Cram Terms Flashcards
1936 Constitution
Stalin’s Constitution. Int universal suffrage. Greater representation to nation states.
The Agitation and Propaganda Department
Berlin Blockade
24 June 1948 – 12 May 1949
Bloody Sunday
30th January 1905, 200 shot dead, 800 injured
Quote by Marx to support NEP
‘the free development of each is the condition for the free development ofall’
Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Struggle against Counter Revolution and Sabotage, founded 1917
The Communist Information Bureau set up 1947 to co-ordinate economic recovery for Eastern Europe (disbanded 1956)
The Communist International Body set up March 1918 to spread communism abroad
Doctors Plot
1953, mostly Jewish Moscow doctors accused of conspiracy to assassinate Soviet leaders. 9 doctors were arrested.
an elected imperial parliament with a restricted franchise
Eastern Question
issues which arose due to instability and subsequent collapse of Ottoman state
Great Russia
the territory which formed the Old Russian Principality, focused on Moscow
Great Spurt
Great Terror
Interior Ministry
the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) dealt with internal state security
The Constitutional Democrats, a liberal political group founded 1905
The Committee for State Security, formed out of the MVD in 1954, for used on internal and external security.
Land Captains
introduced 1989 to oversee work of zemstva
Medele’ev tariff
700-page book of tariffs to be applied to all imports of goods, introduced in 1891
The People’s Commissariat for State Security, formed 1934, disbanded 1946.
body formed under Central committee; maintained order and dealt with opposition
secret police active under tsarist regime
the secret police formed from the Cheka and active between 1922-1934
body formed under the Central Committee; responsible for organising party affairs
Party Central Committee
main body responsible for administration and operation of three political offices (Politburo, Orgburo, Ogburo)
the Soviet of People’s Commissars, established 1917
Socialist Revolutionaries
greater interest in urban proletariat. Socialist Revolutionary Party formed 1901.
Stakhanovite movement
movement based on exploits of Alexei Stakhanov, an industrious Donbas miner promoted as a ‘model’ worker for others to copy.
Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance 1948
basis of Finno-Soviet relations
Virgin Lands scheme
Khurhschev’s attempt to introduce agriculture to the ‘virgin’ soils of Kazakhstan and Western Siberia
Wager on the Strong
Stolypin’s 1906 land reforms aimed to redistribute land to the more able and educated peasants
War communism
nationalisation of large enterprises, a state monopoly on goods and services, the forced requisitioning of agricultural produce