclei
these will activate para neurons in edinger westphal on both sides-BILATERAL
these para fibers travel alongside oculomotor nerves->ciliary ganglion and synapse
post will join short ciliary nerves
constrict pupil
light shone on one eye but both eyes will constrict
if no constriction on other eye- problem with crossing at posterior commissure
what happens if there is an injury to the oculomotor nerve
no para input for pupil constriction
-pupil dilation
loss of motor innervation to levator palpebrae superioris
loss of motor innervation to extraocular muscles except LR604
-eye turns downwards and outwards
what is the para nucleus of the facial nerve called and where is it
superior salivatory nucleus
in pons
what is the route of the paras fibers
what is their nucleus
exit brainstem w facial nerve at pontocerebellar angle
enter internal acoustic meatus
enter facial canal
n. intermedius
what do the parasympathetic fibers of the facial nerve do
join great petrosal nerve
this receives sympathetics and para
both become nerve of pterygoid canal
synapse at pterygopalatine fossa (where pterygopalateine ganglion is found)
this ganglion is para- so parasympathetics synapse here, sympathetics just pass through
synapse with postganglionic neuron
join zygomatic n of maxillary division, then lacrimal n of ophthalmic and supply lacrimal gland
also supply some of salivary glands
submandibular and sublingual are supplied by facial nerve
these para fibers join chorda tympani (sensory nerve for taste)
travel with chorda tympani, separate and join lingual nerve
synapse at submandibular ganglion (paras ganglion of facial nerve)
-where paras fibers of submandibular and sublingual glands synapse
what is the parasym nucleus of the glossopharyngeal
where is it found
inferior salivatory nucleus
in medulla
what is the route of the parasympathetics of glossopharyngeal n
join sensory and motor fibers of glossopharyng
leave brainstem
pass through jugular foramen with vagus, accessory, internal jugular vein
join tympanic nerve
goes into middle ear cavity
tympanic plexus made of sensory fibers
join lesser petrosal nerve which goes to otic ganglion (paras ganglion of glossoph)
synapse with post, these axons supply parotid gland
what does vagus supply
what is the nucleus and where is it
biggest para nerve
head (only PS), neck mainly thorax and abdo
dorsal nucleus
found in medulla
what is the parasympathetic ganglion of the glossopharyngeal n
otic ganglion