CR: Lesson 4 Flashcards
What is Donald Hebb’s Reverberating Circuit Theory
Hebb’s Rule: the repetition of a reverberatory activity induces lasting cellular changes…
“neurons that fire together wire together”
stages of memory
attention, encoding, storage, retrieval
the most basic level of memory–includes altertness and arousal
_____are the most commonly reported deficits following brain injury and they occur due to diffuse ______ injury (DAI) and brainstem _______death.
attentional deficits
Attention also includes_________, which allows a person to temporarily hold onto information in order to move the information to the next stage
working memory
this is the level of analysis (processing) performed on the material to be remembered.
What does the level of processing hypothesis suggest
the more deeply the information is processed, the more likely it is that the information will be recalled.
Therfore, rehearsal strategies that require deeper levels of processing will result in higher recall (ex, chunking, associationg, categorizing)
Rehearsal strategies are mediated by the ________ in the _________, which is damaged by many brain injuries.
executive function system
frontal lobe
refers to the transfer of information in working memory into a LTM (long term memory) store in the brain for permanent storage and long term retrieval.
Adequate ________ must occur to store information.
Types of interference that may prevent adequate encoding and therefore prevent storage
retroactive interference- disruption storing informatio ndue to the presentation of subsequent material
proactive interfere- disruption storing information due to the presentation of information prior to its presentation
Problems with storage often occurs due to damage to the ___________and _________.
temporal lobe
Information may be adequately encoded, but it is not maintained in _______= rapid rae of forgetting
involves searching for and activating memory traces in order to retrieve memory
2 types of retrieval
recognition- has this been experienced before? usually more accurate than recall
recall- utilizing accurate memory traces to recall information
Retrieval is mediated by the ________.
frontal lobe
People with frontal lobe damage display more errors of _________, _____________, and ________.
distortion ( erroneous memories)
confabulation ( false creation of memories)
poor source memory( where ceratain info was encountered or learned)
True or False. Usually one or more stages of memory are impaired by diffuse damage.
Brain structures that are specifically involved in memory and learning are….
the frontal lobe hippocampus temporal lobe amygdala cingulate cortex, etc.
Long Term Memory
stores info (semi) permanently unlimited capacity
Short Term Memory
stores info for short period
limited capacity