CPD Questions Flashcards
Helifix - what did you learn?
1 - clarity wall ties replacing
2 - Crack stitching
What does CSCS stand for, and what level did you require?
1 - Construction Skills Certificate Scheme
What does NEBOSH stand for? and why is it important?
1 - National Examination Board of Occupational Safety and Health.
2 - Managers, supervisors and staff from all types of organisations who need a broad understanding of health and safety issues. The certificate helps them manage risks effectively.
Asbestos Training - what did this cover?
1 - Types of asbestos -
2 - Licences and non-licences works -
3 - Types of survey -
4 - what to do if you discover unidentified asbestos on site -
5 - what desk top survey you may need to do relating to asbestos, you may need to do prior to visiting a site.
Flat roof coverings - what are they and what are the main pros and cons?
Single ply roofing
1 - EPDM roofing is waterproof.
2 - It allows you to encase your entire roof.
3 - Repairs are relatively simple and inexpensive; homeowners should be able to do some as DIY projects.
4 - Roofs last between 30 and 50 years and hold up against wind, water, and fire.
5 - The roof deck doesn’t need reinforcement because 6 - EPDM roofing is lightweight.
7 - Leaks are very rare with EPDM roofing.
8 - EPDM roofing is durable – it doesn’t scratch or scuff very easily – and repairs are easy.
1 - You must have an EPDM roof installed by a professional contractor who knows how to properly install the roof. It can be somewhat costly.
2 - Any exterior pieces – pipes, HVAC systems, chimneys – can pose a risk to your EPDM roofing and cause leaks if not properly flashed.
3 - Rubber roofing can be damaged by branches, foot traffic during installation, or storm damage. You just need to take more care when walking on a membrane roof.
Built up roofing
1 - Built-up roofing can last for 10 to 15 years with regular maintenance and repair.
2 - Several types of built-up roofing exist to meet your needs – smooth asphalt built-up, ballasted asphalt built-up, cold built-up, etc.
3 - It offers great protection against water, UV rays and inclement weather.
4 - It is low maintenance and costs very little to maintain throughout its lifetime.
5 - It’s easy to remove layers when repairing or resurfacing the roof.
6 - The gravel in built-up roofing makes it highly resistant to normal foot traffic.
1 - Its installation takes a long time because making it involves a number of materials – asphalt, coal, tar, gravel, etc.
2 - Potentially hazardous fumes and vapors are emitted during installation.
3 - It has high initial installation costs.
It is susceptible to wind and high levels of moisture damage.
4 - It’s incredibly heavy and requires that roof joists are strengthened before it’s installed.
5 - It’s sometimes hard to find the source of a leak and sometimes requires dismantling the whole roof.
6 - Built-up roofing is not flexible in cold temperatures and is susceptible to damage.
Modified Bitumen Roofing
1 - Factory applied mineral surfacing for consistent application.
2 - Applied in overlapping rolls creating large seamless areas.
3 - Less complex to install than BUR saving labor and reducing installation error.
4 - Polymer reinforced roof wear layer provides better elasticity and flexibility in low temperature.
5 - A variety of application methods including hot applied, torch applied, cold applied, self-adhered.
6 - Low maintenance and durable.
Low cost.
7 - Recyclable at end of useful life.
8 - Provides better durability than a BUR with similar ease of installation like EPDM.
1 - Some application techniques require an open flame/torch which requires special safety considerations.
2 - Overlapping joints must be correctly adhered to prevent a possible leak.
What are the main types of Waterproofing systems for flat roofs?
1 - Single Ply Roofing
2 - Built up Roofing
3 - Modified Bitumen Roofing
What are the befits of 3D scanning, and how can this aid building surveys?
The key benefits of 3D laser scanning are comprehensive data collection and accuracy.
Which can aids surveys as production of accurate proposed / existing CAD plans or the construction of 3D models.
What where the main updates on CDM 2015, and when is a project notifiable?
Summary of Main Changes
1 - Simplification of the legislation.
2 - More client responsibilities.
3 - Removal of the domestic client exception.
4 - Removal of the CDM Coordinator
5 - New role of the Principal Designer
6 - Duty holder appointment
7 - HSE Notification - F10 (online) if a project is longer than 30 days with more than 20 workers on site at any one time
will exceed 500 person days.
8 - Construction Phase Plan - The Client is to ensure a Construction Phase Plan is in place for all projects, irrespective of size or duration.
9 - Health and Safety File -
only required if more than more than one contractor.
10 - Capability - The Client must ensure that those appointed can demonstrate appropriate skills, knowledge, experience and organisational capability.
What are the main areas of building pathology?
Typical issues that may require assessment might include:
1 - Penetrating and interstitial damp. 2 - Cracking and building movement. 3 - Rot, corrosion, mold growth and infestation. 4 - Deleterious materials. 5 - Thermal performance, air tightness and cold bridges. 6 - Interaction with trees. 7 - Drainage problems. 8 - Occupant health and wellbeing. 9 - Noise problems.
What treatments are available for insect and fungal attack?
this CPD was given by Peter Cox Ltd - I generally use a specialist manufacture / contractor to undertake these works, as it provided a Guarantee for the product and workmanship.
How is damp controlled in buildings?
1 - Right chose of building products
2 - High level of workmanship
3 - regular maintenance
What liquid roofing systems are you aware of?
1 - Polymer Modified Bitumen Emulsions and Solutions
2 - Polyester Resins - GRP, glass fibre or fibreglass.
3 - Hot Applied Polymer Modified Bitumen
What is correct ladder use?
HSE has a good guide for the correct ladder use;
What should you do when using a stepladder?
1 - Check the load rating that is marked on the stepladder.
2 - The rating should cover the person’s weight and the weight of tools that will be used.
3 - Use a stepladder that is about 1 m (3 ft) shorter than the highest point you have to reach.
4 - This gives a wider, more stable base and places shelf at a convenient working height.
5 - Do not use a ladder that has cracks, lose or corroded rivets, defective braces, or parts (including the slip resistant feet) that are in poor condition.
6 - Make sure it is free of grease or oil or other slippery substances.
7 - Open the stepladder spreaders and shelf fully and lock the braces.
8 - Check stability.
9 - Ensure that all ladder feet are on a firm, level and non-slippery surface.
10 - Place a stepladder at right angles to the work, with either the front or back of the steps facing the work.
Keep the stepladder close to the work.
What are the main features of partitioning systems of the future??
this was a CPD Workshop by our main partitioning supplier (Komfort) which lead us to update of old system with our new Polar 100 double glassing partitioning system. provides 30min fire protection, with a 48dB.
Main features of a FD fire door set?
1 - Solid core and frame sets, which provide protection from FD30 - FD120.
2 - Due to the size of our property, we only require FD30 Fire door sets.
What is Qube?
its a praise of software that we keep all our data on for the property we manage, which include, all projects, LL details, List of approved contractors etc.
NFUM - E-Learning - speak up?
highlights the process you can take, if you suspect something is not correct? or right.
What is IPMS and how does this differ to GIA, GEA & NIA
International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS)
The aim of IPMS:
“To provide a consistent and transparent global basis for the measurement of property”
Core Definitions:
IPMS 1- Gross External Area/GEA
Planning Purposes
Development Proposals
IPMS 2 Office- Gross Internal Area/GIA
Measuring the interior area and categorising the use of space in an office building on a component-by-component basis
IPMS 3 Office- Net Internal Area/NIA
Measuring the occupation of floor areas in exclusive use. Excluding standard facilities, and calculated on a occupier-by-occupier basis
NFUM - What are the 5 golden rules?
1 - Clear desk policy 2 - Identification 3 - Reporting 4 - Removal data 5 - Surplus emails
What are the main changes to the new NEC4 form of contract ??
1 - New Contracts – CHANGE
a - Design Build and Operate (DBO) Contract
b - Alliance Contract (ALC)
2 - Review and Acceptance of Defined Cost
Web- class -
1 - What are the main ethical standard?
2 - what are the main legislation that governs money laundering and bribery?
3 - what is a conflict of interest?
Ethics & professional standards:
1 - Act with integrity
2 - Always provide a high standard of service
3 - Act in a way that promotes trust in the profession
4 - Treat others with respect
5 - Take responsibility
What are the legislation that governs Money Laundering?
The Money Laundering Control Act of 1986
What are the legislation that governs Bribery?
The Bribery Act 2010
What is a conflict of interest?
A conflict of interest is anything that impedes or might be perceived to impede an individual’s or firm’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of a client.
What are the main building defects are you aware of?
Typical issues that may require assessment might include:
1 - Penetrating and interstitial damp. 2 - Cracking and building movement. 3 - Rot, corrosion, mold growth and infestation. 4 - Deleterious materials. 5 - Thermal performance, air tightness and cold bridges. 6 - Interaction with trees. 7 - Drainage problems. 8 - Occupant health and wellbeing. 9 - Noise problems.
Online ethical test - what were the main areas covered?
Course Content: 1 - Rules of Conduct for individuals 2 - Rules of conduct for firms 3 - Money Laundering 4 - Brief summary of the key aspects of the Bribery Act 2010 5 - Professional and Ethical standards