CP policy and procedures - acronyms and pictures Flashcards
What are some examples of neglect?
- Not providing Adequate food, shelter or clothing
- Not accessing appropriate medical treatment or Care
- Not protecting a child from physical harm or Danger
- Allowing a child to be exposed to illiCit drug manufacturing
What are the three areas to consider in determining whether physical abuse meets the threshold for referral as a CPP case?
- The Circumstances (factors in the case)
- The Injury inflicted (outcome or result)
- The Action of the abuse
What are some actions that would meet the BASUS (basis) for referral as a CPP case?
- Blow or kick to head
- Attempted drowning
- Shaking of an infant
- Use of an object as a weapon
- Strangulation
What are some injuries that would meet the threshold for referral as a CPP case?
- Concussion or loss of consciousness
- A bone Fracture
- Any injury that requires medical Attention
- Burn
What are some other factors that may warrant referral as a CPP case?
- The Vulnerability of the child
- More than one Offender
- History of Abuse
- A high degree of Violence
Procedure when a report of concern is received - DICI ARC IAP
- Obtain brief Details of the reported concern
- Consider if there are _I_mmediate _C_oncerns for the child’s care or safety
- Consider _I_LO/PLO/ELO _A_ttendance
- Record details of the case in NIA
- If immediate intervention is not required Complete a CPP referral
- Take necessary _I_nitial _A_ctions relating to criminal investigations
- Provide parents/caregivers with a copy of the pamphlet, ‘When Police visit about your child’s safety’.
What are four things that the IJIP must consider? - SMIPE
- The immediate Safety of the child involved and any other children who may be identified as being at risk
- Referral to a Medical practitioner and authority to do so
- The management of the Initial interview with the child
- Collection of any _P_hysical _E_vidence such as photographs
Referral of historic cases to OT - what to consider
- Currency and timeframes of offending
- The suspect’s current Access to children
- Nature of offending
- Multiple Victims
What medical information should be made available to investigators investigating non accidental injuries and serious neglect of children in hospital?
- The child’s current Condition and initial prognosis
- What _S_amples have been _O_btained from the child
- What further Tests are planned
- Current treatment
Options for resolving child abuse investigations
- Restorative justice
- Issue of formal warning for a minor assault
- Prosecution
- No further action
Matters to consider during prosecutions
- Criminal Disclosure
- Preparation of Exhibits
- Preparation of video Evidence
- Preparation of _T_estimony, _D_ocuments and _D_epositions
Trace evidence preservation
Victim should refrain from:
- Eating or drinking
- Smoking
- Brushing teeth or rinsing mouth
- Brushing or combing hair
- Changing clothing
- Going to the toilet - if necessary capture urine and ask them not to wipe
- Washing hands or biting nails
- Washing and showering
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 1
Explain to the victim:
- That the Exam:
- will be conducted by a _D_octor specially trained in _E_xamining ASA victims
- has health Benefits
- can help Police obtain evidence to arrest Offender
- That it will take a couple of Hours
- They have a choice as to gender of doctor and you will do your best to ACcommodate their wishes
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 2
Contact the medical forensic practitioner on call and:
- Advise Age and gender of victim - may impact on the practitioner’s suitability
- Advise when assault is _B_elieved to have _O_ccurred
- Give very brief outline of known info eg, whether Drugs involved; injury details; level of intoxication
- Discuss victim’s wishes re - Gender of examining practitioner
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 3
Arrange times for the medical forensic practitioner to be at the examination venue and provide access to the examination room when necessary.
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 4
Ensure the victim has had the opportunity to speak to a specialist sexual assault support worker.
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 5
Use toxicology kits for early evidence capture in appropriate cases, pending the medical/forensic examination.
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 6
Unless you are sure a change of clothing (including undergarments) will be available at the examination venue, arrange a change of clothing for the victim for after their examination.
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 7
If necessary take an MEK kit for use at the examination venue.
Before conducting the medical forensic examination - step 8
Ensure the officer attending the examination has all the relevant information so that the practitioner can be fully briefed.
Examination procedure - step 1
The attending officer should ensure the medical forensic practitioner has not been in contact with any suspects before the examination and that an unexpired MEK and toxicology kit (where relevant) is available.
Examination procedure - step 2
The attending officer provides the practitioner with all relevant information available to Police at that time about the nature of the sexual assault (eg the victim’s body position or where they said they were licked or kissed).
- A considerable number of sexual assault victims do not fully or initially disclose the extent of their attack, particularly oral or anal contact.
- Disclosures not made during a preliminary interview may be made during a medical forensic examination.
Examination procedure - step 3
After conducting the examination, the practitioner:
- Seals and labels all samples with the victim’s name, date and time they were taken and places them within the MEK
- Bags, seals and labels any items of clothing removed during the examination.
Examination procedure - step 4 - NEPEIDS
Before the MEK is sealed, the attending officer debriefs with the practitioner asking them to:
- Advise on victim Needs
- Summarise the Exhibits and possible significance
- Advise whether Photographs were taken during exam
- Identify items that need to go to ESR ASAP
- Identify Injuries that should be photographed (ie, non-intimate injuries)
- Identify Disclosures made by the victim
All information goes in O/C file’s Statement and attached to the case file.
Examination procedure - step 5
The practitioner seals the MEK and hands it to Police along with the toxicology kit (where relevant) and clothing removed during the examination for preservation of evidence and/or subsequent analysis.
Examination procedure - step 6
Police secure the sealed kit in an appropriate refrigerator (not a freezer). Once it is established that analysis is required, follow local procedures for the delivery of specimens to ESR as soon as possible (if the kit contains evidence requiring urgent analysis then send it without delay).
Examination procedure - step 7
Police collect and preserve any clothing worn by the victim during the offence that has not already been bagged by the medical forensic practitioner.
Appropriately package and label each item of clothing separately to avoid cross-contamination.
What is to be considered before an initial approach to a suspect of adult sexual abuse?
- The location and Situation (alone or in a family or work situation)
- Follow up Options
- Investigator’s style, manner and Approach
- The possible Perceptions of the suspect and what they may interpret as occurring
- The time of Day
Medical examination of suspects. Ask the practitioner to … SEMI
- Take appropriate Samples from the suspect
- Record any comments or Explanations made by the suspect about the cause of injuries or other relevant comments made.
- Give their opinion of the suspect’s Mental condition so that Police obtain a further psychiatric opinion where necessary
- Note any Injuries such as scratches or bruising and how this may have originated
CPP 12 key process points - overview
- Record incident, event, or occurrence
- Initial attendance
- Gather and process forensics
- Assess and link case
- Prioritise case
- Investigate case
- Resolution decision/action
- Prepare case
- Court process
- Case disposal and/or filing