CPK - Arms Act Flashcards
Explain S40 of Arms Act - Person in possession of firearm must give ID?
- Person in possession of firearm, airgun, pistol, prohibited mag, prohibited part or restricted weapon
- on demand must give full details
- if refuses warn them
- continues to refuse can be arrested
- penalty 3 months imprisonment and or $1000
Explain S66 of Arms Act - Occupier of premise or vehicle in possession of firearm?
- Occupier of any land or vehicle
- where firearm, airgun, pistol, prohibited mag, prohibited part or restricted weapon is found
- is deemed to be in possession of it
- unless then can prove otherwise
Who may deploy with firearms?
- Only level 1 responders
When may you deploy armed with firearms?
- PCA indicate risk as death or GBH
- Deployed as member of AOS, STG or DPS
- Performing airport duties
- Role of escorts or guards for people carrying valuables
- Destroy animals
- Training
If you decide to deploy with firearms what are your responsibilities to do?
- Advise NCO and comms
- wear taser and HAP
When dealing with an armed incident or armed offender what basic principles should be considered?
- Ongoing TENR
- Take matter seriously
- Focus on de-escalcation, communication, cordon area wait and appeal
- Never go unnecessarily into danger unless death or GBH is likely then must act to prevent this
- Treat all armed as dangerous and hostile unless definite evidence to the contrary
- Don’t use firearm if it can’t be done without endangering others
When must the fire orders be given?
- Before the start of a routine carriage and pre planned operation. Must be given at briefing
- All other operational situations NCO must draw attention to it in the NB
- Training must show knowledge and understanding of them
What lawful purposes can Police only use a firearm?
- S48 self defence or defence of another fears death or GBH
- S39 Arresting offender poses risk of death or GBH
- S40 prevent escape and poses treat of death or GBH
No justification for firing when they no longer a treat to life regardless of previous actions
What are things you should consider before shooting an offender?
- Communication asked to surrender
- Less violent means
- Any delay would be dangerous and impractical
Police must be personally responsible for knowing they are justified in firing a shot and knowing the relevant law. What sections are these?
S39 make arrest S40 prevent escape S41 prevent 1X S48 self defence or defence of another S62 excess force not justified
As a general rule warning shots should not be fired. There maybe circumstances where it is appropriate what are these?
- Offender asked to surrender
- Has not
- shot aimed as a warning
- Take caution to safeguard others
In incidents involving the discharge of a Police firearm that results in death or serious injury the incident controller must do what?
- Take control and manage the scene
- First aid completed
- Inform district commander
What are the 8 steps of initial action the incident controller should do at the scene of a Police shooting?
- Mark positions of shooter, empty cartridge and bullet fragment
- Preserve scene and items marked and take photos and don’t alter anything
- Secure firearm and remaining rounds
- Make firearm safe
- Record all action taken
- Advise shooter NCO and DC
- Complete TOR
An unintentional discharge of a firearm may occur by operator error or mechanical fault. The operator must notify their NCO or Snr NCO ASAP. What 8 steps must the NCO then do?
- Follow the first 5 steps as per normal discharge
- Step 6 Advise district Professional conduct manager
- Step 7 Review debrief of the facts that took place
- Step 8 Send firearm, bullets, cartridges to armoury with report of what happen
A TOR for a death or injury caused by a Police firearm must be submitted by who?
- Supervisor not the person who used the force
What are times TOR must be completed in relation to Police firearms?
- Presentation
- Discharge
- UD
- Destruction of animal
When advised by a staff member of the use of a taser on an offender what 8 steps should you take?
- Ask if needed to attend scene
- Current medical care given
- Scene preserved, 4H completed, All exhibits secured
- Offender seen by doc and exam recorded on POL42 by doc
- Taser register completed
- Member completes TOR
- Uploaded to Evidence.com with right title and shared to NCO
- Review the footage and TOR
- Note outcome of review on TOR
A staff member has advised you that the taser was used in an operational SHOW only on an offender. What 4 steps must you take?
- Ensure a TOR is completed
- Arcing instances in taser register completed
- Footage uploaded
- Hold a debrief, review the footage and TOR
A staff member has just done a unintentional discharge due to operator error or mechanical fault with the taser. What 7 steps should you take as the NCO?
- Preserve, 4H scene and exhibits secure
- Taser out of service and consult if needs to be examined
- Instigate a review
- TOR for a UD completed
- Upload footage
- Register completed with discharge details
- Advise District professional conduct manager
When may a UD occur?
- Operator error
- Mechanical fault
When a taser is shown or used when must the operator inform the NCO?
- As soon as practicable
- If rural or remote location inform closest duty NCO