Cranial Nerves Flashcards
Function and number of olfactory nerve
CN 1; sensory; sense of smell
Function and number of optic nerve
CN 2; sensory; vision
Function and number of oculomotor nerve
CN 3; motor; eye movement, pupillary constriction, eyelid movement
Function and number of trochlear nerve
CN4; motor; eye movements (intorsion = inward gaze, downward gaze)
Function and number of trigeminal nerve
CN5; sensory and motor; somatic sensation from face, mouth, and cornea; chewing muscles
Function and number of abducens nerve
CN6; motor; abduction (awau from the nose) or lateral eye movements
Function and number of facial nerve
CN 7; sensory and motor, facial expression muscles, anterior tongue taste, salivary and lacrimal glands (tear gland)
Function and number of vestibulocochlear (auditory) nerve
CN 8; Sensory, hearing, balance
Function and number of glossopharyngeal nerve
CN 9; sensory and motor, sensation from posterior tongue and pharynx, posterior tongue taste, salivary gland, carotid baroreceptors and chemoreceptors
Function and number of vagus nerve
CN 10; sensory and motor; gut’s autonomic function, cardiac inhibition, phar/larynx sensation, swallowing, vocal cord muscles
Function and number of spinal accessory nerve
CN 11; motor; shoulder and neck muscles
CN 12: motor, tongue movement