CQ Flashcards
Call outs for a LOC to circle to land?
All standard callouts except for
“Set next alt/set MDA”
“Final approach fix”
At MDA set MAA
“Mins, set missed approach alt”
“Leaving MDA”
In cruise, you hear a single chime.
Looking down, you see a PASSENGER DOOR CAS message.
Shortly after, you hear a triple chime, hear “Cabin Altitude”, and see a CABIN ALTITUDE CAS message.
Begin PAX door QRH until Cabin ALT CAS, once CABIN ALT CAS do cabin alt QRC/memory items. Depending on the situation it may be batter to descend slower then VMO
After boarding, a passenger mentions that there is no hot water available from the lavatory faucet.
What do you do?
Determine if water is flowing, if water is not flowing reset the system. If water is flowing review the procedure in discrepancy program for the MEL
Referencing your radar return,
you notice a yellow arc at the very outer edge of the display.
There are no radar returns between you and the arc.
What does this indicate to you?
The yellow arc is the Path Attenuation Compensation (PAC) arc.
PAC is an indication that the radar energy is being absorbed at a higher rate than normal.
Knowing that the 350 fleet at NetJets has the highest number of fuel spills in the rolling 12 months period, how would you set up the fuel panel prior to receiving the 7,000lbs of fuel needed for your flight?
Test the high-level sensors. Supply full fuel pressure prior to selecting fuel method. Continue to supply full fuel pressure during the five second delay. Do not attempt to load additional fuel by venting air from the relief valves.
Ensure air is flowing from the NACA vent.
After suffering an inflight engine fire and following QRC and QRH guidance,
what would do to prevent a fuel imbalance?
QRH2 (R) ENGINE FIRE does allow for the fuel pumps to be used to balance fuel. It may be advisable to use the gravity crossflow valve instead to prevent any chance of additional fuel being sent to the engine fire. The AOM lists the gravity crossflow method as the secondary method of transferring fuel.
When using gravity crossflow,
a sideslip may be needed to transfer fuel.
What 3 white status CAS messages appear when you press a
L/R ENG FIRE guarded switch?
Will the FIREX-CU still detect a FIRE or overheat condition with only one loop operative?
The FIREX-CU monitors each individual control circuit and its related sensing loop
Will the FIREX-CU still detect a FIRE or overheat condition with only one loop operative?
The FIREX-CU monitors each individual control circuit and its related sensing loop.
If one loop malfunctions, the DCUs may post a FIRE SYS FAULT amber CAS message, but the second loop should still be able to detect
a fire.
However, the gear bay only has a single overheat detection loop.
If that loop fails, the DCUs may post a GEAR BAY DET FAIL amber CAS message.
What condition commands the L or R DCMP
to activate in AUTO?
Low pressure and/or flaps 10° or greater
What is the purpose of the PTU? When will it activate?
The PTU assists in gear retraction when the left hydraulic system pressure is lower than normal (e.g. left engine failure on takeoff.)
The PTU will automatically activate when: left hydraulic system pressure is lower than normal, right hydraulic system pressure is normal, landing gear not in requested position, and aircraft is in the air.
The left EDP and left DCMP fail. Which hydraulic components are no longer functional/have no redundancy?
Left thrust reverser and nosewheel steering
Upon landing on a slippery runway, the deceleration rate does not appear normal (like it does on a dry runway).
Analyze the situation and take appropriate action.
The NORMAL BRAKE FAIL CAS and audio notification are not present. Therefore, the normal brake system is working normally. ACTION - check GND SPOILERS deployed and increase toe brake pedal pressure.
Enroute to Flagstaff (KFLG), the OUTBD BRAKES FAIL CAS
message posts.
Follow QRH 2 GEAR 10-8 (iPad page 259).
Reference FCOM1 05-28-6 (iPad page 388).
KFLG field elevation is 7,015.
“Warning: Max brake energy may be exceeded…at an airport above a pressure altitude of 6,000 ft.”
What doors are Monitored by the CAS system
Main Door
Emergency Exit
Cargo Door
After Equipment Bay
Batter Door