CPL Theory Flashcards
Hours requirements for a CPL?
150 total aeronautical
140 flight time as pilot
70 as PIC
20 cross country
10 instrument
5 in flight instrument
Long nav 300nm and two full stops
You must hold what for a CPL?
(Ratings etc)
Aircraft category rating (fixed wing)
Class rating (single engine)
Design feature endorsement (CSU, RG, Pressurisation)
Type rating
Completed flight review in said aircraft in past 24 months
What must you carry on board if you wish to exercise the privileges of a CPL
Class 1 medical
Pilot license
Photo ID
What documents must you carry on a domestic flight?
Operating instructions for nav systems (G1000)
Maps and charts
What must you carry on an international flight?
Certificate of airworthiness and rego
Journey log
Pax list
If cargo, manifest and detailed declaration of the cargo
Radio station license
Copy of approval or authorisation held. By the operator
What are the requirements for an AOC!?
Chief pilot
Compliance statement
Dangerous goods manual
Flight check system
Financial viability assessment
Fuel policy
Flying training authorisation
Ground handling manual
Load control system
Maintenance control manual and schedule management (100 hours)
Ops manual
Nomination of operational personnel
Safety management system (Centrik)
Technical data system
Training and checking manual
Training program management
Private ops under 91?
Personal transport of AC
Ag ops. On land owned by pilot
Aerial photography
Carry people without charge
Carry people where there is no public notice, no more than 6 pax, can cost share but no payment
Carry good but not for trade
Flight training
Air transport operator. Part 135
Charter: Carry people receiving payment in unscheduled ops
Aerial work: Aerial surveying/spotting/photography
Ambulance functions
Carriage of goods which are the property of the pilot
What is found in an OPS manual?
Policies and procedures
They are used to increase safety margins by implementing more limiting policies
General info of the company
Dangerous goods
Safety management
Fatigue management (FMS)
Accident and incident procedures
Operational specification
CDL Config deviation list
AC perf.
Emergency evacuation procedure
International ops
Aviation rescue and firefighting
ALA guidelines
Human factors and non-technical skills
Threat and error management
Flying training organisations
Training manual
Day VFR commercial AC instrument requirements
Altimeter accurate to 100ft or 110ft if above 3300
Time piece accurate to 30 secs
Turn and slip for aerial work
OAT for aerial work
Mach if fast enough
If two pilots are required, what instruments are doubled and are required for day VFR?
Turn and slip
Mach indicator
DA-40 MEL (Day VFR)
Fuel indicators
Integrated engine instruments
Annunciation panel
Stall warning system
Fuel quantity measuring device
Seat belts for each occupied seat
G1000 MEL day VFR
Audio panel
When do you need to carry life jackets?
In a single engine, greater than distance to glide to. Land and multi is over 50nm from land
Dont need to wear the life. Jacket when?
Flying higher than 2000ft AGL
Over water when taking off or landing before an aerodrome
What do life jackets need to have?
Be inflatable
Approved by CASA
Contain a whistle except for infants
When do you need to carry a life raft?
Single engine whichever is less of distance of 100 miles or 30 mins
Where do you stow life rafts?
Stowed in compartments or containers that are marked appropriately
A SE AC must be fitted with an approved ELT when..?
Over water and not required to carry a life raft
Not capable of radio communication or capable of continuous ground-air communication
When an AC is required to carry a life raft, it must also carry…?
If it has one life raft: an approved ELT
If more than one lift raft: 1 approved ELT + 1 portable ELT or 2 portable ELTS
Supply of flares
When don’t you need an ELT?
When staying within 50nm of the AD ref point
If the AC is new
If you’re flying for the purpose to fit one or if it is removed or overhauled
If it has been temporarily removed for inspection, repair or mods and an entry is made in the MR, it is marked and has not been more than 90 days
When must you carry survival equipment sufficient for each occupant?
Over designated remote areas (Tasmania, snowy mountains, central Australia)
Where you need a life raft
If directed by CASA
What constitutes survival equipment?
Purification tablets
Fire starting equipment
First aid kit
Runway width in normal ops is?
If aircraft is under what weight it can be what and in what conditions?
15 metres and 10 metres if under 2000kg and light xwind
Slope allowance and in AG OPS
2% max up or down is permitted and AG OPS it is 12.5% for day and 2% for night
If runway is sloping more than 2%, is it allowed?
Yes, but takeoff only downhill and landing uphill
Gable marker and cone marker spacing?
Gable is 180m
Cone is 90m
Starting distances for engines
5m from sealed building
8m from another AC
8m from unsealed building
15m from exposed public areas
AC radar equipment
If it is not energised and the antenna is rotating what equipment must be how far from AC?
AC being refuelled
Fuel tankers or storage areas
Persons or cargo
Any other AC or hanger
120ft from the AC
If the radar equipment is not energised with antenna stationary, what distance from AC?
200ft between the beam and the stated objects previously mentioned
When navigating by IFR you must be how many degrees from track and positive fix every….?
Give or take 9 degrees and 2 hours
What is RAIM?
RAIM with fault detection detects fault in one or more of the satellites
Minimum needed is 5, With 6 satellites it removes the faulty satellite from the system
All fuel consumption figures
Final reserve
9.8g/hr (65% 2400 and leaned for best power)
6.6g/hr (45% 2400rpm leaned best economy)
10% trip fuel
How to lean to best economy
Lean to rough run and then rich to smooth running and desired RPM as selected
Part 91 fuel requirements piston/turbojet (Private)
Final and contingency
Under 5700kg final is 30mins
Contingency n/a
VFR piston part 91 (private) above 5700kg
45 mins and 5% contingency
Part 135 (air transport ops) fuel requirements
Finres and contingency
Final is 45 mins and contingency 10%
How is final reserve calculated?
At 1,500ft above AD elevation in ISA conditions
Holding speed
At estimated arrival weight for destination
Fuel capacity for the DA40 standard tank
Total 41.2
Usable 40.2
Maximum indicated 2x17
Max permissible difference 10
Fuel capacity for the DA40 long range
Total 51
Usable 50
max indicated 2x16
Max indicated aux 2x19
Max permissible difference 8
Fuel pressure for DA40 min and max
14psi min
35psi max
Fuel flow normal limits
1-20/hr prohibited above 20/hr
When do you get a fuel warning?
Below 3USG
What colour is Mogas
Avgas 100
Avgas 100LL
High performance Avgas
Straw or no colour
Oil requirements
Min 6qrts FTA
Oil burn
1qrt per 5-10 hours
Permitted oil
Ashless dispersant
Mineral oil is used to seat the piston rings in the first 50 hours
Oil press normal range and. Prohibited above and below
56-95psi normal
Below 25 and above 97
Oil temp normal and prohibited
Above 250F
Do you need an alternate when landing somewhere without a TAF?
Fuelling of aircraft must be separated by how much from other areas?
5m from sealed building
6m from another AC
9m from unsealed building
15m from exposed public area
What kind of extinguishers and how many?
2x dry powder or 1x dry powder and 1x foam
What distance must the fire extinguishers be positioned?
Within 15m but not within 6m of the fuelling equipment or AC
Can locate them on the fuelling equipment with quick release brackets
What happens if there is a fuel spill or fire hazard?
Stop everything and remove passengers to 15m or greater away and all maintenance work must cease
How long until you can use jerry cans after moving them?
15 mins
When is a load sheet required?
For air transport OPS over 5700kg
Passenger list requirements
On a charter flight and leave it at the AD of departure
AC rego
Names of pax
Date and ETD
Place of arr and dept
Can we carry firearms?
Only if CASA says so
How do you store cargo?
Restrained under maximum accel expected during flight
Cargo straps should be
Flame resistant
Can you block emergency exits?
Yes as long as there are enough for. All the pax to. Get out and it has to be signposted as blocked
Can cargo obstruct an aisle
Can you store cargo on a pax. Seat?
Yep not over 77kg
Placarding with cargo
Must be put in a place placarded with loading instructions
Child and infant age
3-under 13
Under 3
When do you need to wear a seatbelt
TOFF and landing
Instrument app
Less than 1000 AGL
When the PIC says so
Always during AG OPS
Before you takeoff,pax must be briefed on what?
Smoking, none in the toilets
Seatbelts and adjusting
Location of emergency exits
Use of oxygen
Use of flotation devices
Stowage of hand luggage
Location of on-board survival equipment
Above how many people do you need a printed version of the pax brief?
6 people
Can you carry an animal and under what conditions?
Yes and only if the pilot says so. It must not block any exit
Rules on smoking
Never on any Australian domestic air transport flight that is carrying pax
Never on a flight other than a freight only flight
For any other op, never during take off and landing, in the toilet, when the pilot says so or the non smoking sign is on
MTOW long and short range
1200kg long range 1150 short range
MTOW + 4kg
Standard baggage compartment weight
Baggage tube weight
Extended baggage compartment:forward, aft, forward + aft
Max surface load
45kg, 18kg, 45kg
Flight manoeuvring load accel limits normal category
Positive and negative at VA
Pos and neg at VNE
Pos and neg at TO or LDG flap
3.8 and -1.52
3.8 and 0
2.0 and -
Flight manoeuvring load accel limits utility category MTOW 980kg
Pos and neg at VA
Pos and neg at VNE
Pos and neg flaps TO and LDG
4.4 and -1.76
4.4 and -1
2.0 and -
What are approved manoeuvres normal category
All normal flight manoeuvres
Lazy eights, Chantelle’s, steep turns not above 60deg
What are approved manoeuvres utility category
Same as normal cat and steep turns not above 90 deg
ATM explain
Torque is ahead of the pitch-change axis which attempts to coarsen the pitch
DA40 prop assembly
Hartzell 74 inches
Stainless steel sheath to protect edges from erosion
CSU how it works
Oil takes prop to coarse. If engine fails it goes to fine.
It has a woodward governor
The governor maintains the RPM set and also controls the MCP
CSU springs how many and what are they?
Speeder spring
Return spring
Hub spring
Under speed condition?
Think the flyweights are retracted in. The speeder spring pushes the valve down and the oil returns to the sump out of the prop. The speeder spring wants to make the blades go to fine pitch.
Over speed condition
The flyweights fly out and lift up the pilot valve which allows the oil to go into the propeller and makes it go to coarse.
What happens when. You move the pitch lever back and forward?
When you move it back, it makes it over speed and the oil goes into the hub to make it coarse. When it is moved forward, the spring is relaxed and the flyweights under speed and the oil leaves the hub so blades go to fine.
Takeoff climb performance: In takeoff config, AC must be able to achieve a climb gradient of what % at VTOSS with engines at TO power
In a clean configured SE AC, what percentage of performance is required to climb from 50ft to 5000ft PH and MCP at not less than 1.2VS?
In a landing config, with the engines operating at TO power, an AC is required to achieve a climb gradient of what %?
For all slopes above what % must be considered?
What is a class B AC?
Anything that is not a class A AC or balloon, which is defined as not commercial, not transport category, not used for RPT
What can we do for maintenance?
Remove or install landing gear if not jacking up whole AC
Pneumatic tubes of tyres
Service wheel bearings
Replace defective safety wiring or split pins, (not including in control systems)
Remove or refit a door only if no disassembly of primary structure and AFM allows it to be operated with no door
Replace side windows in un press AC
Replace seats if no disassembly of primary structure
Replace upholstery or decorative furnishings
Replace seat belts or harnesses
Replace or repair signs or markings
What speed is VNE, VNO, VA, VFE, VS and VSO
111/94 (below 1036kg)
What speed is VGL, Vcruise climb, VY, VX, VTOSS, VR, Vref, Max dem xwind, max tailwind
65 (TO flap also)
63 (climb to 50 AGL accel to 1.3VS)
71 dual and 67 solo
What is the battery?
24V 10amp/hr lead acid which supplies DC to elec system via. The main bus
Emergency battery
28 alkaline batteries contained in a tray on the co pilots side
What does the emergency battery power?
Gyro power to the standby attitude indicator and flood light for. 90 mins
Alternator how many amp/hrs above what RPM
Belt driven system connected to the engine. Supplies 70 amp/hrs above. 2100 rpm
How many volts in the system And DC or AC?
28V DC system
What does the essential bus power?
Nav/com1, transponder, flood lights, flaps, GNSS, landing light, pitot heating, AHRS, ADC
How long does the ESS bus last?
30 mins
What do the conditions of the switch have to be in if you use the ESS bus switch?
Alternator must be off for the ESS bus to be on
What is the engine?
Lycoming IO-360 M1-A, fuel injected, 360 cubic. Inches, 180 horse
Max continuous RPM?
Engine drainpipes
Engine driven pump drain, fuel distributors drain, induction manifold drain. Located at the back bottom section of engine compartment
Fuel metering system
FCU likes the throttle valve and mixture to control it. Fuel flows into. The. FCU under pressure. The fuel flow sensor is fitted downstream of. The diaphragm
When the ignition is on L which mag is grounded
Starter motor works how
Engages a solenoid to move a starter pinion to engage the engine starter gear
Exhaust smoke colours
Blue oil burn in. Cylinders
White high water content in combustion. Chamber
Black carbon in cylinders
How far can the nose wheel move
30 degrees either side
Nose wheel pressure?
Main gear pressure?
How long will. Good pressure last in the parking brake?
24 hours roughly
How is the. Fuel quantity measured in the integrated display?
Has a capacitance system to measure by sensing mass and the dielectric of fuel
Differential (moves more down than up)
Frise (protruding part under leading edge)
Electric actuators powered by an elec motor connected. To. Push rods. Redundancy of torsion tube connected to. The inboard of each flap so they are synchronised no matter what
Horn balance
ON elevator and rudder. Extends forward of the hinge line
Mass balance
On ailerons underneath each wing
Stall strip
Wing root, causes root to stall before the tip
Aerodynamic wing fence
Interferes with the boundary layer increases stability
Gets data from the Pitot static system and OAT to give altitude airspeed, vertical speed, OAT to the integrated
Integrated avionics
2 comms and 2 nav system
What do you do with Rough Running engine
Adopt glide
Fuel pump on
Fuel tank selector fullest
Check engine instruments
Check RPM and mix setting
Alt air on
Check mags
Try throttle RPM mix settings
Make emergency landing
Loss of oil pressure?
If oil pressure drops and oil temp is fine, might be false. Monitor oil temp and CHT
If oil pressure drops and oil temp and CHT rises, power to minimum
Shut down engine and carry out forced landing
High oil temp
Check CHT and EGT
If they are high, reduce power to minimum, land ASAP, shut down engine
If neither are high, it’s a fault. A constant. Temp of 26F is oil temp indication failure
Engine failure on ground
Fuel tank off
Cabin heat off
Throttle max
Master off
Ignitions off
Electrical fire with smoke on the ground
Master off
Throttle idle
Ignition off
Engine fire in flight
Cabin heat off
Select field
Fuel tanks off
Throttle max
Elec fuel pumps off
Master on
Carry out emergency landing with engine off
Electrical fire with smoke in flight
Emergency elec switch on
Masters off
Cabin heat off
Overvoltage situation
ESS bus on
Alt off
Non- essential equipment off
Land. ASAP
ALT failure
Check instruments for confirmation
0 amps 24 volts
Turn off ALT switch
Use ESS bus
Try limit elec usage
If can’t land before 30 mins use emergency battery
Radio failure procedure
Class G remain VMC, transmit blind
Controlled airspace squawk 7600, listen out on ATIS, stay VMC, transmit blind, call on phone to ATC
YPPF do controlled airspace, track via VFR points, enter CTR at 1500, watch for light signals from tower
AC signals
Daylight in flight
Daylight on the ground
Darkness in flight
Darkness on ground
Rock wings
Waggling ailerons and rudders
Flashing landing lights off and on twice
Flashing off and on twice the nav lights
What kind of icing can we get?
No carb icing but can get impact icing. Below 0 within visible moisture
Remove ice by descending and use pitot heat
Starter motor precautions
After 10 seconds let it rest for. 20 seconds. Do for a max of. 6 times then let rest. For. 30 mins
What happens with prolonged idling?
Cools engines beyond their limit and spark plug fouling
What happens with detonation?
Rough running, high temps, black smoke
Pre-ignition is what?
One cylinder firing before it is supposed to
Glide ratio
8:1 or approx 1.44nm horizontally for 1000ft
Max and min day temps to. Fly for DA40 and for FTA solo and dual
Min -40C max 54C for. DA40
Max solo 35C and. 40C for dual for FTA
Emergency exit DA40
If AC rolls on the ground, evacuate through the rear door. Hinges can be removed by lulling on the emergency release handle on. The roof in the back