Cranial Nerve Terminations Flashcards
Olfactory (CN I)
Lateral: Piriform Cortex of Anterior part of Temporal lobe
Medial: Anterior Commisure
Optic (CN II)
Lateral Geniculate bodies of thalamus
Oculomotor (CN III)
Sup: Levator Palpebrae Superioris & Sup. Rectus
Inf: Inf. Rectus, Medial Rectus, & Inf. Oblique
Trochlear (CN IV)
Superior Oblique Muscle
Trigeminal (CN V)
Supplies Dura Mater
Ophthalmic (V-1)
“The Lions Fear Nothing”
- Tentorial
- Lacrimal
- Frontal
a. Supratrochlear
b. Supraorbital - Nasociliary
a. Sensory root of ciliary ganglion
b. Long Ciliary
c. Short Ciliary
d. Ant. Ethmoidal
e. Post. Ethmoidal
Maxillary (V-2)
"I Golfed Last Night" (highlighted in notes) Infraorbital Greater Palatine Lesser Palatine Nasopalatine
*Others in notes, not highlighted Zygomatic Post. Sup. Alveolar Ant. and Middle Sup. Alveolar Branches Pharyngeal
Mandibular (V-3)
"Ali Never Stops Boxing"(Highlighted in notes) Auriculotemporal Lingual Inferior Alveolar (Supplies mylohyoid) Nervus Spinosus Buccal
Mandibular N. sends muscular branches to which muscles? (7)
"Men Think That Ladies' Mammaries Are Marvelous" Masseter Temporalis Tensor Tympani Lat. Pterygoid Med. Pterygoid Ant. Digastric Mylohyoid
Abducens (CN VI)
Lateral Retcus M.
Facial (CN VII)
Parotid Gland to form Parotid Plexus -5 Terminal Branches "Tell Ziggy Bob Marley Called" Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Marginal Mandibular Cervical
Vagus (CN X)
Forms Ant. and Post. Vagal Trunks, enters the abdomen, breaks into branches that innervate the esophagus, stomach, and intestinal tract as far as the left colic flexure
Accessory (CN XI)
Cranial: Muscles of pharynx, palate and one muscle of the tongue, palatoglossus.
Spinal: Supplies SCM and Trapezius
Hypoglossal (CN XII)
-Ant. part of the tongue Branches: -Muscular Branches -Meningeal Branch -Sup. root of Ansa Cervicalis