CPL test questions Flashcards
what is the minimum in flight visibility and separation from cloud above 3000ft in class G airspace?
1500 metres clear of cloud, 1000ft vertically clear of cloud, 5km visibility
what is the minimum in flight visibility and separation from cloud for VFR flight below 3000ft and below 140IAS in class G airspace?
1500 metres visibility, clear of cloud and in sight of the ground (5 km if above 140 knots)
what is the minimum in flight visibility and separation from cloud for VFR flight above 3000ft in class D airspace?
5km visibility, 1500m horizontally clear of cloud and 1000ft vertically clear of cloud.
what is the minimum in flight visibility and separation from cloud for VFR flight below 3000ft and below 140IAS in class D airspace?
5km visibility, clear of cloud and in sight of the ground.
what is the UK low flying rule with regard to failure of a power unit?
an aircraft shall not fly at a height where an emergency landing in the event of a power failure would not be made without causing danger to persons or property on the surface
what is the 500ft rule?
except with written permission from the CAA, an aircraft shall not be flown closer than 500ft to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure
what is the 1000ft rule?
except with the written permission of the CAA, an aircraft over a congested area of a city town or settlement shall not fly lower than 1000ft above the highest fixed obstacle within a horizontal radius of 600 metres of the aircraft
what is the land clear rule?
an aircraft flying over a congested area of a city, town or settlement shall not fly below such height as would permit the aircraft to land clear in the event of power unit failure
what is the rule regarding overflying open air assemblies?
except with written permission from the CAA, an aircraft shall not overfly an open air assembly of more than 1000 people below either 1000 feet or a height at which a land clear could be Mae in event of engine failure
what are the rules regarding landing or taking off new open air assemblies?
an aircraft shall not take off within 1000m of an open air assembly of 1000 people unless at an aerodrome pr at a landing site (with permission from the CAA and permission from the event organiser)
where are performance planning rules for the FTO’s aircraft on a public transport flight?
Ops manual Part C
what is L3’s asymmetric committal height?
200ft above runway elevation
what configuration is assumed for landing distance calculations?
power idle, gear down, flaps LDG
where is the list of documents which need to be carried on a public transport flight found?
air navigation order schedule 10/EU ops subpart B
what is the significance of the yellow arc on an ASI?
represents the cautionary range of airspeed which can only be entered in still air.
what does a turn coordinator measure and how is it displayed?
shows the rate of turn and how balanced the aircraft is within that turn (slipping or skidding)
where are the privileges of the EASA CPL found?
Part FCL annex 1 subpart d section 1
what are the privileges of a CPL?
- exercise all the privileges of a PPL/LAPL
- act as PIC or CO-PILOT in any aircraft except in commercial air transport
- act as pic in a single pilot aircraft in commercial air transport subject to FCL.060
- act as co-pilot in commercial air transport subject to FCL.060
In which document can you find rules regarding perf planning on a public transport flight?
EU OPS Subpart H Perf class B- 1.525
what is PEC and when should it be applied?
pressure error correction applies to altimeter errors that can occur in the approach configuration. this constitutes an addition to the DA/MDA
what is PEC on the DA42?
flying a QFE approach, what should be set on the second altimeter?
regional pressure or airfield QNH (particularly important when overflying a MATZ as controllers can forget to give you new RPS)
where are the ATO’s rules on altimeter settings found?
IR Manual/OPS manual/CPL manual
why do we set 1013 on the PFD but QNH on the standby altimeter?
to ensure MSA clearance and assist with minimum flight levels
if there is no published figure for the aircraft what PEC should be applied?
50ft above MDA/DA
where would you find info regarding ACH/ACA for your ATO?
operations manual
if you are expecting a strong crosswind at the destination what will you need to consider when planning a second runway?
- circling minima
- must be able to achieve a full stop in 70% of the runway from 50ft from the threshold. so must consider still air
- crosswind
- should be able to factor HW and TW
- consider altitude, runway condition, surface and slope
why do we use pressure altitude for performance calculations?
PA is used as aircraft performance generally degrades with pressure altitude.
what factors are used for runway upslope and downslope?
5% increase in distance for every 1% of upslope. No factorisation for downslope and vice versa for landing
what factors need to be applied for T/O and landing on grass?
- 2 dry
- 3 wet
What are the EU ops takeoff requirements?
all obstacles in the accountability area must be cleared by 50 ft and if visual reference is lost we assume an engine fails also. the T/O climb extends from 50ft from the end of TODR to 1500ft. turns must not exceed 15 degrees
what is clearway?
an area beyond the runway under the control of airport authorities and free of obstructions
what is a stopway?
an area beyond the runway which can be used for deceleration during an RTO. it must be aligned with the runway centreline and at least as wide as the runway
what is the difference between gross and net performance figures?
gross is what’s been observed during testing and certification while net is degraded to bring in real world factors.
what if you can land with wind but not in nil wind?
2 alternates must be selected
how do you calculate RVR if only met vis is available and where is it referenced?
HIALs x1.5 by day or x2 by night
other lighting= x1 by day or x1.5 by night
when is an approach ban applied and where is this referenced?
cannot commence an approach below 1000ft if the RVR is below minimums EU OPS SUBPART D page 46
where do we find IFR planning minima?
EU OPS subpart D page 38
what is minimum autopilot height?
200ft during approach and departure when below 130kts
what are the L3 minima for destination and alternate?
greater than 5k vis and ceiling 2000ft or circling +500 whichever is higher
what is the basic principle of buys ballots law?
if a person stands with their back to the wind in the northern hemisphere, pressure is low to their left and high to their right. this is because wind travels counter-clockwise around low pressure zones in the northern hemisphere
how does surface wind differ from upper winds?
upper winds are often stronger as friction is less. the wind also blows perpendicular to the isobars at surface level as the friction reduces the Coriolis effect due to it being proportional to wind speed. upper winds tend to blow parallel to the isobars due to the Coriolis effect
what are backing and veering winds?
a backing wind turns counter clockwise with height and a veering wind turns clockwise
what is visibility?
visibility is the distance at which an object or light can be clearly discerned
what is in-flight visibility?
the distance straight ahead from the cockpit at which an object or light can be clearly discerned
what is RVR?
RVR is the distance along a runway that a pilot can see the surface markings or the runway centreline
how is surface visibility measured and reported?
surface visibility is measured by an observer and is done using prominent features at various distances from the observation point
what is prevailing visibility?
the greatest visibility observed in half the horizon circle or half the surface of the aerodrome
what documents do we need to legally fly today?
- CofA
- release to service
- certificate of registration
- insurance
- noise certificate
- radio licence
- no defects outside of MEL
what is the DA42 maintenance cycle?
- 100 hours
- 200 hours
- 1000 hours
- 2000 hours
- once a year
how do we record a deferred defect?
- check against MEL
- record in tech log
- describe issue in detail
- ensure time that can elapse before it is fixed and write down the date
what precautions are to be noted when using a turn coordinator for unusual attitude recovery?
it only gives roll info if the ball is centralised
how are out of phase servicing events shown?
on the release to service page where the date and hours of the next service are in the column below
what can be done if an aircraft has 2 hours remaining on it and its about to go on a 2 hour flight?
- the captain can call maintenance for a 10% extension
- the approved maintenance organisation get approval from the CAA