CPK - Strategic Awareness and Staff Management Flashcards
Our mission is to prevent what?
- Crime and harm through exceptional Policing
What is our purpose to ensure everybody what?
- Can be safe and feel safe
Our vision is to be what?
- The safest country
What are our 3 S goals?
- Safe homes
- Safe roads
- Safe communities
List 5 of our functions of the Police as defined by section 9 of the Policing Act 2008?
- Keep the peace
- Maintain public safety
- Crime Prevention
- Policing activities outside NZ
- Law enforcement
Prevention first is designed to support and enhance the delivery of our 3 key outcomes. What are the 3 key outcomes what do we want to do?
- Prevent crime and victimisation
- Target and catch offenders
- Deliver a more responsive Police service
Prevention first puts people, victims, offenders and our staff at the centre of our model with 3 key outcomes. What are the 3 core components so we can deliver on these outcomes?
- Deploy to beat demand
- Target the drivers of demand
- Take every opportunity to prevent harm
What are our 6 drivers of demand?
- Families
- Youth
- Alcohol
- Roads
- Organised crime and drugs
- Mental health
By taking every opportunity to prevent harm what 4 things will we do?
- Demonstrate our values and code of conduct in each interaction
- Provide proactive and consistent service to victims and offenders
- Build relationships of trust to improve information sharing with partner agencies and communities
- Focus on victims needs to respond quickly to victims
What are the 4 characteristics of a high performing team?
- United
- Committed to excellence
- Individually accountable and responsible
- Supportive of one another
SEE defines the propose of leadership. Explain these
- Set the strategy, standard, outcomes and activities my people need to deliver their purpose
- Enable my people to deliver the outcomes the organisation requires from their role
- Hold my people accountable for delivering the outcomes
The Police values are the key things that this organisation says are important. They describe the behaviour associated with these values. There are 6 Police values what are they?
- Professional
- Respect
- Integrity
- Commitment to Maori and the treaty
- Empathy
- Valuing diversity
Our motto is?
- Safer communities together
What is the focus of wellness and safety?
- Developing a strong culture
- that priorities and supports all staff
- to look after each other
What is evidence based Policing?
- What works, what counts, what matters in making
- our community safer and deploying
- resources for best outcomes.
How can we modernise our service delivery?
- Embracing new technology
- to increase our responsiveness
- to be more mobile and accessible.
How are we prepared to deploy to beat demand and how does the DCC help with this?
- Prepared and flexible
- allowing us to deploy resources
- and quickly to get on top of demand
- DCC improves ability to ID and respond to actual and likely demand
What our 3 priorities
- Be first then do
- Deliver the service NZ expects and deserves
- Focused prevention with partnerships
How are youth represented in relation to offending?
- 17% of youth commit 40% of offences
- Mostly serious crime
Prevention first ask us to take every opportunity to support offenders wanting to makes changes. What are some ways low level offending can be dealt with?
- Diversion
- Iwi panel
By targeting repeat offence locations you are helping prevent offending and harm. How are location represented?
- 5% of locations
- make 32% of calls for service for crime
The F1 Strategy in PHPF is a tool for a leader to connect with the team how?
- To connect team to our business
- So everyone is clear on purpose and roles
- and how they contribute to NZ Police
F2 of PHPF relates to culture. It is change of mindset that focus on what?
- A culture focused on purpose and enabling people to make a difference
F3 of PHPF is for Leadership and for leaders to have an understanding of what?
- Purpose and expectation and are equipped with tools to excel
F4 of PHPF is about capability. What do people need?
- Tools to improve performance and guide others to perform to potential
F5 of PHPF is about performance management. What does this allow us to do with staff?
- Talk about performance in meaningful and helpful way
- Ensuring people have got what they need to deliver outcomes
The performance management framework has 3 tools. What are these?
- Development plan
- Monthly progress review
- Annual performance review
Our behaviour must meet the SELF test what does this mean?
- Scrutiny is it appropriate and withstand
- Ensure compliance with COC, Policy, GI’s
- Is behaviour/decision lawful
- Is behaviour/decision fair
Does misconduct and serious misconduct apply to behaviour outside of work?
- Yes always consider the SELF test
What are 5 examples of misconduct?
- Breaching policy
- Misuse of internet or email
- Unauthorised use of Police system or Police property
- Don’t declare conflict of interest
- Not complying with instruction
What are some examples of serious misconduct?
- Convicted or pleaded guilty to offence
- Accepting bribe or reward
- Sexual misconduct
- Theft
- unauthorised access or disclosure of info from NIA
- Excess unjustified violence
- False declaration or statement
Extended performance difficulty may be managed by way of what
- Performance improvement plan assisted by HR
If an employee is not performing to an agreed standard a performance meeting should be required. What is the purpose of this?
- ID barriers to their performance
- Present ways to support them
- Two way convo to define weakness and encourage improvement
- Use practical examples with feedback - Inform of reason for meeting and give chance to get representation
- Allow them to give explanation
- Advise risk continued employment if no change- Agree on what they will do to improve
- Keep record of convo
If a performance standard is still not being reached you will need to introduce a formal PIP and have a performance meeting. What does a PIP provide and how should they be set up?
- Provides a structured plan of action over agreed timeframe
- Aimed at improving performance
- NCO will allow time to see improvement
- Send letter to arrange meeting and time
- Advise HR so they can support
What are the employee responsibilities of the PIP?
- Engage in process and conversations with line with PHPF
- Work to improve within timeframe
What are your responsibilities as an NCO during the PIP process?
- Evaluate progress
- Enable the employee Eg give training, time needed, work buddy
- Engage in conversations.
- Ensure improvement actions checked off
- When time past arrange meeting, give feedback, ID areas fallen short
- Repeat PIP if standard not met but improved
- Failed to improve advise from HR for disciplinary process
To have trust and confidence of all we must uphold our values and code of conduct. Police need to remain corruption free and promote ethnical and professional policing. This can be achieved by ensuring that inappropriate behaviour is what?
- Challenged
- Investigated
- Appropriately dealt with
- Reported
What are 6 principles when it come to reporting and speaking up?
- Behaviour we ignore is behaviour we accept
- Adhere to standards of COC
- Challenge or report inappropriate behaviour
- Support and safe if they speak up
- Take responsibility for own actions self report when involved
- Allegations taken serious and resolved in timely manner
What are 4 examples of inappropriate behaviour?
- Breach of COC
- Unethical behaviour
- Serious wrongdoing
- Harassment, bullying and discrimination
Confidentially and anonymity cannot always be guaranteed as it depends on the circumstances so only those that need to know will know. Does a person subject of an accusation have the right to know who made it?
- Yes they have right to know who made accusation and the substance of it
Inappropriate behaviour should be reported via normal reporting lines however if this is not appropriate who can it be reported too?
- Other supervisor
- Snr employee
- HR
- Area and District Commander or above
- Speak up or IPCA
What steps should be taken if you are receiving report of inappropriate behaviour?
- Discuss with complainant
- Obtain full details of behaviour
- Advise of Initial steps and who will be informed
- Advise of protection and support
- Report to People Groups as appropriate
- Maintain detailed record and confidentiality
In what cases should you self report by writing to your supervisor if you have been involved in?
- Facing charges
- ION for EBA
- Suspension of licence
- Respondent of PO
failure to report can result in disciplinary action
What are the 3 tiers of speak up support?
- Supervisor responsibilities
- Proactive management
- Active intervention
Under tier two the proactive management if an allegation has resulted in employee or criminal investigation and the person has received some form of retaliation for speaking up. What will you do as a supervisor?
- Meet and explore concerns
- ID steps to mitigate concerns
- Offender supervisor contacted
- Offer welfare officer involvement
- Advise about EAP, Hassessment support officers
What are some don’ts in relation to the social media policy?
- Post photos in uniform or anything else that ID as Police
- Use personal emails to set up Police social media
- Post anything to negatively impact on Police reputation
- Post anything that comprises yours, family or collages security
- Use FB to send messages to track someone
Under section 13 in to relation to the IPCA what is the duty of the commissioner to do in incidents relating to death or serious injury?
- Police employee while working
- causes death or serious injury
- Commissioner must set out circumstances in writing
- to IPCA
Under section 15 in relation to IPCA what must commissioner do in relation to receiving of complaints?
- Complaints received by Police
- IPCA must be notified no later than 5 days
- He must notify on criminal offending or serious misconduct
- if public interest and Police rep at risk
Set within the framework of Prevention First Te Huringa o Te Tai focuses on Police efforts around the 3 Pou’s. What are they?
- Our people and mindset
- Effective initiatives and improved practice
- Effective partnership
Pou Mataara is about our people and their mindset. By using this we continue to focus on building what?
- Our people and skills, knowledge, mindset and performance
- to deliver better and more effective outcome for Maori and Iwi
The 3rd is Pou Hourua is about effective partnerships. We will focus on what?
- Building relationships and effective partnerships with Maori, Iwi and other organisations
The code of conduct is prescribed by the Commissioner and sets out standards expected by Police. Who does this include?
- Anyone employed by Police
- Volunteers, permanent or temporary casual contractor and consultants