Cranial Nerve Origins Flashcards
Olfactory N. (CN I)
Nerve cells in body of olfactory epithelium
Optic N. (CN II)
Nerve cell bodies in retina and axons of the ganglion of retina
Oculomotor N. (CN III)
- Midbrain/superior Colliculus
- AKA Accessory Nucleus (Edinger Westphal)
Trochlear N. (CN IV)
Midbrain/Inferior Colliculus
Trigeminal (CN V)
4 nuclei- motor nucleus
3 sensory- Mesencephalic Nucleus
Ophthalmic (V-1)
Trigeminal Ganglion
Maxillary (V-2)
Trigeminal Ganglion
Mandibular (V-3)
Abducens (CN VI)
Abducens nucleus in pons
Facial (CN VII)
Ventrolateral Pons
Geniculate Ganglion
Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII)
Vestibular Ganglion
Cochlear N. (Branch of CN VIII)
Spiral Ganglion
Glossopharyngeal N. (CN IX)
- 4 nucleus
- 2 motor- Medulla
- 2 sensory- Solitary Tract
Vagus (CN X)
- Nerve cell bodies in Medulla
- 2 sensory
- Nucleus of Trigeminal N.
- Solitary Tract
- 2 motor
- Nucleus Ambiguous
- Dorsal Nucleus of Vagus
Accessory N. (CN XI)
Cranial- Nucleus Ambiguous
Spinal- Anterior horn motor neurons in Sup. 5 segments of spinal cord
Hypoglossal (CN XII)
Cell bodies of hypoglossal nucleus, medulla