Cp6 - Radiation Flashcards
Name 4 types of models of the atom
- daltons billiard ball model
- Thomsons plum pudding model
- Rutherfords model
- Niels Bohr’s variation of rutherfords
What is daltons billiard ball model
Dalton’s model is a theory that states that all matter is composed of small particles called atoms, which are indivisible and indestructible.
What is the plum pudding model
An atomic model created by Thomson in 1904 that suggests the atom was a sphere of positive charges in which electrons were embedded. ( like plums in a plum pudding model )
What is rutherfords atom
An atomic model created in 1911 that suggests negativly charged particles surround the nucleus of the atom in which contains a mix protons and neutrons
What is Niels Bohrs model
A modification of rutherfords model where the electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom in fixed sizes and energy unlike rutherfords where ....
What is a proton
A proton is a small positivly charged particle with a relative mass of 1. it is found with in thr nucleus of all atoms.
What is an electron
An electron is a negativly charged particle with the relative mass of 1/1840 (or negligible). it is found either free or bound to an atom
What is a neutron
A neutron is a particle with no charge and a relative mass of 1. it is found in the nucleus of every atom ( exept hydrogen)
What is a positron
a positron is a particle with the same mass as an electron but the charge of a proton
What is the nucelus of an atom
The nucleus is the inner part of an atom in which protons and neutrons are embeded, electrons orbit the nucleus.
What is the radius of an atom
The radius of an atom is 0.6x10^-10
What is the radius of an atoms nucleus
Where is all of the mass of the atom located
All the mass of an atom is the nucleus
What is the overall charge of the nucleus of an atom
the overall charge of the nucleus is positive ( only protons and neutrons in nucleus )
What are orbiting electrons located on
Orbiting electrons of an atom are located on shells
True or false - the shells in which electrons orbit are the same energy level
False - all shells have different energy levels
True or false - energy levels that are further away from the nucleus of an atom are at higher energy then those which are closer to the nucleus
what is it called when an atom gives out light by returning back to its original shell
True or false - electrons can move to different shells of an atom
What is an example of emmision
LED lights - they produce light when an electrical forces electrons to move within atoms in gas form
What is Ionization
Ionization is an atom gains so much energy that one or more electrons can escape the atom altogether.
what is an ion
An ion is an atom that has lost or gained an electron
Why will ions have an overall negative or positive charge when a regular atom will have no overall charge at all
In an ion there will be more protons then electrons or vice versa meaning that there will be more positive/negative charges then the other. however with a regular atom all the positive charges cancell out the negative charges
True or false - the same colour will be emmitted even though there are different changes of energy levels
false - Different colours will be emmited due to the different changes of energy levels ( 1- 5 ) ( 1 - 3 ) ( 2- 3 )
What is radioactive decay
radioactive decay is the random process that takes place in the nuclei of an atom where particles or energy are emitted
what are the three types of radiation
The three types of radiation are Alpha, Beta and Gamma
What is Alpha radiation
Alpha radiation os when an atom throws out two protons and two neutrons otherwise known as an alpha particle ( this is the same mass as a helium nucleus )
What is beta radiation
Beta radiation is when a neutron will become a proton and will also throw out an electron at the same time
What is gamma radiation
Gamma radiation is an electromagnetic wave with very high energy, it is emmited from the nucleus of an atom during radioactive decay
How strong alpha radiation
Alpha radiation can do a lot of damage if it gets inside of you but it can easily be absorbed by a few centimeters of air or a few sheets of paper
How strong is beta radition
Beta radiation can easily pass through air but is stopped/absorbed by a few mm of alluminium.
How strong is gamma radiation
Gamma radiation is very penatrating and can only be absorbed by several cm of lead
What is backround radiation
Backround radiation is the natural radiation which exists in the enviroment.
What are some examples of backround radiation
Examples of backround radiation include: Medical radiation (x-rays and ct scans), Emissions from power plants, emmisions from nuclear testing and natural radiactivity from the air (like raydon)
True or false - decay can be easily predicted from scientists
false - decay is a random process that cannot be predicted
What is positron decay
positron decay is when a proton turns into a neutron and positron, the newly created positron is ejected from the nucleus
True or false - in gamma decay, both the atomic mass and the atomic number stay the same
What is half life
Half-life is the time it takes for the number of nuclei in a radioactive isotope to half, it is also the time for the count rate to half
True or false - scientists cannot predict the time it takes for half the original nuclei to decay
false - scientasts can predict the time it takes for half the original nuclei to decay - this is half life
What are some of the dangers associated with radiation
some dangers included with radiation are: cancer, mutations of dna, immune system damage and hair loss
What is irradation
Irradation is exposing an object to nuclear radiation ( alpha, beta, gamma)
What is a use of irradation
A use of irridation is steralization, lots of medical equipment needs to be clean/steralized but sometimes heating it doesn’t always work so instead gamma radiation is used to steralize the equipment
True or false - irradation is dangerous and precuations need to take place in order to protect people working around radiactive substances
What are some of the precautions we take to prevent the dangers of ionizing radiation
Sheilding - wearing lead embedded clothing to prevent alpha radiation
Monitoring - does not stop radiation but measures how much radiation someone will have recieved, this helps us remove them when they have taken in to much radiation
What is ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation is radiation that makes electrons escape an atom altogether (forming ions)