CR: Lesson 3 Flashcards
Following a moderate to severe TBI, it is common for a client to experience a time of_________
Severity and level of arousal are often assessed using the
Glascow Coma Scale
Glascow Coma Scale
15pt scale measuring eye opening, best motor response, and best verbal response. The higher the number, the better.
GCS, Eye opening points
opens eyes on own= 4
opens eyes on request= 3
opens eyes in response to pain= 2
does not open eyes= 1
GCS, verbal response points
coverses and is oriented= 5 confused, disoriented speech= 4 uses words, but doesn't make sense= 3 sounds or words are incomprehensible= 2 makes no noise=1
GCS, motor response
follows request to move= 6 pushes painful stimulus away= 5 withdrawal from painful stimuli= 4 abnormal (decorticate) flexion= 3 abnormal (decorticate) extension= 2 makes no motor respone= 1
Dual purposes of coma stimulation
physiological- increase neuronal activity, improve arousal
behavioral- improve recognition of environment, shape responses
True or False: Coma stimulation is highly controversial and not much research is there to back up its efficacy
Coma Stimulation consists in providing stimulation to what senses?
visual auditory gustatory olfactory tactile
Coma Stimulation Guidelines
- approach pt as if they understand everything
- sessions are brief, distraction free
- limited noise
- monitor physciological status carefully
- use stimuli familiar to pt
- train family & caregivers to do stim
- shape pt’s natural attempts at communication
- model appropriate stimulation behavior to caregivers
Try to elicit the following things when doing coma stimulation:
- response sound
- response voice
- visual focus- turn to left/right/midline
- visual tracking- track object left, right, up, down
- response to oral stim–(does it elicit a swallow?)
- response to cold stim
- response to facial massage/stim
- respons to oral motor movements…(puckers, smiles, frown, open/close)
- attempts to follow 1 -step directions
- response to olfactory stimuli
The ultimate goal with coma stim is __________
sensory regulation
When emerging from coma, pt. may have impaired ___________and exhibit:
confusion, disorientation, combativeness, aggression, unpredictability
Post-Traumatice Amnesia (PTA)
unable to maintain memory, new learning
Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test
determines wheter person is oriented to person, place, time, & orientation. It is also a measure of PTA
The goal of therapy when dealing with PTA/ orientation deficits is…
to orient the person to time, place, person (x3)
Tools for orientation therapy
calendars, schedules, clocks, environmental cues, orientation cards, books, etc…..
**Challenge= training pt to remember to use the cues!
Severity of injury correlates highly with ________ and _____________
coma level
PTA length
MILD injury=
GCS= 13-15, PTA less than 1 hr….
may be able to return to premorbid levels of activity, but may have some residual deficits that affect functionality (usually attention concentration & memory are impaired)
MODERATE injury=
GCS= 9-12, PTA 1-24hrs