CPA 3 Flashcards
Lumbar: Type 2 (extended) SD
long lever lateral recumbent, MET

HVLA: Type 1 Lumbar Lateral Recumbent

MET Lower Thoracic Type 2 SD, Seated

Alternative: seated MET for backward torsions

MET Lumbar Type 2, SD Seated

Ribs 3-5 exhalation MET

PR 3-10

Rib 11-12 inhalation MET

Supine HVLA “OB Roll”

Lumbar: Type 2 (flexed) SD
long lever lateral recumbent, MET

PR 1

Location of Anterior and Posterior Rib CS Points

PR 2

Ribs 6-8 exhalation MET

CS Steps
- Diagnose somatic dysfunction
- Find significant tenderpoint (TP)
- Establish pain scale
- Wrap around TP while monitoring
- Reduce pain at least 70%
- Maintain position for 90 seconds
- Slowly, passively return paitent to neutral
- Reassess somatic dysfunction (TP)
Bilateral sacral extension

AR 3-10

Cervical: OA, MET

Ribs 11-12 Exhalation MET

AR 1, AR 2

HVLA: TYpe 2 Lumbar Lateral Recumbent

Ribs 2-6 inhalation MET

Ribs 9-10 exhalation MET

MET Lower Thoracic Type 1 (neutral) SD, Seated

Lumbar: Type 1 (neutral), SD
long lever lateral recumbent, MET

Backward torsion

MET Lumbar Type 1 (neutral) SD, Seated

Cervical/Upper Thoracic Seated MET Technique

Rib 7-10 inhalation MET

Alternative: Seated MET for forward torsion

Unilateral sacral flexion

Rib 1 inhalation MET

Bilateral sacral flexion

Cervical: AA, MET

Cervical: C2-7, MET

Ribs 1-2 exhalation MET

Unilateral sacral extension

Forward torsion